I am not really getting what you were looking for then. A simple search for e.g. 'sound processing library' returns loads of alternatives.
But then: I am not expecting to find a ready-to-call function in my favorite language, isolated from any function that I do not need. I'll take any alternative in any c-class language, from k&r C to C++ to Java to C#, or even Python, and I'd be prepared to rewrite it in a language / form / framework suiting my needs. In other words, I don't expect to use it as a black box but to understand the code.
12-15 years ago I did that for reverb functions, using Csound[^]. A lot has happened with Csound since then. Dynamic compression was not in my list of requirements, but I'd be very surprised if it is not available in the library.
If you consider Csound, you must be prepared to translate from plain C to C#, but that is nice way to get to know the code.
Thank you for the hint. I will take a look at it
I wana Know how to Campare audio files Waves using c#.net i wana create an application which is More Like Shazam
Good. So you've got some ideas there for areas you need to research, possibly including reading articles. What do you need from us?
This space for rent
Pete O'Hanlon wrote: What do you need from us? Since this is the discussion forum and not the QA I would expect they are looking for a discussion.
There are two kinds of people in the world: those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.
There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't.
I suggest to start doing some research.
Using your favorite serach engine with something like "c# compare wav files" would be a good start.
Shazam (service) - Wikipedia[^] is providing also some information:
Quote: Shazam uses a smartphone or computer's built-in microphone to gather a brief sample of audio being played. It creates an acoustic fingerprint based on the sample and compares it against a central database for a match. The keywords are acoustic fingerprint and database which might be the next search terms besides recording audio.
I want to send a http request from client to server by adding some headers and want to retrieve back those headers at server side .can some one give me the whole code for this i.e., including clent and server if possible.
Thank you in advance .
When you send those extra headers to the server, you do so by adding them to the collection of default headers, on the server side you can do the same. You can extract them from the headers collection attached with the request.
We do not provide "whole code" for anything, there are however several ways to get the code or explanation from CodeProject, first of all search for this concept "headers c# http client" in the top right corner, and find yourself a useful article.
Secondly, consider using Google and append " codeproject" to search for project content, and the best way is to show us what you have done. Show us your attempt at solving this problem, and we will help you with making it work.
The sh*t I complain about
It's like there ain't a cloud in the sky and it's raining out - Eminem
~! Firewall !~
down vote
I am using clientCache in my web.config:
<clientCache cacheControlMode="UseMaxAge"cacheControlMaxAge="30.00:00:00"/>
and in the controller on action I am using the OutputCache attribute:
[OutputCache(Duration = 300)] // 300 for 5 mins
The problem is I am getting the error in google speed insight
thanks in advance
Your question wasn't entirely clear when you posted it on StackOverflow:
.net - Leverage browser caching for images in mvc using c# - Stack Overflow[^]
It's even less clear here, because you didn't link to the screen-shot or tell us what the error is.
As Dávid Molnár said in the StackOverflow comments, you need to update your question to show how the images are being generated, and the HTTP response headers for the image request. You can use the browser's developer tools, or an external tool like Fiddler[^], to see the headers.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I have a text file that contains html tags. I like to use C# to read this file and list all the src attributes of tags.
I was wondering how I can read through my file and list all of them.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Use an existing HTML parser: MIL HTML Parser[^] - let it handle the "donkey work" for you.
Bad command or file name. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaaay...
AntiTwitter: @DalekDave is now a follower!
That was a nice project but the problem is my content is coming from a json file, not a single html page.
It would have been nice to include that important little tidbit in your original post.
NewtonSoft's JSON library makes it easy to load and parse a JSON file. After that, you can use what OriginalGriff suggested.
Oh ok, thanks guys, I will give it a try then
Actually in the end, I found it much easier for the task to be done in Python using the following code:
import urllib
f = urllib.urlopen("URL")
s = f.read()
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(s)
inputTags = soup.find_all("img", attrs={"src":True})
output = [ x["src"] for x in inputTags ]
print output
And yep I know this is C# forum!
Warm greetings. I am trying to find out if there is a way of editing/updating something on a website using a piece of software made in C#. By this I mean, if the website prompts a user to enter a number for some field and displays it on the site, then can I not carry out the exact same steps in the software so I don't have to go to the website to enter/amend/?
A quick fictional example. I have built a small software related to a random number generator. This software shows two pieces of information independent of each other. One generates any random number by computer and two, shows a number (using a WebClient Class to scrape data from the website) from the website which asks the user to manually enter any random number which then displays on the site.
Now, is it possible to link these two in a way that when a random number is generated by computer in the software, say number 8, this is then updated on the site which will show it rather than manually going to the site and entering number 8 and then showing it. Is there a specific class that exists for this?
I am sorry for it being long but I hope I was being specific, at least enough to give you a good idea of what it is I am seeking. I hope I don't have to learn another programming language to implement this in my software. I am guessing I need to be familiar with HTML with CSS at maximum.
Thank You.
UPDATE: I have been made to realise this process is called two-way data binding, at least under angular js. My question remains, is there a way of implementing this feature in C# language without learning another?
Sorry, but you are going to have to learn TypeScript (for Angular 2 and up) and probably JavaScript. Don't be afraid of learning other languages - there are plenty of resources that can help you with this.
This space for rent
Thank you for your reply. Once I have learnt typescript, can I combine the needed feature in my C# project so both of the codes in different languages work in harmony?
Thank You.
The TypeScript part transpiles to JavaScript which you would run in the browser. The C# side would run on the server.
This space for rent
I appreciate your valuable reply. So should I learn HTML with CSS and transcript(TS) outside of what I am currently learning which is C#?
And should I just learn TS? I was thinking that if TS is similar to JavaScript (JS), then why not learn JS given its familiarity and resources available online? Or is it because TS would integrate better with C#?
Thank You.
TS is TypeScript and not TranScript. The reason I recommend learning TypeScript is twofold - it's a lot closer to C# so it will reduce your learning curve and Angular 2 was rewritten in TypeScript and most of the examples you'll find for it online have been written in TypeScript rather than JavaScript.
This space for rent
Sorry, typing error. So I need to learn Angular 2 with TS? I have done some research on both TS and JS, is it true the exact same code written in TS can be compiled in JS too? The target website, which I would like to use in conjunction with my software is made in JS. I will only be using this website to scrape data off of it and maybe in two places, updating the integer values but using the software and not on the website.
Again, thanks for all your help. I have copied and saved your answers to my notepad for future.
Oh, and this is the website I intend to learn the proposed language from:
Is this fine?
modified 17-May-17 9:15am.