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GeneralRe: User name and pasword from web page. Pin
Lubos111-Apr-17 9:20
Lubos111-Apr-17 9:20 
QuestionASMX Web Services Pin
Member 1029166110-Apr-17 21:26
Member 1029166110-Apr-17 21:26 
AnswerRe: Create an ASMX web service and a web client to simulate a stock exchange and a user customizable stocks ticker Pin
OriginalGriff10-Apr-17 22:12
mveOriginalGriff10-Apr-17 22:12 
GeneralRe: Create an ASMX web service and a web client to simulate a stock exchange and a user customizable stocks ticker Pin
Member 1029166111-Apr-17 5:03
Member 1029166111-Apr-17 5:03 
GeneralRe: Create an ASMX web service and a web client to simulate a stock exchange and a user customizable stocks ticker Pin
NotPolitcallyCorrect11-Apr-17 5:07
NotPolitcallyCorrect11-Apr-17 5:07 
GeneralMessage Closed Pin
22-Apr-17 17:55
sasolanki00722-Apr-17 17:55 
AnswerRe: Create an ASMX web service and a web client to simulate a stock exchange and a user customizable stocks ticker Pin
OriginalGriff22-Apr-17 19:48
mveOriginalGriff22-Apr-17 19:48 
GeneralMessage Closed Pin
26-Apr-17 19:16
sasolanki00726-Apr-17 19:16 
GeneralRe: Create an ASMX web service and a web client to simulate a stock exchange and a user customizable stocks ticker Pin
OriginalGriff26-Apr-17 20:17
mveOriginalGriff26-Apr-17 20:17 
QuestionRe: Create an ASMX web service and a web client to simulate a stock exchange and a user customizable stocks ticker Pin
ZurdoDev11-Apr-17 4:34
professionalZurdoDev11-Apr-17 4:34 
AnswerRe: ASMX Web Services Pin
Gerry Schmitz11-Apr-17 7:26
mveGerry Schmitz11-Apr-17 7:26 
AnswerRe: ASMX Web Services Pin
sasolanki00730-Apr-17 17:57
sasolanki00730-Apr-17 17:57 
QuestionC# Task Faulted Problem Pin
Kevin Marois10-Apr-17 8:39
professionalKevin Marois10-Apr-17 8:39 
AnswerRe: C# Task Faulted Problem Pin
User 418025410-Apr-17 10:09
User 418025410-Apr-17 10:09 
Did you tried like below?

// The task threw an exception
case TaskStatus.Faulted:
    AddStatus(string.Format("Service '{0}' errored", service.ServiceId));

modified 20-Sep-20 21:01pm.

GeneralRe: C# Task Faulted Problem Pin
Kevin Marois10-Apr-17 10:32
professionalKevin Marois10-Apr-17 10:32 
GeneralRe: C# Task Faulted Problem Pin
User 418025410-Apr-17 10:58
User 418025410-Apr-17 10:58 
AnswerRe: C# Task Faulted Problem Pin
Pete O'Hanlon10-Apr-17 20:21
mvePete O'Hanlon10-Apr-17 20:21 
GeneralRe: C# Task Faulted Problem Pin
Kevin Marois11-Apr-17 4:23
professionalKevin Marois11-Apr-17 4:23 
GeneralRe: C# Task Faulted Problem Pin
Pete O'Hanlon11-Apr-17 5:09
mvePete O'Hanlon11-Apr-17 5:09 
GeneralRe: C# Task Faulted Problem Pin
Kevin Marois11-Apr-17 5:30
professionalKevin Marois11-Apr-17 5:30 
GeneralRe: C# Task Faulted Problem Pin
Kevin Marois11-Apr-17 5:34
professionalKevin Marois11-Apr-17 5:34 
GeneralRe: C# Task Faulted Problem Pin
Kevin Marois11-Apr-17 5:49
professionalKevin Marois11-Apr-17 5:49 
GeneralRe: C# Task Faulted Problem Pin
Pete O'Hanlon11-Apr-17 7:01
mvePete O'Hanlon11-Apr-17 7:01 
GeneralRe: C# Task Faulted Problem Pin
Kevin Marois11-Apr-17 7:06
professionalKevin Marois11-Apr-17 7:06 
GeneralRe: C# Task Faulted Problem Pin
Pete O'Hanlon11-Apr-17 7:55
mvePete O'Hanlon11-Apr-17 7:55 

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