Wait.... No.
Hmm... Maybe?
Your "work" should be done on a different (worker) thread. After you compute each step, you update the value of "progress".
The main thread should have a timer (like, 50ms or so). It should query the value of "progress", and update the progress bar.
Easy peasy
-- LogWizard Meet the Log Viewer that makes monitoring log files a joy!
thanks that did the trick !
1. While running loop to browse handle each record in Form1 and assign into cell with string: "processing" it is not assign "processing" when it runs through, when loop end new assignment string "xxx.." into cell, are you know why ? , While tracking Debug.Print command ("Processing... "); ran pass
bool bCalculator = false;
while (i < gridView1.RowCount)
gridView1.SetRowCellValue(i, "Status", "Processing...");
gridView1.RefreshRow(i); // Not working
//gridView1.RefreshData(); // Not working
Debug.Print("Processing... ");
bCalculator = objclsProcessing.Calculator(row);
2. While running GridView1 not show the flow (row of gridview) is running?
Member 2458467 wrote: Thread.Sleep(100);
You should never sleep in the UI thread.
You should have one or more worker threads that do the work, and have a way to notify the UI thread when the work is complete. At which point you refresh each row in the grid.
-- LogWizard Meet the Log Viewer that makes monitoring log files a joy!
I would of done somthing similar as
foreach(dataGridViewRow dr in GridView1.Rows)
dr.cells["thisCellName"].Value = "Processing..";
Every day, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians.
Help end the violence EAT BACON
I also tried your way and then when the run was faulty on
while (i < dataGridView1.Rows.Count) //
dataGridView1["Status", i].Value = "Processing...";
As I stated earlier I use a foreach loop over the datagridview and not a while loop
foreach(DataGridviewRow dr in dataGridView1.Rows)
dr.Cell["CellName"].Value = "Processing..";
Every day, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians.
Help end the violence EAT BACON
I also tried your way but still not be
foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in dataGridView1.Rows)
dr.Cell["CellName"].Value = "Processing..";
Whats happening?
What is the datasource?
Is there an error message?
Every day, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians.
Help end the violence EAT BACON
I find examples of the GridView (or datagridview) handled by each line as follows:
including field: "ID", "CONTRACT", "COMPANY", "STATUS"
assuming there is processor Class and Form contains the GridView (or datagridview) will browser each row by a for loop or while loop, ... if not press the Play button, the column: "STATUS" value = empty (), when press the Play button to start running and treats each row, when browsing to at row, the row that are colored and that cell is assigned the phrase "processing...", if the process is complete by Class Process, the cell run assign the word "success", the reverse cell assigned word "not process", if the data fails to assign the cell words: "faulty data", noting that the data assigned to the cell of the column "STATUS "is in the function or procedure of handling class grade is assigned ("processing... ","not processing ", ...). you see attach file
modified 29-Nov-15 21:36pm.
I currently have C++ server and C# client which communicate well using sockets.
But I may need to add some functionality on server side, and I prefer to do that using C# - so can I write a proxy c# application which will receive requests from client, do some processing and forward that to C++ server? and then back to client? is it possible?
Well...yes...but why?
That's a rather convoluted solution to a problem.
Why not call the C# code on the server? If the C++ code is managed, then it will call it without any problems. If it isn't, then it's not complicated to do: Google "call c# code from unmanaged c++"[^]
Bad command or file name. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaaay...
It's entirely possible provided that security allows it. What you're trying to do could be viewed as a 'man-in-the-middle' attack though so if you've got transport level security on you're going to run into trouble.
I wrote some code a while back to do just this, create a proxy for WCF net.tcp services on other boxes. Where you have multiple services talking to each other on the same box, you can debug one locally and create proxies to real services elsewhere.
Drop me a line if you want some code, but it doesn't inspect the message at all, just intercept and relay.
Rob Philpott.
Thanks but would not writing it be exactly same as writing ordinary
C# client and server using sockets? Just server would get message from other C# client, then forward it to C++ server?
TcpListener/TcpClient on way in, TcpClient on way through.
Rob Philpott.
Would this be efficient?
Or make my program much slower in general?
i need to prepare for C# interview so any one can suggest a best books for links to crack the interview
If only there were a book called, oh I don't know, having experience in the language. That's your best book there. Sure, you can review the fundamentals in something like Jon Skeet's C# In Depth, but it's experience that cracks interviews, not cramming on a book beforehand.
This space for rent
Books, tutorials, and "interview question" sheets won't help you: the only way to "crack the interview" is actually to know your subject, and apply for jobs that use stuff you know well.
Ignoring that a technical book on C# is likely to be 1000+ pages and take a good long time to read properly, especially if you do the exercises - without which there isn't a lot of point in reading it at all - anything you can pick up and read in a couple of days before an interview will be useless as soon as the interviewers ask for a deeper explanation, or a follow up question.
Get experience, know your subject well, and apply for suitable jobs. That is the only way to get a job instead of other applicants who do exactly that...
Bad command or file name. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaaay...
An interview is to see if your levels of knowledge match what the company is looking for. If you try and cheat the process and make it look like you know more than you do then that is unethical and doesn't help the company or you. How would you like it if you paid someone to work on your car, and when they started you find out they don't know much about cars and had misrepresented themselves in order to convince you to hire them?
The reason so many questions are posted here that are simply people trying to get others to do their work for them is because they are in jobs they are not suitable for, probably because they cheated their interview too.
Having just done 12 interviews to hire 2 contractors my advice is forget it! If you can tell me why you did something, in detail with the supporting arguments your toast. Longest interview was 1 hour 20 minutes, shortest 12 minutes.
Also make sure you can speak the language, well, if I struggle to understand your accent you are not going to get the gig!
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Rather than a C# handbook, the more important things to know are:
- Your recent projects, technical details about them, in addition to where they fit into the big picture,
- Were you just listening to instructions in this project, or did you propose suggestions, design changes, and why. What difference did you make?
- What aspects of these projects could you have done better, in hindsight,
- What did you learn during the last six months; do you have any evidence of this, in terms of producing artifacts.