Mailkit[^] is an excellent .Net library that covers emailing.
Hope this helps.
Everyone dies - but not everyone lives
modified 25-Sep-14 8:35am.
The hamsters have eaten your link:
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Thanks for that - fixed ! Damn Hamsters !
Everyone dies - but not everyone lives
I think finding examples in French will be a bit difficult, unless you have your own forums in France.
I think this article describes what you want to do.
A POP3 Client in C# .NET[^]
I have developed one application in this application I have one System.Timers.Timer. Timer is set with 200 millisecond interval.
Now my problem is elapsed event is not triggered with exact 200 millisecond it takes some extra time.
Is there any solution to get event?
Please help me.
-- modified 25-Sep-14 5:51am.
Please describe:
1. how you are currently measuring the time of the elapsed event: show the code for this.
2. how far-off from the expected 200 ms. is the time of the elapsed event ?
« I had therefore to remove knowledge, in order to make room for belief » Immanuel Kant
You do realize that Windows is not a real-time operating system?
You're not going to get a perfect 200ms timer no matter what you do. There is always overhead no matter which timer you're using because of the other few hundred threads on system.
i hard dependency injection can be implemented like constructor injection, getter/setter injection, service locator. i just know the term but not well familiar how to implement it writing code. so anyone can redirect me to good starter article on dependency injection implementation with many ways like constructor injection, getter/setter injection, service locator etc. thanks
How about starting to do some research on your own before you post these very broad open-ended questions ?
Like: searching CodeProject, and reading relevant articles here ?
« I had therefore to remove knowledge, in order to make room for belief » Immanuel Kant
I have updated my answer. Please look in to that link.
Please up vote if it helped you
Thanks And Regards
I want to make USB Blocker Using vb.net or C# in windows Application.Can anyone help me
Do you want to disable the USB ports in the PC?
Yes. But keyboard and mouse will be work.
Thanking you
thank you sir.I want to show on Windows balloon tool tip and the taskbar notification area when the software is running.Please Help
Thanking you
Eh, what software?
Is this a new question or related to blocking USB ports?
yes its related to USB port.I implement the software it work in windows platform. I want to run this software in Linux platform.Is it possible?
Thanking You,
Debapriyo Saha
I have no idea, but you do have a browser on your computer, right?
Then follow these steps and you will find the answer.
1. Start your browser.
2. Select your favorite search engine, like Google or Bing or whatever.
3. Copy this string "block USB ports linux" into the search field.
4. Press Enter or click the search button.
5. Select one of the links that will appear.
6. Read about the subject.
7. Solve the problem.
8. Done.
If you just want to disable/enable all USB ports you can use this code. Note, you must have administrator privileges to change the registry.
Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\USBSTOR", "Start", 4, Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.DWord);
Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\USBSTOR", "Start", 3, Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.DWord);
Read More : code for USB Blocking in c#[^]
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Thanks And Regards
I am having a no of word files .Each word file have some common heading.I want to retrieve the content under the common heading from all files.
For example for a no of resumes have the same heading like objective,qualification etc.I want to list the content under these particular heading using c#
Anybody know please help me to solve