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AnswerRe: how to check vaild email address? Pin
Bernhard Hiller28-Sep-14 22:03
Bernhard Hiller28-Sep-14 22:03 
GeneralRe: how to check vaild email address? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon28-Sep-14 22:15
mvePete O'Hanlon28-Sep-14 22:15 
GeneralRe: how to check vaild email address? Pin
Richard Deeming29-Sep-14 1:42
mveRichard Deeming29-Sep-14 1:42 
AnswerRe: how to check vaild email address? Pin
jschell29-Sep-14 7:49
jschell29-Sep-14 7:49 
Questioninvoke method in derived classes vs. invoke method in base class: C# language question Pin
BillWoodruff27-Sep-14 21:56
professionalBillWoodruff27-Sep-14 21:56 
AnswerRe: invoke method in derived classes vs. invoke method in base class: C# language question Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter27-Sep-14 22:47
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter27-Sep-14 22:47 
GeneralRe: invoke method in derived classes vs. invoke method in base class: C# language question Pin
BillWoodruff27-Sep-14 23:44
professionalBillWoodruff27-Sep-14 23:44 
AnswerRe: invoke method in derived classes vs. invoke method in base class: C# language question Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter27-Sep-14 23:55
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter27-Sep-14 23:55 
GeneralRe: invoke method in derived classes vs. invoke method in base class: C# language question Pin
Richard Deeming29-Sep-14 1:40
mveRichard Deeming29-Sep-14 1:40 
AnswerRe: invoke method in derived classes vs. invoke method in base class: C# language question Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter29-Sep-14 2:06
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter29-Sep-14 2:06 
Questionexecuting multiple sql select queries in ms access using c# Pin
nishadamit9027-Sep-14 21:32
nishadamit9027-Sep-14 21:32 
QuestionXSD question... Pin
SledgeHammer0126-Sep-14 15:41
SledgeHammer0126-Sep-14 15:41 
QuestionRe: XSD question... Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Sep-14 21:37
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Sep-14 21:37 
QuestionRe: XSD question... Pin
George Jonsson27-Sep-14 3:55
professionalGeorge Jonsson27-Sep-14 3:55 
AnswerRe: XSD question... Pin
SledgeHammer0127-Sep-14 6:26
SledgeHammer0127-Sep-14 6:26 
AnswerRe: XSD question... Pin
George Jonsson27-Sep-14 13:21
professionalGeorge Jonsson27-Sep-14 13:21 
GeneralRe: XSD question... Pin
SledgeHammer0127-Sep-14 14:21
SledgeHammer0127-Sep-14 14:21 
GeneralRe: XSD question... Pin
George Jonsson27-Sep-14 15:13
professionalGeorge Jonsson27-Sep-14 15:13 
GeneralRe: XSD question... Pin
SledgeHammer0127-Sep-14 16:00
SledgeHammer0127-Sep-14 16:00 
GeneralRe: XSD question... Pin
George Jonsson27-Sep-14 20:21
professionalGeorge Jonsson27-Sep-14 20:21 
GeneralRe: XSD question... Pin
SledgeHammer0128-Sep-14 7:10
SledgeHammer0128-Sep-14 7:10 
QuestionRecommendations on VB.Net to C# code conversion tool Pin
Vipul Mehta26-Sep-14 8:31
Vipul Mehta26-Sep-14 8:31 
QuestionRe: Recommendations on VB.Net to C# code conversion tool Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Sep-14 10:16
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Sep-14 10:16 
QuestionRe: Recommendations on VB.Net to C# code conversion tool Pin
Vipul Mehta26-Sep-14 10:23
Vipul Mehta26-Sep-14 10:23 
AnswerRe: Recommendations on VB.Net to C# code conversion tool Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Sep-14 21:27
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Sep-14 21:27 

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