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GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
Pete O'Hanlon31-Mar-14 4:38
mvePete O'Hanlon31-Mar-14 4:38 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
remiki31-Mar-14 4:57
remiki31-Mar-14 4:57 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated PinPopular
Dave Kreskowiak31-Mar-14 4:48
mveDave Kreskowiak31-Mar-14 4:48 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
remiki31-Mar-14 5:11
remiki31-Mar-14 5:11 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
remiki31-Mar-14 5:15
remiki31-Mar-14 5:15 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
Pete O'Hanlon31-Mar-14 5:25
mvePete O'Hanlon31-Mar-14 5:25 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
remiki31-Mar-14 5:42
remiki31-Mar-14 5:42 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
Pete O'Hanlon31-Mar-14 5:48
mvePete O'Hanlon31-Mar-14 5:48 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
Dave Kreskowiak31-Mar-14 17:47
mveDave Kreskowiak31-Mar-14 17:47 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
V.31-Mar-14 21:50
professionalV.31-Mar-14 21:50 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
remiki31-Mar-14 23:13
remiki31-Mar-14 23:13 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
V.31-Mar-14 23:27
professionalV.31-Mar-14 23:27 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
Dave Kreskowiak1-Apr-14 2:15
mveDave Kreskowiak1-Apr-14 2:15 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
Pete O'Hanlon1-Apr-14 2:53
mvePete O'Hanlon1-Apr-14 2:53 
Open the code file and click on the line that assigns the bytea array. Press F9 and you should see a red circle appear to the left of the code line - this is a breakpoint (to remove it, press F9 on that line again). Press F5 to run your application in debug mode and trigger the bit of code that populates your image. Step over the line of code by pressing F10. Right click on the variable btpht and select QuickWatch from the popup menu. You should see btpht in the Expression. To see the value, either expand the variable in the listview below or type btpht.Length in the expression and click Reevaluate.
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
remiki1-Apr-14 4:03
remiki1-Apr-14 4:03 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
Pete O'Hanlon1-Apr-14 4:15
mvePete O'Hanlon1-Apr-14 4:15 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
remiki1-Apr-14 4:36
remiki1-Apr-14 4:36 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
Pete O'Hanlon1-Apr-14 4:47
mvePete O'Hanlon1-Apr-14 4:47 
AnswerRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
remiki1-Apr-14 5:02
remiki1-Apr-14 5:02 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
Richard Deeming31-Mar-14 6:13
mveRichard Deeming31-Mar-14 6:13 
GeneralRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
remiki1-Apr-14 5:30
remiki1-Apr-14 5:30 
AnswerRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
remiki1-Apr-14 5:33
remiki1-Apr-14 5:33 
AnswerRe: L'Exception ArgumentException was not Operated Pin
remiki2-Apr-14 23:44
remiki2-Apr-14 23:44 
QuestionJquery Easy UI DataGrid not show after publish Pin
nurealam30-Mar-14 22:56
nurealam30-Mar-14 22:56 
AnswerRe: Jquery Easy UI DataGrid not show after publish Pin
Pete O'Hanlon31-Mar-14 0:44
mvePete O'Hanlon31-Mar-14 0:44 

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