This[^] author has written a whole series of articles on creating a custom search engine. It's rather wonderful.
Thanks Pete O'Hanlon. I already seen that Populating a Search Engine with a C# Spider. I executes the code myself and find that, the problem is the code search the contents within the local server not in a web.
OK. Sir, Can you explain how to use[^] the code to search the contents from the internet.
I advised you to look at all his articles. This[^] one moved onto web searching.
To be honest, you probably don't - not unless you have very, very deep pockets. The hardware Google uses to run their search engine consumes between 500 and 680 megawatts of power: about the same as the total output of two or three coal fired power stations. The cost of this alone is staggering, without the cost of the hardware behind it, or repairs to that hardware - and Google replaces a faulty HDD every minute or less...
Find yourself a project that doesn't require such massive storage capacity!
Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it. --- George Santayana (December 16, 1863 – September 26, 1952)
Those who fail to clear history are doomed to explain it. --- OriginalGriff (February 24, 1959 – ∞)
I agree with you sir. But I need to do with my own hand. I want develop a simple featured text-based search engine.
"All fishes know how to swim in sea"
Oh Griff!!!, You're turning down a future entrepreneur. If Sergey and Larry had consulted you, we'd not be having Google today
At a minimum, you need a server infrastructure that hosts the search page, the crawler, storage, etc.
Write a crawler that will hit the home page of the site you're trying to index, extract all the links in the page and recursively crawls each the links and saves the url along with the keywords, images, etc.
Write a search component that will search the indexed pages using the keywords and present the url of the pages to the user.
Hi, Please help me to convert from "\\r\\n" into "\r\n" .
I am giving input from registry to class i.e. "\r\n" and my code is converting into "\\r\\n". But i need in "\r\n" to get the results.
Can you show the code in your input?
It is very possible that you have no handle of escaped chars as \r (remember it is ONE char the backslash - called escape - is there to tell you we do not talk about a r as is, but we want to assign to it a special meaning).
I'm not questioning your powers of observation; I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is. (V)
if (SuffixValue != null)
_RCVData =_SetSerialPort.ReadTo(SuffixValue);
_RCVData = _SetSerialPort.ReadLine();
I am doing these things...I am passing "\r\n" to variable SuffixValue but in code its coming \\r\\n.
When i do hard coding instead of variable i.e. "\r\n" then its working fine.
As I told - when you hard-code the value your IDE handles the escaped characters (convert \r\n to two characters), however when it comes via some port read it still a character sequence of four characters. You have to check your source (port) how it generates the string. maybe teach it to do in C way or add some handling of your own...
I'm not questioning your powers of observation; I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is. (V)
SuffixValue = _deviceSettingsKeys.GetValue("ReceiveSuffix", "");
if (SuffixValue != null)
_RCVData = _SetSerialPort.ReadTo(SuffixValue);
_RCVData = _SetSerialPort.ReadLine();
Can you fix this, how i should do this.
You should do some string replace...
* find escape character (\)
* check if next character has special meaning after escape
* replace the pair with the real one...
I'm not questioning your powers of observation; I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is. (V)
I can do that things whatever you are telling, but here problem is when take harcoded value "\r\n" instead of SuffixValue then its working fine, but when i pass use variable then its not working....can you post any way to do it.
Thanks Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
I'm going to bet that your code isn't really converting it into \\r\\n. I rather suspect that you have put a breakpoint in your code (well done for that), and you are inspecting the value in the debugger - this is why it appears to be incorrect. The debugger shows escape characters as double slash, rather than single slash - but the underlying value is still a single slash.
No, when i pass \r\n from registry
if (SuffixValue != null)
_RCVData = _SetSerialPort.ReadTo(SuffixValue);
_RCVData = _SetSerialPort.ReadLine();
From the registry i am taking suffix value "\r\n". When i do hard coding then its working fine:
When i take using variables then its not reading. When i use variable then getting System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
if (SuffixValue != null)
_RCVData = _SetSerialPort.ReadTo("\r\n");
_RCVData = _SetSerialPort.ReadLine();
modified 18-Feb-14 6:12am.
Yes correct exactly i am doing the same what you mention in your comment
Ok Ok...i am agree with you, what you are telling is correct. But can you run this and check why its not showing the TRUE results:::
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string check = "324214234\r\n";
RegistryKey regKey = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\\MyRegKey\\Settings");
regKey.SetValue("ReceiveSplChar", @"\r\n");
string value = regKey.GetValue("ReceiveSplChar").ToString();
if (check.Contains(value))
The reason is to do with what you are writing to the registry. By putting @"\r\n", you have told the application to write a slash followed by r followed by a slash followed by an n. These are four separate characters. Change that line to:
regKey.SetValue("ReceiveSplChar", "\r\n"); It will now work.
It may useful to you. [*]
Datetime can't be change to other format [dd/MM/yyyy] to [MM/dd/yyyy],[yyyy/MM/dd],... like that
<pre lang="text">
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="JqueryDate.aspx.cs" Inherits="DtPicker.JqueryDate" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head >
<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="Scripts/jquery.jdpicker.js"></script>
<link href="Scripts/jdpicker.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// $(document).ready(function () {
// });
$("#Country").change(function () {
var ddl_value = $('#Country').val();
location.reload(); // datepicker select to reload
date_format: $("#dt").val()
//date_format:"MM dd YYYY"
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<select id="Country">
<option value="dd/mm/YYYY">Ind dd/mm/YYYY</option>
<option value="FF dd YYYY">Russia FF dd YYYY</option>
<option value="dd MM YYYY">Qatar dd MM YYYY</option>
<option value="MM dd YYYY">Japan MM dd YYYY</option>
<option value="dd FF YYYY">Singapore dd FF YYYY</option>
<option value="YYYY/mm/dd">Canada YYYY/mm/dd</option>
<div class="jdpicker_w">
<p>Date:<input type="text" id="dt" size="30" class="jdpicker"/></p>
// JS file
I am using this datetime picker.
how to solve this issue?
Please use the "code" button to markup your code as such. it will wrap the code in <pre> tags making it clearer to view.
This is how I set the datetimeformat in JQueries datetimepicker:
showSecond: true,
dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
timeFormat: "hh:mm:ss",
yearRange: "-500:+10",
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true
it is actually an overriden datetimepicker. see here : http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/[^]
You do know that on the JQuery homepage there is a complete API with samples ?
Hope this helps.
Please do not cross post between forums - you already have this question in JS forum, it's place is there...for sure not c#!!!
I'm not questioning your powers of observation; I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is. (V)
Not only have you posted this in the wrong forum, you've already posted it twice in the JavaScript forum, and twice in Quick Answers.
You have already been given several answers, which you seem to have ignored.
You've been a member of this site for nearly seven years. You've had plenty of time to realise that reposting the same question, or posting the same question in different forums, is frowned upon. You only need to annoy five people enough to have them report your account for you to get kicked off the site.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I have a POS software with a txtBarCode textbox. I want when the user scan the bar code and after the textbox was idle for 3 seconds to run find_product() class?
How can I do this please?
also if you have a better idea to perform the same?
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