I have a web service where I need to create a very large bitmap 15,000 x 15,900 x 32bpp. Code fails on my machine (Parameter is not valid exception). On the IIS server, I can create about 85 or so before I get the Parameter is not valid exception. I do NOT keep all 85 in memory if that was your next question .
Workflow is pretty much:
1) Get image request
2) Create 15,000 x 15,900 x 32bpp bitmap
3) Do stuff to it
4) Convert it to 1bpp and return the bytes
I've changed my code around so I call Dispose() on the various Graphics objects every step of the way the second I don't need them anymore, but no luck. The bitmap in Step #2 has to be 32bpp.
Originally I had 10,000 x 10,900 bitmaps and I could process a whole set without crashing (710+). Unfortunately, QA requested the bitmaps to be 15,000 x 15,900. Trying to see how far I get by dropping to 14,000 x 14,900.
I suspect this has to do with the Large Object Heap fragmentation?
One of the recomendations I've seen on the net is to just create a single 15,000 x 15,900 object and re-use it.
Not sure how that would work in a web service. Each simultaneous request needs a 15,000 x 15,900 bitmap of its own.
Saw there is something in .NET 4.5.1 to compact the large object heap... might try that next if the 14k images don't work.
Check your project, are you compiling it for x64, or using AnyCPU? In order to make it be a 64 bit app, everything must be set to x64, or AnyCPU and running on a 64 bit box. Then make sure that the process is a 64 bit process.
I am assuming you have already done that.
Yeah, I'm compiling everything as AnyCPU. I think it's something with the fragmentation.
SledgeHammer01 wrote: 15,000 x 15,900 x 32bpp. Save it to disk; what's the resulting filesize? A Gb?
SledgeHammer01 wrote: Not sure how that would work in a web service. Is it going to be requested often? What frequency?
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
After I convert to 1bpp, the resulting TIF is only 1MB to 2MB, but a 15,000 x 15,000 x 32 bpp is like 800MB to 900MB in memory.
SledgeHammer01 wrote: like 800MB to 900MB in memory. You could do the operation in a separate appdomain (or a separate executable). One can unload an AppDomain, but a separate executable would have to release it's memory on termination.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
Try GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers in addition to GC.Collect and Dispose.
What code are you using to create the Bitmap?
I am not sure if there is an easy way to compile the codes. I have created 1 exe and 4 dlls.
The exe relies (depends) on 4 dlls ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd').
Illustration is as shown below:
exe -> 'a' -> 'c' -> 'd'
-> 'b' ----^
The 'd' dll is the lowest level. The 'd' is referenced in 'c' dll. and so on. Also that 'a' and 'b' dlls are referenced in exe.
Now when making changes in 'c' dll, I would compile the exe but the 'c' dll remains previous version, not updated when compiling the exe. I would have to compile each dlls ('a', and 'b') then the exe so that the updated 'c' dll is passed over to the exe.
Now for the question is there the easy way to compile those dlls at once? Thanks!
<edited>: Forgot to add that I'm using Visual Studio 2010
modified 18-Feb-14 12:56pm.
If you right click on a project in the solution explorer, there's a menu item "Project Dependencies[^]". There you can set which projects a project depends on, and a right compilation order will be figured out based on that.
Found it.. but not sure how to add items in project dependencies. The thing is that the those dlls are seperated (independent) in other folders... I think I need to put those dll projects in the exe project.
Am I right?
Thanks! Now that the solution is much easier to work on and compiling! THANKS A HEAP!
If you're using Visual Studio, you can configure the project dependencies.
Right-click the solution file in Solution Explorer, and choose Properties.
Then go to the "Project Dependencies" set of options.
Set the dependencies so that a depends upon b , and b depends upon c , and so forth.
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
Hey Guys
I am looking for code in asp.net for making user log out if he have open application in multiple tab and log out from one tab then from remaining tab also user should log out how to achieve
like gmail,facebook.
You can't force a user to log out, the most (worst) you can do is pop a message box confirming navigation away from the app.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
I have written the code below. How do I get the "public List<tbl_objecten_tbl_nen2634> TheList" loaded first?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace Bouwgegevens.Gebouwen
public partial class Plan : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!ScriptManager.GetCurrent(this).IsInAsyncPostBack)
private void PopulateMenu()
List<tbl_NEN2634> allMenu = new List<tbl_NEN2634>();
using (DBBouwgegevensEntities dc = new DBBouwgegevensEntities())
allMenu = dc.tbl_NEN2634.ToList();
CreateTreeView(allMenu, 0, null);
public List<tbl_Objecten_tbl_NEN2634> TheList
private void CreateTreeView(List<tbl_NEN2634> source, int parentID, TreeNode parentNode)
int objectID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ObjectID"]);
List<tbl_NEN2634> newSource = (from b in source
join c in TheList
on b.NEN2634ID equals c.NEN2634ID
where b.ParentID == parentID
select b).ToList();
foreach (var i in newSource)
TreeNode newnode = new TreeNode("" + i.NEN2634_Code + "" + " " + i.NEN2634_Titel, i.NEN2634ID.ToString());
if (parentNode == null)
CreateTreeView(source, i.NEN2634ID, newnode);
Please help,
Kind regards
An ASP.net page roughly goes through the following lifecycle:
- init
- load
- Validate
- Render
- Unload
Each has a method you can use to hook in, the signature is of the format protected void Page_Whatever(object sender, EventArgs e) (e.g. protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) ). "Events" (e.g.button clicks) happen between Validate & Render.
If I understand you correctly you need to either populate it in init:
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
or if you if you are doing something with TheList and controls you'd need to do this in the Page_Load as they aren't initialised until this point.
You might want to take a look at ASP.NET Application and Page Life Cycle[^] it tells you what happens when, though it is a little in-depth and covers the whole call lifecycle, not just the page one. Interesting nonetheless.
I have a windows application which has following elements:
- Toolbar
- Microsoft Word Container
When I click inside Word Container, and tries to click the Toolbar buttons; I have to click twice (one to get out of container) and the other (to call the actual method) behind the toolbar click.
I want to get rid this redundant click, please advise.
Danish Samil wrote: Microsoft Word Container
And what would this container be? An ActiveX Control or are you using Windows API hacks to host the entire Word application inside the form? If the case is latter, I doubt if you can do it at all.
I am using Windows API.
Surprisingly toolbar button displays hover effect but the issue is the call to method behind the click - which works by clicking twice as discussed. In addition i tried overriding onmousehover but in vain.
This might give a clue on what to do next.
I played with this concept once. The issue is that when Word is focused, the form is deactivated. You could use the form activated event but that would fire if you jumped to the form using Alt-Tab. The code shown below detects the WM_Activate message sent to the form and verifies that it was generated by a mouse-click.
private const Int32 WM_ACTIVATE = 0x6;
private const Int32 WA_CLICKACTIVE = 0x2;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
base.WndProc(ref m);
if (m.Msg == WM_ACTIVATE && m.WParam.ToInt64() == WA_CLICKACTIVE)
Point pt = toolStrip1.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);
if (toolStrip1.ClientRectangle.Contains(pt))
foreach (ToolStripItem item in toolStrip1.Items)
if (item.Bounds.Contains(pt))
Thanks a thousand times - it worked.
You Rock!
I want to develop a search engine like Google, bing. Which are the things are need to implement the search engine. I need some example code snippets.
Anand. G
"There is no Limits to think!"