No, there is no tool to do the conversion for you.
You'll have to rewrite the entire app from scratch, by hand.
I would suspect a potential redesign as well since if the Android phone can access the database then so can any internet based app and exposing a database directly to the internet is not something that one should do casually.
Probably the easiest way is create a Web GUI for the existing application and use the HTC to browse to that webapp. (if that is an option)
This has baffled me for hours ...
I wrote an addin for an existing program, and when I launch it, it steals focus away from the parent program, even when it is minimized, which I don't want.
I would prefer for it to not steal focus, so that I can click on menu items of the parent program regardless, or for it to at least release focus when I minimize it. Is this possible?
Thanks for reading.
What do you mean by an addin for an existing program?
turbosupramk3 wrote: when I launch it, it steals focus away from the parent program
That's the way Windows is designed to work, why would you not expect it?
Unrequited desire is character building. OriginalGriff
I'm sitting here giving you a standing ovation - Len Goodman
It's not that I don't expect it, it's that I don't want it or I at least want it to release focus if I minimize the window
turbosupramk3 wrote: I at least want it to release focus if I minimize the window
Then you need to capture that action and somehow pass the focus back to the parent. However, you still have not explained how all this fits together so I cannot offer much more than that.
Unrequited desire is character building. OriginalGriff
I'm sitting here giving you a standing ovation - Len Goodman
I used Form.Show() instead of Form.ShowDialog() after I found out one was for a modal form and one for a non-modal form. This seems to have fixed that issue.
Thank you for your help.
It very difficult to decipher what question you are really asking but for what it's worth here is my interpretation.
1) By "addin" you mean an assembly containing the definition of a form.
2) By "launch" you mean display the form.
3) By "steal focus" you mean that the main form of the application is inaccessible until the addin's form is closed.
Based on (3) the addin's form has been displayed via ShowDialog and what you observe is the expected behaviour.
One part of the solution to your problem will be to display the addin form non-modally via the Show method.
However giving the user the ability to access both the addin and main forms will present new problems and you will need to decide what actions are allowable when the addin form is open. For example, will it be reasonable to let the user terminate the application?
Hi Alan,
Thank you for the reply. I did us Form.Show(); instead of Form.ShowDialog(); and ironically enough I now have the exact opposite of my problem. My form is now non-modal, which is what I want, but I would like for it to be brought to the foreground.
1) It is an addin DLL that has a configuration form inside of it. The form configures some of the DLL settings, for when it is ran inside of the parent application.
2) Yes
3) Yes because of ShowDialog();
It is reasonable for the user to terminate the form and dialog, I would just like it to be brought to the foreground now when the form is displayed.
I just tried this code, and it seems to be working ... what do you think?
this.TopMost = true;
this.TopMost = false;
Yes, the TopMost trick would be a fix it but it's interesting to consider why it is needed.
Your observation of the configuration form behind the main form suggests that the main form is the last one to be shown. The desired order can probably be restored by deferring creation of the config form to the main form's Shown event.
An alternative would be to set the main form as the the owner of the config form, but then it would not be possible to bring the main form to the front, which may not be what you want.
Hi Alan,
Thanks for the reply. I'm willing to give that a try, how do I set the main form as owner?
I figured out why the main form loaded last, and have corrected it. It works like it should now, thank you.
I just did some tests by starting notepad from a c# windows form, and yes notepad retains activated status. You can get round this by doing the
(The test form has a textbox and a button)
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Diagnostics.Process p;
p = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("notepad.exe");
Your form will now retain Activated status, and notepad will not be the current active window.
Thank you Dave, I will play around with that now.
I think part of the confusion about this question is that the term "add-in" has several possible meanings in .NET: it may mean a plug-in, which is a Dll dynamically loaded into a certain area of an Application's Window, and, usually, cannot be "dynamically unloaded."
More recently Microsoft's MEF has come on the scene to provide a high-level architecture for plug-in type scenarios.
Some responses to this question have assumed you want to launch another (non .NET) application and make it work with your application (specifically, NotePad).
But, from your later comments on the thread, it seems you are loading a DLL that has a Form ... and, while you never state it directly, one might assume it's a Windows Form from .NET.
If you are loading a DLL, and then showing a .NET Form defined in that DLL, please check out the possible use of setting the 'Owner property of that Form to your Application's main Form.
And, please try, if possible, to be very specific about exactly what it is you are loading, and how it will function/interact along/with your Application.
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Aristotle
Is it possible to use one of the Stream classes to lock a portion of a disk file? How?
I think this might be better than using a mutex to control access to the entire file at once.
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
Yes that's it. I couldn't find that function in the docs prior to you showing me the link!
Thanks. I was hoping they supported that ability.
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
Nice, didn't know that was possible.
xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = xmlDoc.CreateNavigator().AppendChild())
xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("INTERACTIONS", xmlns);
string ipxml =<Data>
I have created an xml document using xmlWriter and having xmlelement
my problem is XML element 'MY_COMPLAINT' contains another XML which is 'ipxml', when the xml file is created MY_COMPLAINT element contains ipxml as a string but i want it has to be its Child element
how can i convert ipxml string to be as child node of MY_COMPLAINT
as xmlwriter.WriteString accepts parameters as a string.
Help me out.
Thanks in advanced..
Don't ask for urgent help, its rude. This is a volunteer site and people will answer you on their time, not yours.
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I'm also a huge fan of posts that end with "Thanks in advance!" which basically means you'll never see or hear from the OP again unless they couldn't figure out your answer .