looks like a case of deja vu...the matrix must have changed something
1001111111011101111100111100101011110011110100101110010011010010 Sonork | 100.21142 | TheEclypse
I'm new to C#.NET programming and I have little knowledge on C++. I'm trying to write a project which will convert a decimal number to hex and hex to decimal. I tried "Convert.ToInt" but couldn't get the result.
If anyone would help me about this problem, I would be appreciate it very much.
This should work:
string ToHex(int number)
return number.ToString("X");
int FromHex(string number)
return int.Parse(number,
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined." - Homer
Anyone know of one?
Chris Maunder
I've got one that I wrote a while ago using straight C++ so I was thinking of porting either it or Tidy - but was hoping someone else had done the legwork before me.
Chris Maunder
Chris Lovett posted a C# SGML reader to GotDotNet a while back:
"SgmlReader is an XmlReader API over any SGML document. A command line utility is also provided which outputs the well formed XML result. HTML is an SGML grammar, so you can use this tool to convert HTML into well-formed XML."
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined." - Homer
Nope, but have considered writting one.
Fear not my insanity, fear the mind it protects.
Hi All,
I am working on a C# based Windows application.Using the following code
create an Excel object.
Excel.Application ExcelObj = new Excel.Application();
Its workin fine for me, the problem is that i want to destroy this
when i exit form my method.
I am not able to delete this object.
Calling GC.Collect() Or MArshal.ReleaseComObject() waz not of any help.
Pls help.
Here is a code snippet from a class I'm using to export some data from an excel sheet. I think it answers your question.
private Excel.ApplicationClass m_objExcel = null;
private Excel.Workbooks m_objBooks = null;
private Excel._Workbook m_objBook = null;
private Excel._Worksheet m_objSheet = null;
private Excel.Range m_objRange = null;
private object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
FileInfo inf = new FileInfo(excelFileName);
m_objExcel = new Excel.ApplicationClass();
m_objExcel.Visible = false;
m_objBooks = m_objExcel.Workbooks;
m_objBook = m_objBooks.Open(inf.FullName, oMissing, oMissing,
oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing,
oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing);
m_objSheet = (Excel._Worksheet)m_objBook.Sheets[2];
string transformFileName = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.cvt",inf.DirectoryName,inf.Name);
activeFile = new FileInfo(transformFileName);
catch(Exception ex)
throw ex;
if( m_objBook != null)
m_objBook.Close(false, oMissing, oMissing);
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject (m_objBook);
m_objBook = null;
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject (m_objBooks);
m_objBooks = null;
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject (m_objExcel);
m_objExcel = null;
Regulation is the substitution of error for chance.
Hi , ive asked this before , but does ANYONE know how to make a borderless window behave like a tooltip?
meaning , it should not steal focus from the app that shows it (grayout the apps caption)
i need to be able to place controls on the 'tooltip' but they dont need to be able to hold focus , just as long as i can click them and the click events work...
currently im doing some nasty wndproc hack , scanning for the wm_ncactivate message , and setting focus back to the parent window... but this causes the parents caption to redraw , so there is some minor flicker (but still annoying)
any idea?
If you're using Windows 2000 or higher, you can override the CreateParams property, and add WS_EX_NOACTIVATE to the ExStyle property:
class TooltipForm : Form
protected const int WS_EX_NOACTIVATE = 0x08000000;
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
return cp;
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined." - Homer
hmmm.. it dont seem to work ...
using win2k and c# , setting the window to "Topmost=true"
it still steal focus..
Excuse-me for my stupid question, In WebForm, I would like to create a button that allow to open html page.(link with parameter ex: qsdf.asp?Text=tete) in the same browser (and other browser). How can I do that?
In your event handler for your Button you can Response.Write your javascript code to load a new window and change the location of your current browser. This gives you a dynamic effect.
js references
window.open, href.location
public void OnClickButton1(object sender, EventArgs e){<br />
Response.Write("<javascript>window.open("www.codeproject.com");</javascript> );<br />
<br />
Note: code was written from memory, it is meant only for a guide
R.Bischoff | C++
.NET, Kommst du mit?
Sorry I tested and you code don't work, I modify your in this manner Response.Write("<javascript>window.open(\"www.codeproject.com\"); ")");
but it is not enough..
how to do the same with C# as scripting language
I"m curious..
I'm changing settings in my machine.config so my web service runs properly. Problem is .. I can't tell which configuration change is making it work properly. It seems to me like the machine.config file is being cached.
Is it? if so is there a way to prevent it from being cached ?
Hey there,
When using Form.Close and you try to show the form again, it shows without a Titlebar
How do you close a form knowing that you will want to load the form again at a later stage?
form.Hide() / form.Show()
after Close/Dispose, use new Form().
Who is this miscrosoft, and what devilish plans have they for us?
I´m creating an application that does some automation with excel. The problem is that Excel sometimes is busy doing some tasks and can´t respond to my method calls. To solve this I´m using something similar to this;
catch(Exception exp)
The problem is that I have TONS of this oWorkbook.Range(...); lines... and I don´t want to write this bunch of code to all of them. Does anyone know some alternative way to do this (some kinda template maybe) ? I know I can write a wrapper to do this... but it´ll give me a lot of work... and I´m trying to find a better solution.
Mauricio Ritter - Brazil
Sonorking now: 100.13560 MRitter
Life is a mixture of painful separations from your loved ones and joyful reunions, without those two we'd just be animals I guess. The more painful the separation, that much more wonderful will be the reunion - Nish
"Th@ langwagje is screwed! It has if's but no end if's!! Stupid php cant even do butuns on forms! VISHAUL BASICS ARE THE FUTSHURE!" - Simon Walton
I've written a small app that retrieves the MAC-address from computors, using ManagementClass, ManagementObjectCollection and so on, eventually ManagementBaseObject.get_Item("MacAddress"); which turns out to work fine for most computors. Lately however I have discovered that for some computors a different series of numbers is retrieved. Looking into it a bit deeper I found that on all computors not one, but serveral items could be found calling get_item("MacAddress"). So my program did work for computors where the real MACaddress was the first to be returned (and apparently this included most computers).
Have I missed something? How can I tell which one is the real MAC address, and what are the other numbers?
Kind regards
Below a snippet of my code:
ManagementClass mc;
ManagementObjectCollection moc;
ManagementBaseObject mbo;
ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator moe;
string strMAC="",strTmp;
mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");
moc = mc.GetInstances(); // Get network adapter instance
//Loop till MAC address found
Object pObj;
//Get MAC address
//Remove colon
The answer is often simple when you know it... Debugging more carefully I found that mbo["IPEnabled"] is a System.Boolean -it is either true or false, but never null.
How to get Sysmenu in Winforms?
use pinvoke and call the getsysmenu api