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AnswerFixed Image Link Pin
ethan28-Jan-03 10:56
ethan28-Jan-03 10:56 
AnswerRe: Windows Form Question??? Pin
Chris Austin28-Jan-03 11:15
Chris Austin28-Jan-03 11:15 
AnswerRe: Windows Form Question??? Pin
Brian Nottingham28-Jan-03 12:18
Brian Nottingham28-Jan-03 12:18 
AnswerThanks -- Re: Windows Form Question??? Pin
ethan29-Jan-03 4:56
ethan29-Jan-03 4:56 
GeneralXSD, Datasets, and global elements Pin
Marc Clifton28-Jan-03 8:35
mvaMarc Clifton28-Jan-03 8:35 
GeneralRe: XSD, Datasets, and global elements Pin
leppie28-Jan-03 9:28
leppie28-Jan-03 9:28 
GeneralRe: XSD, Datasets, and global elements Pin
Marc Clifton28-Jan-03 10:01
mvaMarc Clifton28-Jan-03 10:01 
GeneralRe: XSD, Datasets, and global elements Pin
leppie28-Jan-03 10:41
leppie28-Jan-03 10:41 
GeneralRetrieve the Name of a Disk Drive Pin
Mark Sanders28-Jan-03 5:30
Mark Sanders28-Jan-03 5:30 
GeneralRe: Retrieve the Name of a Disk Drive Pin
thematt28-Jan-03 6:31
thematt28-Jan-03 6:31 
GeneralRe: Retrieve the Name of a Disk Drive Pin
Mark Sanders28-Jan-03 7:41
Mark Sanders28-Jan-03 7:41 
GeneralRe: Retrieve the Name of a Disk Drive Pin
thematt28-Jan-03 7:54
thematt28-Jan-03 7:54 
GeneralRe: Retrieve the Name of a Disk Drive Pin
Mark Sanders28-Jan-03 7:59
Mark Sanders28-Jan-03 7:59 
GeneralRe: Retrieve the Name of a Disk Drive Pin
fhsBlue28-Jan-03 10:53
fhsBlue28-Jan-03 10:53 
QuestionHow to get values stored in Scripting.Dictionary instance. Pin
Christian Merritt28-Jan-03 3:33
Christian Merritt28-Jan-03 3:33 

I am using a vender-provided COM object in a C# Windows
Forms application to extract proprietary data format from
an AD attribute. The data is stored in an associative
array. The problem I am having is retrieving the items
that the object returns as its parameters. For example,
upon binding to an AD container object, the object creates
an instance of type Scripting.Dictionary within COM
object, and exposes this instance as a property
called "Parameters." I've tried casting to a ListDictionary,
HybridDictionary, you name it. Nothing seems to work except

The problem I'm having is how to retrieve the items for
each key in the Scripting.Dictionary collection. I'm able
to retrieve the names of the keys, but now I simply want
to get the values for each key, called "Items". I've wrapped
the Scripting.Dictionary class into a .NET assembly using
the TLBIMP libary and included it in my project. Here's a
snippet of my code so far:

// AD path to bind to
string ADsPath = "LDAP://CN=Some List,OU=Distribution

// instantiate the vender COM object
AGQueryClass ag = new AGQueryClass();

// bind to the AD path

//cast ag.Parameters to Scripting.Dictionary instance
Scripting.DictionaryClass sd = (Scripting.DictionaryClass)

// get collection enumerator
IEnumerator IEn = sd.GetEnumerator();

// array to hold keys
Array ary = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(object), sd.Count);


// populate the array with key names
for (int i=0; i
AnswerRe: How to get values stored in Scripting.Dictionary instance. Pin
Richard Deeming28-Jan-03 4:05
mveRichard Deeming28-Jan-03 4:05 
GeneralRe: How to get values stored in Scripting.Dictionary instance. Pin
Christian Merritt28-Jan-03 6:04
Christian Merritt28-Jan-03 6:04 
GeneralReflection not reflecting! Pin
FruitBatInShades28-Jan-03 2:57
FruitBatInShades28-Jan-03 2:57 
GeneralRe: Reflection not reflecting! Pin
Heath Stewart28-Jan-03 3:52
protectorHeath Stewart28-Jan-03 3:52 
GeneralRe: Reflection not reflecting! Pin
FruitBatInShades29-Jan-03 2:37
FruitBatInShades29-Jan-03 2:37 
Questionhow to hide/disable Form.Close "X" ? Pin
Chris Richner28-Jan-03 2:56
Chris Richner28-Jan-03 2:56 
AnswerRe: how to hide/disable Form.Close "X" ? Pin
Heath Stewart28-Jan-03 3:44
protectorHeath Stewart28-Jan-03 3:44 
GeneralRe: how to hide/disable Form.Close "X" ? Pin
Chris Richner28-Jan-03 4:25
Chris Richner28-Jan-03 4:25 
GeneralRe: how to hide/disable Form.Close "X" ? Pin
Chris Richner29-Jan-03 22:42
Chris Richner29-Jan-03 22:42 
Generaleasy ToolBar q. Pin
jtmtv1828-Jan-03 0:18
jtmtv1828-Jan-03 0:18 

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