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GeneralRe: How to use Uml. Pin
Anubhava Dimri13-Apr-11 2:22
Anubhava Dimri13-Apr-11 2:22 
GeneralRe: How to use Uml. Pin
Ravi Sant14-Apr-11 0:57
Ravi Sant14-Apr-11 0:57 
GeneralRe: How to use Uml. Pin
wizardzz13-Apr-11 11:20
wizardzz13-Apr-11 11:20 
GeneralRe: How to use Uml. Pin
#realJSOP13-Apr-11 11:50
professional#realJSOP13-Apr-11 11:50 
QuestionRe: How to use Uml. Pin
Pete O'Hanlon13-Apr-11 22:02
mvePete O'Hanlon13-Apr-11 22:02 
QuestionRe: How to use Uml. Pin
#realJSOP14-Apr-11 2:04
professional#realJSOP14-Apr-11 2:04 
I changed the icon to the question icon, and my enquirer score didn't go up. On this message, I started out with the question icon, so let's see what happened.

(after checking)

It looks like you have to set the correct icon when you originally post the message. If you change it after the message is posted, your points don't increase.
".45 ACP - because shooting twice is just silly" - JSOP, 2010
You can never have too much ammo - unless you're swimming, or on fire. - JSOP, 2010
"Why don't you tie a kerosene-soaked rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up and eat your candy ass." - Dale Earnhardt, 1997

AnswerRe: How to use Uml. Pin
#realJSOP14-Apr-11 2:06
professional#realJSOP14-Apr-11 2:06 
Questiondifference between a keyboard and a barcode reader Pin
tek 200912-Apr-11 22:15
tek 200912-Apr-11 22:15 
JokeRe: difference between a keyboard and a barcode reader Pin
wizardzz13-Apr-11 11:19
wizardzz13-Apr-11 11:19 
AnswerRe: difference between a keyboard and a barcode reader Pin
Ravi Sant14-Apr-11 1:02
Ravi Sant14-Apr-11 1:02 
AnswerRe: difference between a keyboard and a barcode reader Pin
Bernhard Hiller14-Apr-11 23:51
Bernhard Hiller14-Apr-11 23:51 
Generaltime limited trial version ,Setup maker (installer) (With checking .Net framework and sql server installed or not... Pin
raviraj.plural12-Apr-11 21:09
raviraj.plural12-Apr-11 21:09 
GeneralRe: time limited trial version ,Setup maker (installer) (With checking .Net framework and sql server installed or not... Pin
Anubhava Dimri12-Apr-11 22:26
Anubhava Dimri12-Apr-11 22:26 
QuestionSource code legality question Pin
SledgeHammer0112-Apr-11 11:06
SledgeHammer0112-Apr-11 11:06 
AnswerRe: Source code legality question Pin
gavindon12-Apr-11 11:13
gavindon12-Apr-11 11:13 
GeneralRe: Source code legality question Pin
SledgeHammer0112-Apr-11 11:22
SledgeHammer0112-Apr-11 11:22 
GeneralRe: Source code legality question Pin
David198712-Apr-11 19:42
David198712-Apr-11 19:42 
GeneralRe: Source code legality question Pin
gavindon13-Apr-11 1:36
gavindon13-Apr-11 1:36 
AnswerRe: Source code legality question Pin
Albert Holguin12-Apr-11 13:09
professionalAlbert Holguin12-Apr-11 13:09 
GeneralRe: Source code legality question Pin
SledgeHammer0112-Apr-11 13:39
SledgeHammer0112-Apr-11 13:39 
GeneralRe: Source code legality question Pin
Albert Holguin12-Apr-11 14:18
professionalAlbert Holguin12-Apr-11 14:18 
GeneralRe: Source code legality question Pin
SledgeHammer0112-Apr-11 18:00
SledgeHammer0112-Apr-11 18:00 
GeneralRe: Source code legality question Pin
Albert Holguin12-Apr-11 18:06
professionalAlbert Holguin12-Apr-11 18:06 
GeneralRe: Source code legality question Pin
SledgeHammer0112-Apr-11 18:07
SledgeHammer0112-Apr-11 18:07 
GeneralRe: Source code legality question Pin
Albert Holguin12-Apr-11 18:09
professionalAlbert Holguin12-Apr-11 18:09 

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