There must be a plethora of sites detailing how to do this. Seriously, google for this - it's basic stuff.
even if i translate what you said in french to English, question is still unclear!
Please write in language understood by all.
In English: the client will send a request and the server responds by confirming or refus.s it you help me find the codes needed for this application with c #
♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
99 bugs in the code
We fix a bug, compile it again
101 little bugs in the code ♫
Dear members,
I'm in search for a Visual Studio 2010 Photo Gallery website or project I can customize to my needs. It does not need to be free. I would be most grateful for any links/hints/etc leading to sites offering such contents.
My C# knowledge is limited.
It depends on the features you want but this could be very easy to build yourself. Do you want to use ASP.NET, MVC, HTML5, Silverlight?
I know the language. I've read a book. - _Madmatt
i have project that need to reference a mathlab dll, but this dll is wroking only on 64 bit systems, because i build the dll in my 64 bit pc, when i try to run this project in 32 bit pc i get an error, but when i run the project with the dll which is built in 32 pc it works fine. so my problem is how can i add the reference at run time depending on the system(32/64), so then i don't want to keep two separate projects.
and is there any way that i can add the reference that can be selected at runtime, but the doubt i'm having is i need a reference (one of them 32 dll or 64 dll) to build the project.
appreciate your ideas.
thanx in advance.
Assuming you have two native code DLLs, one with 32-bit code, the other 64-bit code, there are basically two ways AFAIK:
force your app to always run in 32-bit mode using shortcut properties. Or build your managed app for "x86"; it will always require the 32-bit DLL.
build your managed app for "Any CPU". It will get launched as 64-bit whenever possible, and then it will need all-64-bit DLLs. As you normally don't explicitly load native DLLs from managed code, the best way to cope would be to have two prototypes and a stub for every native method, like so (note different DLL names!):
static class mathlabStub {
private static bool use64bit;
[DllImport("mathlab32.dll", EntryPoint=someFunction)] public static extern int someFunction32(...);
[DllImport("mathlab64.dll", EntryPoint=someFunction)] public static extern int someFunction64(...);
public static int someFunction(...) {
if (use64bit) return someFunction64(...);
return someFunction32(...);
and then you have to set use64bit once, maybe like so: use64bit=sizeof(IntPtr)==8;
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles] Nil Volentibus Arduum
Please use <PRE> tags for code snippets, they preserve indentation, improve readability, and make me actually look at the code.
modified on Sunday, April 17, 2011 11:51 AM
I am using C# 2010 and I have an access database that connects to my form and I have 7 tables in it, all tables have the same fields but show different information (its an front end user application that connects to a database that has information on shellfish and each table is a different family but contains same field headings such as common name, size of shell, shape of shell, distribution etc...).
What I would like to is have two list boxes on my form, one to choose the table and second to choose information on the first column of the table as the first column is the common name of the species you are looking for, which is different depending on the table chosen, and when you choose one, it loads the information into the correct textboxes. How would I do this? Haven't worked with creating front end database applications for about 4 years and getting a little rusty. Thanks in advance.
In the end we're all just the same
You can still do it the same way you did it 4 years ago using ADO.NET.
If this is not legacy data, by that I mean you can change the structure without breaking other applications, merging this data into one table will make life a lot easier. Create a Family table with Id and Name fields. Then create another table called Shellfish with all the same fields and include a FamilyId field. Then insert the records from the other tables. You can do this by creating queries in Access. The reason I suggest this is because it will make developing your UI a lot easier. Normalising the data schema will make a huge difference.
Also is there any requirement for the data to be stored in Access? Access has an upgrade wizard which will make it easy to convert to a SQL Express database. This will enable you to use Entity Framework which will make development quicker if you don't include the learning curve.
Once you have done that, filling your ComboBoxes, ListBoxes, TextBoxes etc., will be a piece of cake.
If it is a legacy system you are probably resigned to cutting a lot of code in your Data Access Layer to replicate what I have mentioned above using ADO.NET.
FamilyListBox.DataSource = myData.GetFamilies();
private void FamilyListBox_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
CommonNameListBox.DataSource = MyData.GetShellFish();
private void CommonNameListBox_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ShellFish shellFish = CommonNameListBox.SelectedItem as ShellFish;
CommonNameTextBox.Text = shellFish.CommonName;
You will also need to set the DisplayName property for the ListBoxes.
Hope that helps but it is a hard question to answer in a few words.
"You get that on the big jobs."
I have a progress bar on my first form (first form you see when application loads). What I want to happen is when the form opens for the progress bar to go up 10 every second until it gets to its maximum value of 100, stop and stay at maximum value then enable a button which is disabled.
Code on form load:
Timer time1 = new Timer();
time1.Interval = 10;
time1.Tick += new EventHandler(timer1_Tick);
Code on timer tick:
progressBar1.Value += 1;
Now the problem with this code, I get an error because the progress bar tries to go 1 higher than its maximum value and I can't figure how to get the progress bar to stop trying to go higher when its at its maximum value. I am not sure where to put the button enable code since there is something I am doing wrong here.
Next I have another button that when clicked I want it to close the form and open another form. I don't want the form to hide when closed but exit the form completly, but putting form1.close (); it won't work as its my first form, the whole app just exits. What should I do?
In the end we're all just the same
Dave McCool wrote: time1.Interval = 10;
that is 10 milliseconds.
Dave McCool wrote: progressBar1.Value += 1; timer1.Stop();
so it will increment once, then the timer stops?
You need some conditional code. Maybe test whether incrementing the progress bar would overflow, and if so stop the timer and change the button state.
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles] Nil Volentibus Arduum
Please use <PRE> tags for code snippets, they preserve indentation, improve readability, and make me actually look at the code.
10 milliseconds, yes that's what I meant, I wanted the progress bar to go up 1 every 10 milliseconds until it hit the maximum value then stop, btu the timer stop isn't working. The timer doesn't appear to stop, or I think the way I have the code, its won't stop as it trying to go one higher than the maximum value of the progress bar and not stopping when it gets to maximum value. I just was not sure where to put the timer stop code so that the timer would stop when progress bar gets to its maximum value, I think this way it will stop when it gets one over its maximum value, which it can't do.
In the end we're all just the same
In a combobox when it's dropped down you can let the list scroll down by moving the mouse below the combo box. The problem is that this moves much too fast when the combo box is populated by a large number of items.
Is there a way to slow this scrolling ?
There is no property or method to do slow down the scrolling.
How many is "a large number of items"?? Putting a large number of items into a Combo is not a good idea. It makes finding items difficult for the user. Try limiting the number of items with filtering first.
Pity there's no way to slow down the scrolling, but thanks for your answer anyway, I don't have to search for the needle in the haystack anymore.
A large number of items is a couple of hundred, eg the items for sale in a company. I have created a filtering option but the user wants to see the total list at once.
Thanks for your time.
PosiRob wrote: A large number of items is a couple of hundred, eg the items for sale in a company
Yikes - talk about a nightmare to navigate through. This is where the customer has no idea what they're doing. He'll be screaming when he has a thousand items to sell and it takes too long to find each one to fill out an order.
Filtering by category is definitely the way to go. Though, you could still give the option to remove the filters and let him destroy the usability of his UI anyway.
Not sure if we are talking ASP, Windows or WPF but you can normally find an auto complete control which may provide a better solution.
"You get that on the big jobs."
Yes, I was going to suggest that. A dropedit combo with autocomplete would be the correct WPF/WinForms solution, in my opinion, and you can emulate that quite well on the web too (like the Gmail address picker).
I'm allways hungry for better solutions. What is a dropedit combo ?
By the way, I forgot to mention it is a windows forms solution.
Dropedit combo = combo you can also type into. In WinForms I think it is the default? (DropDownStyle = DropDown.) I don't believe there is an autocompleting one in the framework, but it's simple enough to catch TextChanged and update the list.
Don't over fill a combo box.
If you need to have a single selector, why not have it filter by alphanumeric input from the keyboard?
Alternatvely, increase the size of the dropdown, this will allow more room for 'whizz past' selections!
I will never again mention that I was the poster of the One Millionth Lounge Post, nor that it was complete drivel. Dalek Dave
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I have a custom user control ,in its OnPaint(), drawing some basic shapes like triangle, rectangle etc.
by using ClientRectangle's coordinates and size.
I want to rotate the control clockwise or counterclockwise with an angle,
but keeping the shape size unchanged. How?
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
You can make use of RotateTransform method in the Graphics class for this. Make sure you use e.Graphics from the Paint event handler and NOT create your own graphics object.
I have two datagridview controls showing a master/detail relationship, the master loads just fine, but the detail is not loading the relative records!
ps. The model was created using the designer, (ie. dragged from the database side pane)
Please help.
I am working on video conferencing system in c sharp vs2010 but facing difficulties, if some body has worked on it plz reply.
I need this for my project.
modified on Friday, April 15, 2011 3:20 PM