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I will never again mention that I was the poster of the One Millionth Lounge Post, nor that it was complete drivel. Dalek Dave
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How to relate TextBox.Text field with integer value in application settings?
If e.g. Settings.Default.MyValue is not a string it is not possible to assign it to controls returning string in applicationsettings property binding property.
With Windows Forms? The conversion should be done implicitly...
This works on an integer app setting called "MyAppSetting"...
private void On_FormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
Binding binding = new Binding("Text", MyAppNamespace.Properties.Settings.Default, "MyAppSetting", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++
modified on Thursday, May 12, 2011 2:00 PM
Yes, in windows forms.
I have int MyAppSetting in application settings defined.
It is not possible to set it in ApplicationSettings property binding for TextBox.Text property.
Only if MyAppSetting is a string that can be setup in the IDE and I have to query it as Int32.Parse(MyAppNamespace.Properties.Settings.Default.MyAppSetting) .
Did you mean explicitly? The only solution to add the logic in code?
I'm not a forms programmer, but I see that using the VS10 designer properties window to add the binding adds a line of code that initializes the textbox.Text property, and that line won't compile.
Funny it doesn't even need that line...bug or feature?
So it looks to me like the binding needs to be added by hand, which I tested and it works fine.
Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++
can any body give me the idea & information, behind recording the landline(phone) call using C#.net programming in windows application , what should be the Medium, and What should be the hardware, any idea please
Might be something in this lot[^]... Amazing what you can find at CP if you can be bothered to look for it.
"If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur." Red Adair.
nils illegitimus carborundum
me, me, me
Is your computer connected to the phone? If so, how? Read the data that the phone provides through that interface.
I would say iinitially you are going to need to get the audio channels from the landline, as generally don't interface that well, and record these in a normal way.
suppose i have mdi and few sdi form. when sdi form is minimize in mdi window and if i place my mouse on minimize sdi window then how could i detect that mouse is placed on minimize sdi windows or mouse out with c#. please guide me that how could i detect mouse over & out on minimize SDI window in MDI application with c#.
If you don't get a mouseover event on a title bar (which I don't think you do), this may be quite tricky.
Why would you want to do that?
To show a tooltip with details that are visible on the form?
I are Troll
Tridip Bhattacharjee wrote: please guide me that how could i detect mouse over & out on minimize SDI window in MDI application with c#.
Only works for the client-area, and the caption isn't part of that. I'd suggest you hide them and show a Panel where the minimized Window would have been.
I are Troll
String temp;
foreach (DataRow row in Table.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn column in Table.Columns)
temp = row[column].ToString().Replace("%"," ");
row[column] = temp;
Table is nothing but a datatable...
and when im trying to run the below code... im getting error like input string was not in a correct format
in the below highlighted line of code..
String tem;
foreach (DataRow row in Table.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn column in Table.Columns)
if (row[column].ToString().Contains(" "))
tem = row[column].ToString().Replace(" ", "%");
row[column] = temp;
Please help me regarding the same..
modified on Thursday, May 12, 2011 1:14 AM
I think you are getting error when trying to convert DateTime values.
A DateTime value "{6/1/1998 12:00:00 AM}" has a space and it tries to convert to "{6/1/1998% 12:00:00 AM}" which is not valid.
Change to below code to resolve this.
if (row[column].ToString().Contains(" ") && column.DataType != Type.GetType("System.DateTime") )
temp = row[column].ToString().Replace(" ", "%");
row[column] = temp;
no i don"t have any column which of datetime type and even i tried the above code it"s not working....
check whether it is a strongly typed data table
no it"s not strongly typed datatable..
-- Modified Thursday, May 12, 2011 2:20 AM
How can you directly assign to a foreach iteration variable ? It will throw an error , right ?
He isn't: he is modifying the content of a foreach variable - completely fine!
foreach (item i in myList)
i.Contents = "New value";
} Will work,
foreach (item i in myList)
i = "New value";
} Will not.
Real men don't use instructions. They are only the manufacturers opinion on how to put the thing together.
Manfred R. Bihy: "Looks as if OP is learning resistant."
Are our DataTable columns of type string ? Because if they aren't, then data conversion will occur, and "%" will likely be an invalid character in the input string.
I assume you are also the author of this: http://www.codeproject.com/Answers/195111/input-string-is-not-in-correct-format-error-when-u.aspx[^] Q&A question, where you give more details.
Real men don't use instructions. They are only the manufacturers opinion on how to put the thing together.
Manfred R. Bihy: "Looks as if OP is learning resistant."
please give reply in the link which OriginalGriff provided...
I already provided you with what may be essential information here[^].
However you did not provide sufficient information to come up with the definitive answer. What column type is it? how does it get formatted? Are you using an explicit Cell Style? Are you using the CellFormatting event? Do you want to change the value itself, or just how it looks when shown in the DGV?
pradeep455 wrote: if (row[column].ToString().Contains(" "))
tem = row[column].ToString().Replace(" ", "%");
row[column] = temp; //getting error in this line...
I am not surprised you are getting an error here: if the cell is a string type, then ToString() is redundant; so I'll assume the cell isn't holding a string. Now how could you assign a string value to it then?
So rather than asking over and over again, please just ask once and provide all that is required.
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