GenJerDan wrote: moving it off VMS
GenJerDan wrote: our VGA monitors
On VT525s?
GenJerDan wrote: Kidding
Phew! Don't do that to me, the ol' ticker can't take much more.
You should have seen the history of VB6. If that can exist for this long, C# will surely do.
Although, there are many claiming that World will not exist for 5 years. So no need to worry.
"The worst code you'll come across is code you wrote last year.", wizardzz[ ^]
I suppose VB (DIE! DIE! DIE!) can trace its roots back to 1964.
Look at what is out there now: C (initially developed in 1969) is still in use, C++ (initially developed in the early '80s, named in 1983) is still in use. C# as a logical offspring of these is likely to be around a while longer yet!
Even COBOL is still in use by some poor sods, and that was designed in 1959!
Real men don't use instructions. They are only the manufacturers opinion on how to put the thing together.
Manfred R. Bihy: "Looks as if OP is learning resistant."
OriginalGriff wrote: Look at what is out there now: C (initially developed in 1969) is still in use, C++ (initially developed in the early '80s, named in 1983) is still in use. C# as a logical offspring of these is likely to be around a while longer yet!
I doubt the first two are comparable to the second.
The first two, and especially C++, was pushed into a public specification with a large (disparate) base interested in the language, specification and success.
Both were also the primary language used to support many OSes themselves. Unless all of the OSes that rely on it go away it makes it virtually impossible for the languages to disappear.
As counter example Pascal at one time had broad support but was primarily pushed by several commercial interests. It still exists but is significantly less prominent. (There was even at least one OS based on it.)
You can not define a future of any Language, specially languages like C# which is highly promoted by Microsoft.
C++ is there from > 20 Years
C is there from > 30 Yerars
Cobol/Fortran is there from > 40 Years.
C# has good future and C# 4.0 has good functionality, I specially like Parallel Programing.
You should better ask what is future of Programmer then answer is they will remain as Programmer as long as they love that job
Oh definately for a long while yet. As already mentioned there are languages that were consived 50 years ago that are still being used in some way. The popularity of C# is its aid as its ensuring its longevity....
Thanks you all
I got the idea
The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.
It's gonna die of cancer. Doctors say it has max 3 month left
Joke aside, I think it will grow(just like the cancer) rather than "die".
All the best,
modified on Friday, May 13, 2011 5:23 PM
supernaturaluser wrote: Is the language going to be around for the next 5 years or maybe more?
Should be around long enough to specialize in it.
However even if popular in 5 years if that is the only language you are familiar with (in 5 years) then you should probably look to learning at least one other.
supernaturaluser wrote: Hope someone has an answer
Anyone that can predict the future should find some other way to use that ability besides programming.
Exactly like .Net C# will be there for next 5 to 10 years at-least.
Many feel shaken on their job status by this question. Sorry for those down-votes from others
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
// We fix a bug, compile it again
// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
supernaturaluser wrote: I just asked myself what might be the future of C#?
When I started to learning C#. I was also thinking about it.
its has great future.
supernaturaluser wrote: Is the language going to be around for the next 5 years or maybe more?
sure! no doubt
supernaturaluser wrote: Hope someone has an answer
At last I will suggest you go there[^] and read article as well as discussion.
Next question?
I will never again mention that I was the poster of the One Millionth Lounge Post, nor that it was complete drivel. Dalek Dave
CCC Link[ ^]
Trolls[ ^]
How to relate TextBox.Text field with integer value in application settings?
If e.g. Settings.Default.MyValue is not a string it is not possible to assign it to controls returning string in applicationsettings property binding property.
With Windows Forms? The conversion should be done implicitly...
This works on an integer app setting called "MyAppSetting"...
private void On_FormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
Binding binding = new Binding("Text", MyAppNamespace.Properties.Settings.Default, "MyAppSetting", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++
modified on Thursday, May 12, 2011 2:00 PM
Yes, in windows forms.
I have int MyAppSetting in application settings defined.
It is not possible to set it in ApplicationSettings property binding for TextBox.Text property.
Only if MyAppSetting is a string that can be setup in the IDE and I have to query it as Int32.Parse(MyAppNamespace.Properties.Settings.Default.MyAppSetting) .
Did you mean explicitly? The only solution to add the logic in code?
I'm not a forms programmer, but I see that using the VS10 designer properties window to add the binding adds a line of code that initializes the textbox.Text property, and that line won't compile.
Funny it doesn't even need that line...bug or feature?
So it looks to me like the binding needs to be added by hand, which I tested and it works fine.
Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++
can any body give me the idea & information, behind recording the landline(phone) call using C#.net programming in windows application , what should be the Medium, and What should be the hardware, any idea please
Might be something in this lot[^]... Amazing what you can find at CP if you can be bothered to look for it.
"If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur." Red Adair.
nils illegitimus carborundum
me, me, me
Is your computer connected to the phone? If so, how? Read the data that the phone provides through that interface.
I would say iinitially you are going to need to get the audio channels from the landline, as generally don't interface that well, and record these in a normal way.
suppose i have mdi and few sdi form. when sdi form is minimize in mdi window and if i place my mouse on minimize sdi window then how could i detect that mouse is placed on minimize sdi windows or mouse out with c#. please guide me that how could i detect mouse over & out on minimize SDI window in MDI application with c#.
If you don't get a mouseover event on a title bar (which I don't think you do), this may be quite tricky.