Multilanguage support or Localization as they call it in .net is a concept you need to understand completely. Here[^] is a good starting point.
Also look for Localization samples in framework sdk (it would be under Samples\Resources\resourcesandlocalization )
I find it really helpful.Thank you a lot!!
Anyone tried using directx 9 and c#??
I downloaded the DX9 runtime and the DX SDK for c# but could get it to work
I found the DX assemblies on the harddrive but I couldn't find them in the
add reference list, also I couldn't add the manually by using browse.
yes it works for me I have the full sdk and VS.NET and there were no problems installing it and running all the C# examples and I could even write a short program
I have about the same problem as you have. I have downloaded the whole sdk and I could run the samples but I can't compile anything?
Yep that's it, I could run the samples but wasn't able to compile any programs because the reference was missing.
Tried referencing the assemblies in the assembly folder, but that's not possible.
For some reason the assemblies don't appear in my VS add reference list
Fixed it, I deinstalled the directX SDK and downloaded and installed DirectX 9.0 SDK Developer Runtime from the microsoft site.
Than i installed the debug version and it worked like a charm
what would be the fastest thing to use if i would like to read bytes from a big chunk of data in c#
and i basicly only need to read from the buffer.
ive tried using byte* to pin down the first element of a bytearray but it actually wasnt any faster than reading from the byte array w/o pointers , so i guess i wouldnt get any speed gain if i do the same on a memchunk that i allocate with some allocmem api?
Hi , this might sound weird but is there any attributes one can set on a method to
remove out of bounds checks , .net security checks etc etc?
so the question is basicly , is there any attribs that can be applied to a method to make it execute faster (by removing various checks)
No I don't think there is any attribute to remove Bounds Checking, if performance of utmost importance,I think you should be taking the C++ route and you can call C++ routines through P/Invoke.
While I beleive there's no way to disable portions of the Framework management (and I hope there aren't ways to do this), there are a number of code optimization tricks you can do that can have a dramatic increase in performance.
Check out .NET Show on code optimization here:
What .NET library function corresponds to "QueryPerformanceCounter" from the Win32 API?
There is a PerformanceCounter class in .net but I doubt there is an equivalent of QueryPerformanceCounter method in .net.
So you would have to take the P/Invoke technique, of calling the Win32 API directly.
Have a look at this[^] article
Hope this Helps
Hello everyone,
I have been working on Text to Speech. After I have done some manipulation to the sound wave, i write it to a .wav file. But when i play the file, only "zzzzzz" sound came out. Anyone knows what are the possible reasons?
Thanks for any help
I want to edit the datagrid control to display data like the properties window does in the visual studio environment. I.e. I have performed a database query and have a DataTable with the following in it (2 columns of data)
Push To Talk 100
Receive to Transmit 150
Transmit to Transmit 100
Carrier Detect 100
Basically a list of parameters with values that a user can change
I have created a datagrid and set its source to this datatable and it fills up correctly however I would like it so the first column LABEL is uneditable and its background colour is identifiable as an uneditable cell. I would also like it so there is no new empty row at the bottom of the datagrid because I dont want users adding new rows??
How can this be achieved. I have seen the DataGridTableStyles property and am guessing it is by utilising these collections and adding styles. I have fiddled but havent got anything to work. Has anyone done something like this before that could help ??
I'm designing an online version of a complex card game, where the rules are constantly changing (Fluxx, for any who know it). I'm keeping the actual game logic on the server. The communications between the clients and server is my only problem, however. I hope to create a Java client in addition to a .NET one (several of my close friends who play the game use Macintoshes), so I can't use Remoting. Web Services seemed promising, but I definitely need a highly controlled persistent-state connection. I have a basic design for a persistent-state XML-based connection, but I'm hoping I'll be able to avoid the hassle of creating programmatic logic to create the message (and avoid having to create a DTD or Schema, since the messages could be complex). So, I'm looking for some good ideas. Any contributions will be extremely welcome. (Oh, and if I end up posting the game onto CodeProject, I'll give credit for any contributions used.)
Thank you in advance,
Eric Astor
Ok this is not the answer to your question, but have you tried terrarium[^]
I believe its purely a p2p kind of architecture, you should be able to derive some ideas from that one.
I have tried Terrarium, but its P2P architecture doesn't really fit the model of a card game. My client/server model, with all logic localized to the server, seems to be a more appropriate architecture.
Also, I would assume that the Terrarium communication method is probably a .NET-based proprietary solution, and therefore unfit for creating connections between a .NET server and a Java client (which is the final goal of my connection scheme, as I want to be able to play this game with my Macintosh-using friends).
Kannan, thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think the approaches used for Terrarium really fit an online card game.
Does anyone know how to get the icon from a specified executable path? I know there is an Icon class and the Graphics class has a DrawIcon function, however I am not sure how they work together. Note that the icons will be coming from other applications, not necessarily from another C# application.
Nick Parker
You see the Standards change. - Fellow co-worker
Nick Parker wrote:
Does anyone know how to get the icon from a specified executable path?
// System.Drawing.Icon constructor
public System.Drawing.Icon(
Type type,
string resource
(that's the equivalent of WIN32's LoadLibrary(path) + LoadResource(iconid))
doc here[^].
S.Rod, thanks, I had actually looked at this a few of the other 6 different constructors for the Icon class, however I wasn't/and am still not sure for exampple with your suggestion what to use as the Type and resource , where do they come from?
This below can't be right...
Icon i = new Icon(typeof(".exe"), ?);
Icon i = new Icon(Type.GetType(@"C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe"),?);
I think I am shooting blanks here, thank you.
Nick Parker
You see the Standards change. - Fellow co-worker
The type is internally passed to that documented method : type.Module.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(type, resource);
After checking out that call, I have seen it's currently not implemented in .NET 1.0. It always throws an exception.
If someone has .NET Everett installed, may be he can shed us a light on whether it's now implemented.
Otherwise, I am afraid you'll have to rely on P/Invoke : LoadLibrary() + LoadImage().
Once you have your icon handle, you just need to pass it to the System.Drawing.Icon(IntPtr handle) constructor.
In addition
.S.Rod. wrote:
Otherwise, I am afraid you'll have to rely on P/Invoke : LoadLibrary() + LoadImage().
Ok, I feel like the smoke is starting to clear now, thank you. After looking up a few of the functions on MSDN I came up with the following:
static public extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string lpFileName);
static public extern IntPtr LoadImage(IntPtr hinst,
string lpszName,
uint uType,
int cxDesired,
int cyDesired,
uint fuLoad);
And then I implement it like this:
Graphics grfx = Graphics.FromHwnd(this.Handle);
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
rect.X = 0;
rect.Y = 0;
rect.Width = 16;
rect.Height = 16;
IntPtr i = API.API.LoadLibrary(app1);
IntPtr i2 = API.API.LoadImage(i, app1, 1, 0, 0, 0x0010);
Icon ico = System.Drawing.Icon.FromHandle(i2);
grfx.DrawIcon(ico, rect);
I have noticed when I step through it that LoadImage returns 0 for i2 and then when I try to create the ico Icon it throws a System.ArgumentException saying the Win32 handle I passed to Icon is invalid or the wrong type. Any ideas?
Nick Parker
You see the Standards change. - Fellow co-worker
A few points :
- If LoadImage returns 0, that's because it has failed. There is no point in passing 0 as a handle in the FromHandle() method.
- To know more about the error, you can use the GetLastError() WIN32 function.
- LoadImage can be used in either of the following ways. Trouble is you are using a mix of it! Namely,
-- If LR_LOADFROMFILE is provided as last parameter value (0x0010), like you do, then the second parameter is the actual filename of the image. Doing so, you are directly loading a .bmp, .ico, .cur file. But, from what you told me first you wanted to do, you should not use LR_LOADFROMFILE.
-- If LR_LOADFROMFILE is not provided, then the first paramter is the module instance of the .dll or .exe, allright, and then the second parameter is the resource name. You must pass the resource name : that is either the translated resource ID (use a resource editor) obtained with MAKEINTRESOURCE, or the direct resource name as a string.
MAKEINTRESOURCE is an int --> LPSTR macro defined as is :
.S.Rod. wrote:
MAKEINTRESOURCE is an int --> LPSTR macro defined as is :
I have no idea how to convert that to a C# statement (I think I am lost again):
return Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(i)));
.S.Rod. wrote:
If LR_LOADFROMFILE is not provided, then the first paramter is the module instance of the .dll or .exe
That is what I am doing, correct?
.S.Rod. wrote:
You must pass the resource name : that is either the translated resource ID (use a resource editor) obtained with MAKEINTRESOURCE, or the direct resource name as a string.
I see, I think, so I need to switch the 2nd param to a resource ID huh? I will check into that. Tell me something, am I making something simple, hard? I know a little about Win32, I just havn't worked with it a lot, VB shop at work. Thanks S.Rod. I appreciate it.
Nick Parker
You see the Standards change. - Fellow co-worker