I found this:
System.Speech only works with a pre-defined list of words or phrases;
Maybe one or more of your phrases are not supported. My guess would be "Sup?".
.45 ACP - because shooting twice is just silly ----- "Why don't you tie a kerosene-soaked rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up and eat your candy ass..." - Dale Earnhardt, 1997 ----- "The staggering layers of obscenity in your statement make it a work of art on so many levels." - J. Jystad, 2001
Thank you for your reply,
i have removed that word but there is no change in output.
Look at this MSDN thread[^]
BTW, I found this with this google search phrase:
C# SpeechRecognitionEngine Windows XP + "value does not fall within the expected range"
Essentially, it's a threading problem that is exposed only in a winforms application running on XP. If you put the same code into a console app, it will not throw the exception.
.45 ACP - because shooting twice is just silly ----- "Why don't you tie a kerosene-soaked rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up and eat your candy ass..." - Dale Earnhardt, 1997 ----- "The staggering layers of obscenity in your statement make it a work of art on so many levels." - J. Jystad, 2001
modified on Tuesday, December 29, 2009 6:43 AM
Hi all,
I would like to know if any of you have worked on syncing data between SQL server and Velocity (Distributed cache application developed by Microsoft).
The requirement is, currently I have SQL server database with some core tables (5 to 10 tables). One application frequently queries data from these tables (Some other application inserts/updates data in these tables). We are planning to replicate these tables to Velocity datastore and the first application queries data from velocity (where as the second application continues to insert/update data into SQL Server database). Now I need to find a way to synchronize data between Sql database and Velocity data store.
Any pointers on this would be of great help.
Hi All,
Development Environment:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, Version 9.0.30729.1
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 3.5 SP1
Windows Server 2008 server service pack1
IIS 7.0
FTP 7.5 service
Reference :
Required:FTP provider for windows 2008 ftp server to automatically delete file after it is downloaded by the client
Problem: Sample program as provided in link( http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/632/how-to-use-managed-code-c-to-create-an-ftp-provider-that-sends-an-email-when-files-are-uploaded/) is not getting invovked.
I have followed each steps as mention in above link.
Any kind of help or pointers would be highly appreciated.
Ramesh Kumar Singh
Software Engineer
Ness Technologies
I'm running an open source web server (CASSINI) and on top of it I've implemented WebDAV functionality which is working good. When I'm trying to mount that as a virtual drive in my local machine it is not allowing me to do that.
Is WebDAV only meant for IIS ? IS there anyways to incorporate with my open source webserver...
Thanks ...
Wrong forum.
.45 ACP - because shooting twice is just silly ----- "Why don't you tie a kerosene-soaked rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up and eat your candy ass..." - Dale Earnhardt, 1997 ----- "The staggering layers of obscenity in your statement make it a work of art on so many levels." - J. Jystad, 2001
<a href="a.html" target="_blank"> new window </ a>
When csexwb opens in a new window (yes anchor, not window.open) when the lost document.referrer, I had to use csexwb else is even trying the various versions of the demo are the same, document.referrer = null
The same code in IE or firefox browser, such as streams can be properly resolved referrer
And suites here and I have been in use axwebbrowser or webbrowser in newwindow3 the reg browser right after they have been document.referrer. .
Who can help me, thanks!
This question has been posted in the wrong forum and you will not get the best answers here. Try some other forum.
There are only 10 types of people in this world — those who understand binary, and those who don't. |
I need to implement a timeout expression.
Forexample like in services there is:
TCPIPServiceController.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Running, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10));
Where it checks for 10 sec whether the service has reached a running state, else exception.
What i need is a customized similar expression (one line) implementing timeout, where i need to check the state of a variable, if true then carry on else exception.
I don't wish to implement standalone timers event for that...., as there are many methods in which i need to implement this.
Hassles of Async programming!!!.
Any help please!!!
Thank You.
I believe the System.Threading.Timer class should be able to handle this in relatively little code. This version of the Timer class takes a TimerCallback delegate that it will invoke after the specified amount of time has transpired. You can also configure it via one of the constructor overloads to continue running at a certain interval, or you can have it run only a single time. Last, it takes a state object so you can pass in some data pertaining to the operation you wish to check and that object will be passed in to your delegate. Here's some example code just to illustrate how easy it is to use.
using System.Threading;
private Timer _operationTimeout = null;
private void CheckOperation(MyOperationData data, int timeout)
_operationTimeout = new Timer(new TimerCallback(CheckValue), data, timeout, Timeout.Infinite);
private void CheckValue(object data)
MyOperationData opData = (MyOperationData)data;
if (!opData.Value.Equals(opData.ExpectedValue))
throw opData.TimeoutException;
Hold on a second here... Don't you think you might be putting the horse ahead of the cart?
Hi Experts
Can You Explain When We Have To Use The Interface Collection.,
and what is diff. between Simple Collection And ICollection.
and Generic Collection in C#.NET
Dinesh Sharma
ICollection is an interface that extends IEnumerable [^].
Generic collection classes provides increased type-safety and in some cases can provide better performance, especially when storing value types over simple collections. Good link here on when to use generic collections.
There are only 10 types of people in this world — those who understand binary, and those who don't. |
I'm taking a brief break from my Recloser project to try a custom control. For many years I've wanted to build a scheduling app that actually works, something like Project, except that it would be usable. The stumbling block was always in developing a nice Gannt chart control with the little triangles at the edges, a rectangle to show the task duration, and a contrasting rectangle to show progress, all of which had to be draggable (yeah, I know that's not a word, but it works here). For a decade I tried with MFC to do it, but remain stumped; the GDI+ functions in the .Net Framework seem ideal for the task and I've been reading about them. I need a break from the other task, so I started this one tonight.
I've got as far as creating a container, sizing it, and populating it with the graphical elements for the display. Tomorrow I plan to start trying to Draw the elements and maybe delve into mouse interaction a bit. But I'm stuck on a proper approach. I see a lot of controls that can be resized at runtime, and the visual elements change size or positions as the mouse moves. I have a fair idea how to make the elements change one time - after a drag - by recalculating all the parameters on a Mouse_up event. But I don't have any idea how to implement a method that continuously updates the screen as the item is dragged by the mouse.
Can someone point me to a tutorial or example of implementing this behavior?
"A Journey of a Thousand Rest Stops Begins with a Single Movement"
This[^] should give you a good start.
50-50-90 rule: Anytime I have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability I'll get it wrong...!!
Hello, how do drawing windows form manually?
how make form Class?
Visual C#
Are you and Hakaxxxx in the same class? Or did you create a second user name thinking it would speed up getting an answer to the exact same question?
I'm not clear about what you mean by drawing a form manually. I usually use a pencil - a HB lead is best - to do this, long before I type any code.
As for making a form class, it would take far less time to type "Windows Form Class" in the Google search box than it took to write this question, and you'd find much clearer answers that way.
My guess is that you have an assignment to create a Windows Form class, and you don't have Visual Studio. That means you have to create source files in a text editor and compile them with the free C# compiler in the SDK. That's definitely the hard way, and I can't help you with it; I'm a beginner myself.
But Visual C# Express is free to download, and I recommend you do so. If you need to show the source code to your teacher, I suggest cheating. Build the project with the proper tools, then copy/paste the code into a text document.
Good luck!
"A Journey of a Thousand Rest Stops Begins with a Single Movement"
All you need is to override the OnPaint method of your form and shape it as you wish inside that.
If you are looking to have your own class that will create a non-rectangular form, create a class that inherits from Form class and override the OnPaint method in that. Then use this class to create froms instead of the default one.
50-50-90 rule: Anytime I have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability I'll get it wrong...!!
Hello how do drawing windows form manually?
how make form Class?
Hi all,
The question is as follows:
In my C# application , as i click on the image the corrosponding pixel values should be shown in two textboxes(one for row value and another for column) with the point clicked should be shown over the image. I want this to be a repititive process(i mean, any number of points could be stored). These textbox values should ultimately be stored in two diff arrays and fed into a .dll file(written in c++).
How can i achieve this?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
What do you mean by row and column value?
If you have the image in a PictureBox, handle its MouseClick event and it will give you the clicked locatio. You can set that as the textbox text and at the same time add it to a generic list of Point objects.
50-50-90 rule: Anytime I have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability I'll get it wrong...!!
Row and Column are nothing but the pixel values only!
logically, i undestand that what event i have to go for but i dont have much experience on graphics programming part so thats my main problem.
When you will handle the MouseClick event, the MouseEventArgs object will have the location. The coordinates will be based on the top left of the picturebox. This means that it the location comes out to be (10,10), it means it is at a location of 10,10 with respect to the top left corner of the picture box.
50-50-90 rule: Anytime I have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability I'll get it wrong...!!
Using the click event, get the mouse coordinates. Then display them in your textbox.
Add the x coordinate value in one collection, the y coordinate value in another collection.
meetmak wrote: and fed into a .dll file
Not sure what you mean by that.
There are only 10 types of people in this world — those who understand binary, and those who don't. |
Actually, once the point values are stored as two arrays they are transferred into a .dll(Dynamic Link Library) file which requires that collection of array as the input.
and after taking this input it generates some output.
i hope , you get me now.