whats interop?
[DllImport("kernel32", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
static public extern int GetCurrentProcessId();
Back to real work : D-26.
Hi, I am playing with the HttpRequest class to try to make something work. I found that it appears, everytime you user the GetResponse() from the WebRequest, you have to initialize the object again, to get proper response in the pages that are authenticated. Is this normal, should it be like this?
WebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(URI);
/... do the network credentials here
/... do something else
//this line has to be here to use GetResponse() again.
request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(URI);
Hey kavehdr,
YOu may feel free to check out http://www.aspalliance.com. It has some beautiful code in HttpRequest and a wrapper for FtpWebRequest too.
Perhaps that should help you in your queries.
I think Google Search of
aspalliance httpwebrequest
should bring you the pages that you are looking for. Sorry that, I do not remember the exact URL looking for at AspAlliance. But the abovespecified search pattern lands up in AspAlliance site first.
Deepak Kumar Vasudevan
Hi, is it possible to write assembly inside C# code; similiar to what we were able to do in borland c++, using the asm keyword
No, but you can use pointers and some other "low-level" operations with the "unsafe" keyword
lazy isn't my middle name.. its my first.. people just keep calling me Mel cause that's what they put on my drivers license. - Mel Feik
So there is basically no way to open EXE files and read and write to them at binary level?
Reading and writing to files of any format can certainly be in C#. I'm not sure how that relates to using assembly instructions from inside C#, though.
You trying to patch .exes?
If you really want to use .NET and assembly, use c++ 7 and __asm , but you'll need to do extra stuff if its within Managed Code.
"The greatest danger to humanity is humanity without an open mind." - Ian Mariano
Yeah kinda. Things like changing the exe header...etc.
No way to do in c#?
Maybe I'm showing my ignorance, but what special need is there for __asm when all you're doing is changing the contents of a file?
C# provides easy file access, just check the System.IO.FileStream and other classes within the System.IO namespace.
If you are trying to do more complicated things than merely reading and writing to the file (like trying to monkey with an already executing program), then you can try using the System.Runtime.Interop namespace to access most/all of the Windows APIs. If you still can't get there, then you can create a C++ dll to do the specific work you need, and call that from C#.
John is right. If all you are doing is modifying the file, there's no need for __asm , and C# supports binary file ops.
Can anyone figure out why the following code always throws an exception from the site, that the password is incorrect(401) even though when it is correct!
using System;
using System.Net;
class website
public static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length != 3)
Console.WriteLine("usage: p25 \"URL\" \"username\" \"password\"");
WebRequest request;
WebResponse response;
try{request = WebRequest.Create(args[0]);}
Console.WriteLine("The Url provided is not a valid Url");
request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(args[1], args[2]);
try{response = request.GetResponse();}
catch(WebException e)
Console.WriteLine("The following error occured while accessing the resources:\n"
+ e.Message);
Hi all.
I'm developing a class that inherits from System.ComponentModel.Component in much the same way as Timer etc.
What I need to know is "How do I get a reference to the parent Form?"
I need this so I can add a event handler for the forms Activated/Deactivated events.
I've looked though my MSDN and it happily defines the ISite interface properties but it doesn't show how the whole thing fits together.
Also, when I debug the component, this.Site and this.Comtainer are both null...Is there an attribute I need to add to the Component?
Thanks for any help you can give me on this guys (and Gals!)
Insert Sig. Here!
Um, perhaps in your form OnLoad :
MyControl.Site = (ISite)this;
"The greatest danger to humanity is humanity without an open mind." - Ian Mariano
Surely you havent got to wire this stuff up yourself? I may as well write my own Parent property if that were the case...
Insert Sig. Here!
Prepare a constructor with a IContainer param. This will be used to pass the parent. In System.Windows.Forms.Timer :
public Timer() : base() {
this.interval = 100;
public Timer(IContainer container) {
this = new Timer();
As you can see, this code doesn't store the reference to the parent anywhere, but that's up to you to do so.
Back to real work : D-28.
Nice... Thanks a lot. I'll have a got with this later this morning.
Insert Sig. Here!
Hi again.
Yeah, that works. The form code generator automatically adds the code to pass the components object to the constrctor and everything.
Unfortuantly, I have not idea of how to navigate from that Component object to the actual Form object, which is what I am interested in. Any ideas?
Surely the framework includes this? Or Maybe a Component based object is not what I want here?
Basically, what I'm after is the same as the Parent property on a Control. Except I'm not building a visible control, just a component that adds some event handlers to the forms events and does some processing based on them.
BTW, the Timer was just an example, I'm not actually using a timer...
Insert Sig. Here!
Pete Bassett wrote:
just a component that adds some event handlers to the forms events and does some processing based on them.
This is a different topic now.
To get it done, you need to declare a delegate, an event object, an eventarg object, and a handler. Adding this to a Form-derived class, along with appropriate [design-time] attributes will make the event handlers show in the Form designer.
Whenever the event handler is actually subscribed for, you have internal code executed where you can process the event using another component (non-visible if you like) of yours.
All you need is a good sample to start with. There are articles about new event creation on CP (C# programming section), MSDN, ...
Back to real work : D-27.
No, sorry for the confusion.
I understand all about event handlers etc etc etc. I just need a reference to the Form-derived object inside my Component. Thats all.
You told me to write the Constructor with one IContainer param and this works correctly, but I need a reference to the actual Form, not its internal Container.
Once I have the reference to the Form it will all work because all the rest of the code is written...
Have I explained the problem correctly now? Thanks again.
Insert Sig. Here!
I think I know what you mean...I had something similar where I wanted to get the HWND of the MainAppwindow wher I would "drop" the component, although there was no interaction with the window, it still needed to know this...
I wonder how this can be done? All my attempts were failures
"There are no stupid question's, just stupid people."
This one[^] might help, in conjunction with the IContainer.Add(this) mentioned above.
Back to real work : D-27.
Hi again.
I've had a look at the code but I don't think its the way.
I'm starting to think this isn't possible at all.
Well, thank you (all) again. I'll investigate some more and post back.
Insert Sig. Here!