And whats wrong with
"c:\users\currentuser\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\" ?
If I enter this path, I'm exactly there where expected.
Maybe I don't understand your problem. Can you explain it a little bit more?
Are you sure, that you can't find these files or maybe you only don't have the rights
to access this folder?
OK, here I explain.
The thing is like this when I install my application in XP, it works fine. but When I try to install it in Vista, it shows me "c:\users\currentuser\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\" this path including my application folder containing my application short cut link and says didn't find the file.
I am using "string startMenuDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.StartMenu);" for retrieving start menu folder.
and "string DesktopDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);" for desktop folder.
as I said it works in XP but in Vista it gives error with the path specified above with file name not found.
I hope its clear now....
deftsoft wrote: c:\users\currentuser\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\
Shouldn't that be local?
It's not necessary to be so stupid, either, but people manage it. - Christian Graus, 2009 AD
Hi d@nish
Thanx for coordination..
I have XP installed but my client has Vista installed. So I am not sure about ROAMING OR LOCAL.
I think you have got a problem with the rights.
What kind of application are you installing? Service, console app , normal windows-app?
I would try to run this application by using the Vista menu item "run as adminstrator" and test if
you could access these folders there.
It's a simple windows application for creating invoices. actually I have XP installed but my client has Vista. So I am not sure about the rights.
"So I am not sure about the rights."
And whats so hard to test it? Run your app "as adminstrator" and see if this works.
Why are you doing anything with those folders anyway?? Under Vista and above, you must be more aware of what default permissions users have to the various folders. If you're trying to store data in folders that are not normally used for this purpose, you'll run into permission issues.
Hello friends,
I had a question.actually I have a web page in which there are multiple buttons.
Whenever I click on a button the contents get displayed in the bellow panel and the color of the button changes.
Then when I click on another button its color changes but the first button color persists.
protected void Button_headers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Button_headers.BackColor = Color.Blue;
So what I want is the color of the button on which I click should change and when I click on second button the first one color should get restored.
I would be very much thankful to you if you help me in this matter.
write a method to which you pass the button clicked. Call this method from each eventhandler (for a button click).
The method should look like this:
private void SetButtonColor(object sender) {
this.Button_headers.BackColor = (sender.Equals(this.Button_headers) ? Color.Blue : Color.White);
this.MySecondButton.BackColor = (sender.Equals(this.MySecondButton) ? Color.Blue : Color.White);
Let me know if this helps you.
Thanx Sebastian..
Thank you very much..It really worked well..
Really I knew it was not a bug..but Its a great feuture..
thank you very much..
hi if you don't know the count of buttons you will use write it dynamic
private object lastButton;
private void SetButtonColor(object sender) {
if(lastButton != null && lastButton != sender)
lastButton.BackColor = Color.White;
sender.BackColor = Color.Blue;
lastButton = sender;
Okay, I see from here[^] that there are 3 desktops that come standard with Windows: default, screen-saver, and Winlogon.
The screen-saver and Winlogon desktops are called "secured desktops", meaning they prevent regular programs on the default desktop from being messed with.
Conceptually I get that.
Additionally, it says the "unsecured screen-savers" run on that default desktop, thereby negating your security. Whoopsie. I would hate to create an "unsecured" screen-saver.
From a C# perspective, I've been looking at all the articles on creating screen savers I can find, and not a single dang one of them creates secure mode screen savers. Grah!
So, dear reader, where are the articles I cannot seem to find? I know somebody has done this, but my Google Fu is very weak. Please help.
The screensaver-executable is loaded onto that desktop by default:
Quoted from the sample:
"Before a screensaver appears, Windows creates a new virtual desktop for it. The screensaver process is created on this second desktop, which is never locked. Any other processes that the screensaver creates will inherit this virtual desktop, [...]"
Take a look at the example here[^]. You'd have to scroll down until you find the heading "Secure a Locked Workstation"
I are Troll
Thank you!
Now I just have to figure it all out for my own stupid screen saver idea.
Uh oh. I followed that whole example, but still couldn't get the interactive "Default" desktop to go away.
After a lot of testing, I had the silly idea to check the "Password protect" check box on the screen saver dialog. Et voila!
The documentation never says that part. It constantly implies that screen savers automatically launch in secure mode unless... they don't. Which is confusing as heck.
At least now I know how the secure mode is created, even if I have no control over the process. It's Windows that decides which context to run it in.
IF it's in secure mode, it does exactly what I want: create a blank desktop showing the current wallpaper and nothing else (save my screen saver form, which I made transparent). That's wonderful.
But I want that to happen whether it's in secure mode or interactive mode.
So I'm going to have to do some more testing on the desktop creation and switching API, which is a headache for a noob, but I suppose it's good learning experience.
Dear all,
I'm a newbie in programming esp using C# in VS 2008 Pro Edition. I'm interested in WLAN location system and part of that is writing programs in C#. Can someone direct me or give me a hint on where to start when writing programs for Signal Strength Acquisition API and Correlation Handler modules plus other modules in Horus location system. Fellow the link for more information http://www.cs.umd.edu/~moustafa/papers/horus_usenix.pdf
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated
Thank you
at first I would download the api mentioned within the paper. Then check how you can use the API with .NET. (E.g. is it a dll-file, then add it as reference to a project).
hi, I am doing a project whereby I would get location coordinates using the GPS, while sending data to the NXT via C# programming.
As i wont be able to get actual coordinates of locations on the map, this project would be a simulation.
Qns 1. What i would like to ask is if i were to use this one data as a reference point, how would i enable the NXT to
1. read this data
2. move to another location
I came up with an idea of converting the time delay between coordinates into distance, but is unable to produce the C# codes of it.
I would be grateful if someone would come up with the codes or another solution.
Qns 2. What if i was to move to another room, how would I create a program such that it will be able to continue to read the data and I only need to change the coordinates
the first ,last,next and Previous record of database table
how could i search?
after succeed connect the database
code...?use dataset? i m a beginner
thanks everyone
Can you post your answer so that it would be useful for others.....
In this case, that seems doubtful....
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
use BindingManagerBase Class,it can be finished
private void GetBindingManagerBase()
/* CustomersToOrders is the RelationName of a DataRelation.
Therefore, the list maintained by the BindingManagerBase is the
list of orders that belong to a specific customer in the
DataTable named Customers, found in DataSet1. */
myBindingManagerBase =
this.BindingContext[DataSet1, "Customers.CustomersToOrders"];
// Adds delegates to the CurrentChanged and PositionChanged events.
myBindingManagerBase.PositionChanged +=
new EventHandler(BindingManagerBase_PositionChanged);
myBindingManagerBase.CurrentChanged +=
new EventHandler(BindingManagerBase_CurrentChanged);
private void BindingManagerBase_PositionChanged
(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Prints the new Position of the BindingManagerBase.
Console.Write("Position Changed: ");
private void BindingManagerBase_CurrentChanged
(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Prints the new value of the current object.
Console.Write("Current Changed: ");
private void MoveNext()
// Increments the Position property value by one.
myBindingManagerBase.Position += 1;
private void MovePrevious()
// Decrements the Position property value by one.
myBindingManagerBase.Position -= 1;
private void MoveFirst()
// Goes to the first row in the list.
myBindingManagerBase.Position = 0;
private void MoveLast()
// Goes to the last row in the list.
myBindingManagerBase.Position =
myBindingManagerBase.Count - 1;
hi everyone,
i want to create a tree view based on data return from a database.
show the data from database ,but i dnt know which Property of tree view to use
and how could the code be.....
thanks to all