I have updated with the latest drivers and still i face the same issue.
Unfortunately it is not working with any other hardware also.
Check your system, probably there are some process that watch your COM Port.
If you say "Unfortunately it is not working with any other hardware also",
that means something wrong in your system. That's not .NET problem.
I have a window application. When I turn off the computer while this app is running I get some error window with caption:
.Net-BroadcastEventWindow.2.0.0. end the program tries to close the app. after awhile I get a message that the app is not responding and the computer does not turn off automaticly but just when I close this message.
What does it mean? and How can I solve this?
Why don't you just capture WM_QUERYENDSESSION and respond to it.
Life is a stage and we are all actors!
i m new to work with crystal reports i write a query in sqlcommand which is an option in addcommand DATA BASE EXPERT. i have two parameter Date and Date2 i want the ouput between these parameter but it show errors when i finished it. "failed to open a rowset"plz chk and reply
SELECT Sum(b.TotalSale*b.Price) AS total, a.Category , a.[Transaction]
FROM TransactionType AS a INNER JOIN CouponTransaction AS b ON a.TransactionTypeID = b.TransactionTypeID
where b.TransactionDate BETWEEN ({?DATE}) AND ({?DATE2})
GROUP BY a.Category,a.[Transaction];
How is this a C# question ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
sorry i can't find a forum for crystal reports so i send my query in this forum plz help
I'd guess the SQL or database forums are appropriate, you posted SQL.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
I am currently using mailto link in the email to send a mail..This link does compose mail action..I need to place a link performing emails reply action..I should be able to set subject and toaddress as in mailto tag..
You can set To Address , Subject And Message Body like this
mailto:abc@xyz.com?subject=mailsubject&body=message to be set.
Thank you for the reply..This mailto tag opens a new mail..I need to have the tag in an email..If I click the link ,I want the contents of that mail to be placed in new mail..similar to normal email reply action..
If I use mailto, how will I get the contents of that mail and place that in new one....
You want for the email you send to have a link to send back a new email ? The answer is the same, it just won't work unless the mail program is showing HTML.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
If you are sending the mail having reply link then you know the content of the mail so you can use that one.
My C# maded COM:
public interface MyCom_Events
void OK();
public interface IMyCom
int Add(int a, int b);
void OnOK();
public class MyCom : IMyCom
#region IMyCom Members
public int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
public void OnOK()
if (OK != null)
public delegate void OKHander();
public event OKHander OK;
How to use it in VC after "import" method?
cscomtest::IMyComPtr pIMyCom(__uuidof(cscomtest::MyCom));
I am novice, thanks a lot.
I want to create project windown app send msg using M-BOX gateway in C#. Can you help me? plz
I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
Web browser is installed on the computer, how do I know. With C#.
You can check the registry for the default browser and also to see what browsers are installed, but there's no list, you'd check for each browser where you know the location of it's registry keys.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
my application requires me to load tons of images dynamically based on a path set at run time. right now I have something that looks like this.
private Image mybtn;
public Image MyBtn{
get{return = mybtn;}
set{mybtn = value;}
public static void SetButtonImage(string imgPath){
MyBtn = new Bitmap(imgPath);
the problem is that the images are slow. Slow loading, slow reloading a hover image. I have found that if I use a pictureBox instead its faster but not fast enough.
The question is, is there a was to load these in like a temp resouce file that will enable every thing to run faster. Im looking into using DirectX and load them as sprites but not sure if its really going to help much. Please Let me know what you all think.
Right now, are you loading the images from resources inside your EXE, or are these discrete files on disk?
Nevermind, I failed to read carefully enough!
Zap-Man wrote: my application requires me to load tons of images dynamically
First question is why? Do you really need all the images at once? Can you load them on demand?
only two letters away from being an asset
The system goes through a file and sets all parameters at that point. The graphics are read off several different files. at the time when starting the project. I thought that loading the Images into a Image variable would be faster than loading them into a string aka path. That way it would not have to go get the file then convert it over to an Image at the time of display.
right now I have panels working as screens. when one screen is displayed the others remain at size(0,0). The panels are preset at when loading the program and all the controls that belong to the panel, where the images are sitting and what size. so when a new srceen is shown all it has to do is resize the panel to the correct size from 0,0. I understand that windows has to repaint all these when displayed but im just trying to speed it up. The whole program runs on images.
This senerio has your app using a lot more memory and thus contributing to reducing the overall performance of the machine, not making it faster.
I would consider loading the images on demand. Even if all of your panels are used during each session they are not all displayed at the same time. You could prefetch the next set of images when displaying a panel to reduce the load time.
I wouldn't load all the panels and set them to 0,0 either. Regardless of the display size they are still using resources that may not be necessary. Use User Controls and dynamically add or remove them if nothing else.
Finally, if your entire app runs on images, I'd consider a different environment, like WPF or an out of browser Silverlight app, or a different design to not be so reliant on images.
only two letters away from being an asset
ok this is the information I need. Again Mark I say thanks. Have you used WPF? would all my code be transferable, meaning Im I going to have to learn a new language or does it render C#. Im looking at a few sites that give information on WPF but before I decide to transfer to it or something like it I need to know how fast I can implemt the application over. my app is finished and sold yesterday. I cant spend tons of time changing it over right now. maybe in a couple of months but not sure.
The bad thing is if I kept up on things maybe I could have suggested WPF but instead I just did what I was told and never gave it a second thought.