I did think of bringing that up, but when would you be able to alter the value from outside the function while the function is running? You would need multi-thread, in which case there would be other issues.
Life goes very fast. Tomorrow, today is already yesterday.
Int32 someInt = 6;
SomeMethod(ref someInt);
MessageBox.Show("SomeInt now contains value" + someInt.ToString());
public void SomeMethod(ref Int32 data)
data = data * 2;
musefan wrote: I did think of bringing that up, but when would you be able to alter the value from outside the function while the function is running? You would need multi-thread, in which case there would be other issues.
that is the same think as using static, I really don't remember if it compiles if you access directly from different thread, but it is a programmer job to make it Thread Safe. Also as I think accessing a method in different thread you need to use Invoke() method, at least it is one of three possible ways
as in "ref = in + out" ?
Luc Pattyn
I only read code that is properly indented, and rendered in a non-proportional font; hint: use PRE tags in forum messages
Local announcement (Antwerp region): Lange Wapper? 59.24% waren verstandig genoeg om NEEN te stemmen; bye bye viaduct.
Am I alone in thinking that SerialPort is very slow in returning all the incoming data? I'm only receiving 10 bytes and have to put in a 400ms wait to ensure that all of the data has been received. With a port at 9600baud I'd expect it to become available much quicker. It is a USB COM port but even so that's a lifetime in CPU cycles.
Any suggestions on how to speed up the reception of data please?
I hope you realise that hamsters are very creative when it comes to revenge. - Elaine
USB-to-serial cables turn the data into USB packets, they don't send a packet for each byte, that would hamper throughput too much. So they have a timeout before they decide to send what they have got so far. However I don't think it is anything near 400msec (which would correspond to some 400 bytes), it would rather be some 20 msec or so.
Did you measure those 400 msec? How? and where is it, i.e. what are the two points in time that span those 400 msec?
Are you using the DataReceived event? or using a read thread?
Luc Pattyn
I only read code that is properly indented, and rendered in a non-proportional font; hint: use PRE tags in forum messages
Local announcement (Antwerp region): Lange Wapper? 59.24% waren verstandig genoeg om NEEN te stemmen; bye bye viaduct.
I'm using the DataReceived event, which is processing the data once it's received a full packet. The main thread sends a packet and waits 400ms for a returned packet, which should be received with just a few ms turnaround. After waiting the timeout period it checks to see if any data has been received and processed. If the timeout is less than about 200ms then the processing doesn't start until after the timeout, 200-400 it's pot luck which happens first.
I hope you realise that hamsters are very creative when it comes to revenge. - Elaine
if the 400msec is from sending a command to getting a result, that would include:
- the output time; I would expect this simply is around N msec for N characters; it could be more on a USB-to-serial cable, as again data would be packetized probably based on a timeout;
- the reaction time; I don't know what your peripheral is, it needs to collect the command characters, interpret them, come up with an answer and send it; a tiny microcontroller (or poor software) might spend quite some time here; and if it is a meter of some kind, maybe it first has to perform its measurement, then report.
- only now can the PC start processing input. As I said earlier, that too would get packetized by the cable.
if the main thread sends and waits, maybe it would be better to have it send and receive, without DataReceived event.
Luc Pattyn
I only read code that is properly indented, and rendered in a non-proportional font; hint: use PRE tags in forum messages
Local announcement (Antwerp region): Lange Wapper? 59.24% waren verstandig genoeg om NEEN te stemmen; bye bye viaduct.
I work in console application, whene the timer was excuted, my console don't wait the end of timer, the console close direcly, how i can wait the end of timer ? thank you verry mutch.
The problem will lie in the code you have written. I'll leave you to figure out what you need to do next.
i do this :
public static System.Timers.Timer timer1;
private static void OnTimedEvent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
static void Main(string[] args)
timer1 = new System.Timers.Timer();
timer1.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent);
timer1.Interval = 10000;
Unfortunatly, the console close witout excuting the timer, please help me, thak you verry mutch.
static void Main(string[] args)
timer1 = new System.Timers.Timer();
timer1.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent);
timer1.Interval = 10000;
If i put "Console.ReadLine()", the console don't close, i would close the console when the timer was stoped. thank you verry mutch.
Use a ManualResetEvent.
public static System.Timers.Timer timer1;
private static System.Threading.ManualResetEvent mrEvent = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(false);
private static void OnTimedEvent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
static void Main(string[] args)
timer1 = new System.Timers.Timer();
timer1.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent);
timer1.Interval = 10000;
As written the main method will return and the application will terminate after the call to timer1.Start() . What is required is some form of wait and a simple and common way of doing this in console apps is to insert a call to Console.ReadLine()
Now the application will not terminate until the user presses the enter key.
yes, we must to press enter key to exit environment, i would close the consol in end of timer, whene i excute timer.stop(); thank you.
Luc Pattyn
I only read code that is properly indented, and rendered in a non-proportional font; hint: use PRE tags in forum messages
Local announcement (Antwerp region): Lange Wapper? 59.24% waren verstandig genoeg om NEEN te stemmen; bye bye viaduct.
I have it working if the mouse is used to click on the list box using the SelectedValueChanged event. However when someone uses the space bar or to checkmark or uncheckmark an item no envent is raised. How do I catch this change?
How about CheckChanged (like in CheckBox) ?
yepper that is what I found also.
im sorry, but i really need a help at my graduation project.......
How can i program the IP layer using socket programming on visuial C# at windows invironment??????
Do you want to program the IP layer, or do you want to send something over a socket[^]?
I are Troll
If you want to develop application using sockets in c# check out this[^] article.
Also Refer to this[^] if you want to understand what is socket.
Also Refer to System.net.sockets[^] class help.
I am pretty new on C#, but since I have VB.NET background, I am not that lost.
I am looking to do two things.
1. I have records showing in text boxes that I bind from SQL Server 2005. I need to navigate through the records, showing the next record, till the last record. I need to use the "End of record" function.
2. I want to insert into the last column of my SQL Server 2005 database. But I need to find the last record on the table and increment the UserID(primary key) by one, and use the new value as the new UserID(primary key) on the new column.
Can you please help me with this.....
Thank you in advance guys.
Erhm... I see you're still talking about 'records'. This is a term used in VB. We got rid of records since VB.NET. Now we're talking about rows.
You cannot loop through a recordset and 'ask' the recordset if the EOF is reached. You have a 'table' which is your 'recordset' containing a collection of rows (tbl.Rows).
For example :
The SQL statement loads all 'records' from the database table 'Users'.
Using C# :
using (DataTable tblUsers = new DataTable("Users"))
using (SqlConnection myConn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
using (SqlDatAdapter adpUsers = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Users", myConn))
foreach (DataRow drUserInformation in tblUsers.Rows)
Owkay, I have a feeling you are not understanding what I mean.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Connections
public partial class subForm : Form
public subForm()
private void subForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
buttonUpdate.Text = "Update";
string connectionString = @"Data Source=DBJNBWS0015\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=CarDealership;Integrated Security=True";
string sqlSel = @"Select * From Klient";
SqlConnection conndb = new SqlConnection(connectionString); //make a OleDbConnection object
DataSet ds = new DataSet(); //make a DataSet object
SqlDataAdapter myAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlSel, conndb); //Using the OleDbDataAdapter execute the query
myAdapter.Fill(ds, "Klient"); //Fill the DataSet with the Table 'Customers'
//dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables["Klient"];
textBoxID.DataBindings.Add("Text", ds, "Klient.UserID");
textboxTitle.DataBindings.Add("Text", ds, "Klient.Title");
textBoxName.DataBindings.Add("Text", ds, "Klient.FirstName");
textBoxSurname.DataBindings.Add("Text", ds, "Klient.LastName");
textBoxLocation.DataBindings.Add("Text", ds, "Klient.City");
catch (Exception a)
MessageBox.Show("Error in connecting! " + e.ToString(), "Error");
conndb.Close(); //Close the OleDbConnection
This simple code works. From this text boxes, I need to view the next row of data, and I have a button that inserts into a new row. before inserting, I need to make sure I am at the last row...In other words, I need to insert into a new row immediately after the last row.