I think you can start from here:
It use NetServerEnum function.
"If I go crazy then will you still
Call me Superman
If I’m alive and well, will you be
There holding my hand
I’ll keep you by my side with
My superhuman might
Kryptonite"Kryptonite-3 Doors Down
I know that it's somewhere within the System.DirectoryServices namespace...
You will now find yourself in a wonderous, magical place, filled with talking gnomes, mythical squirrels, and, almost as an afterthought, your bookmarks
-Shog9 teaching Mel Feik how to bookmark
I don't know whether it's just the light but I swear the database server gives me dirty looks everytime I wander past.
-Chris Maunder
I just installed the Visual Studio .Net (Chinese Version) under
Japanese windows 2000. There are no problems for load/open a solution or
project and complie and run the projects. But the problems occurs when
i create a new project or solution. After new project, set the type of the application and set the path, and then "OK", I got an error:
"Microsoft JScript Compile error".
Would you please tell me what is my mistake?
Thanks in advance!
May be your security level (Internet settings) is too high and you don't allow javascript to execute.
Other than that, I believe this is not a programming question, and would suggest you to post either on a public MS VS.NET NG (likely to get an answer), or even http://support.microsoft.com
How low can you go ? (MS rant)
Hi, Rod,
Thank you very much for your reply!
I reall want to know how to check the "security level" and make it low?
Best Regards,
In the Windows control panel, double-click the Internet Options icon. Then, in the security tab, click the "Local Intranet zone" (I believe you the issue is not from the untrusted Internet zone), and either :
- in the dropdown list, choose Low
- or check the radio buttons so that everything is accepted and enabled. Just to make sure you are not restricting anything to execute.
How low can you go ? (MS rant)
I have an object derived from MarshalByRefObject. Here's my problem:
If I have:
public class TheTransfer : System.MarshalByRefObject, IRemoting
public Form theForm;
//more blablabla
and run Soapsuds on the assembly it works fine. But if I use a class derived from Form, it won't. I get "Invalid schema data, Value cannot be null".
public class MyForm : Form
public class TheTransfer : System.MarshalByRefObject, IRemoting
public MyForm theForm;
Did anybody see this before?
Could be that MyForm isn't serializable. *shrug* What are you trying to do
ASP.NET can never fail as working with it is like fitting bras to supermodels - it's one pleasure after the next - David Wulff
I am converting a java app to C# and the passwords were encrypted with an algorithm written in java which uses the following to convert from a char to an int. Does anyone know the equivalent for C#?
<br />
int result = Character.getNumericValue('b');
The 'equivalent' in C# returns different results...
<br />
double d12 = Char.GetNumericValue('b');
<br />
int i12 = Convert.ToInt32('b');
What is the cause (other than java being a joke!) and how can I get the correct result?
Every time I walk into a singles bar I can hear Mom's wise words: "Don't pick that up, you don't know where it's been!"
I can't think of any reason, in any context, for 'b' to be '11'. I know capital A is 65 in ASCII, I'm not sure if lowercase b is ASCII 98. In any case, why don't you just subtract 87 ? Or is it not just for lowercase letters ?
No offense, but I don't really want to encourage the creation of another VB developer. - Larry Antram 22 Oct 2002
Hey, at least Logo had, at it's inception, a mechanical turtle. VB has always lacked even that... - Shog9 04-09-2002
During last 10 years, with invention of VB and similar programming environments, every ill-educated moron became able to develop software. - Alex E. - 12-Sept-2002
I was about to do that then the meeting started so I fired off the question to see if anyone had run across it. I'm going to try that in the morning and walk the keyboard and see if everything fits. If not...do some sort of lookup.
Check out the stir on theserverside.com[^]!!
Have you checked out MS's Java to C# convertor? Last time I checked it was still in early beta and didnt do such a good job (think it only supports Java 1.1), but it definately looked handy
"There are no stupid question's, just stupid people."
You are just showing how little you know about Java. I don't know much either, but I can read the reference doc.
In short, Character.getNumericValue returns a code from an internal vm table known as the UAT (Unicode Attribute Table). As a result, this returns what you may call "weird" numbers.
To get the unicode from a char, you just need to cast it.
int unicodevalue = (int) 'b';
PS : Java being a joke?
Ha ha!!!!
How low can you go ? (MS rant)
Hi All,
Is it possible to create an Access DB "on the fly" using ADO? If not is there any other method?
Wrong forum! Post in SQL/ADO forum.
"There are no stupid question's, just stupid people."
Here's an answer from google
The 3 great virtues of a programmer:
Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris.
--Larry Wall
I wanted to do just that without having to include an interop assembly. I just created a blank db in Access and added it as a resource to my project. Then whenever I wanted to create a new blank db I just created a new file and streamed out the binary resource data for the mdb. Probably wouldn't get your program a "Designed for" Windows sticker, but it works.
Hi all,
Does anyone have an idea how to create charts in C#?
Or of any tutorials on how to create them?
Yes, I've done a series of articles on GDI+, they are in C++ but the methods are the same in C#.
No offense, but I don't really want to encourage the creation of another VB developer. - Larry Antram 22 Oct 2002
Hey, at least Logo had, at it's inception, a mechanical turtle. VB has always lacked even that... - Shog9 04-09-2002
During last 10 years, with invention of VB and similar programming environments, every ill-educated moron became able to develop software. - Alex E. - 12-Sept-2002
Does anyone know how I can find out the SQL Server type of a db column from within C#. I know that when I obtain data in a DataTable, each of the DataColumn objects contain information about the column including the column name and the data type, however, the type that it provides is a System.* C# type. Is there any way to determine the SQL Server type name (e.g. int, smallint, etc.) programmatically?
The 3 great virtues of a programmer:
Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris.
--Larry Wall
I presume you have a DataSet to transfer the data? Well, just look in there
"There are no stupid question's, just stupid people."
I've been looking in there through the debugger as well as in the DataTable and DataColumn and I don't see anything that would tell me the type or the length of the individual columns. Do you know of something more specific?
The 3 great virtues of a programmer:
Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris.
--Larry Wall
Your dataset contains the mapping from SQL types to .NET types, if you dont have a dataset (which I doubt), just get one of the data adapters auto generate u one. Then double click that file (the .xsd file) and it will show the equivalent SQL types. For the length of each type (of each parameter), that too get auto generated if you are using stored procedures.
Hope this helps
"There are no stupid question's, just stupid people."
You say that "Your dataset contains the mapping from SQL types to .NET types...". I do have a DataSet, I just don't know where this mapping is that you are referring to. What member of the DataSet contains this information? You understand that I want to obtain this info programmatically, right?
Thanks again.
The 3 great virtues of a programmer:
Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris.
--Larry Wall