what do you mean about stupid???
I am building mobile app in c# and RedFiveLabs NET60,
at the end the error message came up "the project file c:\users\adahada\AppDAta\Local\Temp\5p3kpxfc.4qo\Temp\MyDeployment1.genesisproj" cannot be oppened. the project type is not suppored by this installation.
Please how do i get pass these bottle necks.
Enobong Adahada wrote: the project type is not suppored by this installation.
I think this message is the clue.
Check your installation. If you have installed Net60 correctly, you should be able to open this file.
It's not necessary to be so stupid, either, but people manage it. - Christian Graus, 2009 AD
If a client (Client-A) wants data from a server that the server received from a different client (Client-B) then Client-A needs to connect to the server and request it. To connect to a socket on "localhost" use IPAddress.Loopback as the destination address.
Hi there,
If i assign a value to a string, is it possible to go and see where it is stored in the memory and what the value is?
string _testString = "Value I want to read from memory";
Any way to do this?
diePopster wrote: see where it is stored in the memory
only two letters away from being an asset
Yes, but it is not recommended. If you have a requirement to do this you should really be using C++.
This is a quickie example of manipulating a string by getting it's pointer (char*)
string text = "Test";
fixed (char* textPointer = text)
char* pointer = textPointer;
*pointer = Char.ToLower(*pointer);
*++pointer = Char.ToUpper(*pointer);
*++pointer = Char.ToUpper(*pointer);
*++pointer = Char.ToUpper(*pointer);
On top of everything else that's been said, using managed code, C#, VB.NET, or any other language that targets the .NET Framework, an item can be moved in memory by the Garbage Collector at any time. So, even though you got the pointer to item, you really cannot use the pointer because the item might not be there anymore. The pointer you have will NOT get updated to reflect the new location in memory.
However, there is a way aroudn that. It's called "pinning". The GC can be told to pin an object in memory so it can't be moved. Read up on it here[^]. Be careful. When you pin an object, you are also responsible for removing the pin when you're done with it.
I cannot find the file NET60.sis file in the net60 dir after installation.
please what went wrong.
So what is net60 and how does this relate to c#? Have you asked the vendor, they will probably know.
Ashfield Consultants Ltd
Proud to be a 2009 Code Project MVP
the .sis extension implies you're doing something with Symbian based mobile phones, which means you're likely to really be in the wrong forum!
Enobong Adahada wrote: I cannot find the file NET60.sis file in the net60 dir after installation
After the installation of what??
I want to get rearm count of windows 7 OS.
I want to do it in C#. Please help me out in getting rearm count of Windows 7 opearting system
Thanks in advance,
AR Reddy
Explain 'Rearm Count'?
Motivation is the key to software development.
i want to place files from my system on other system by using .net source code
i don't want share folder on other system
i want to do this diagrammatically how is that possible please help me
it's simple..,
see the below code..,
FileStream Fs = new FileStream(@"\\\watcher\" + FileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
Rajesh B --> A Poor Workman Blames His Tools <--
actualy i want to update files on other system as when as i edit on my system ( mean place my files on other system)
but i cannt share folder of other system
and i am working in workgroup environment
and is it possible using http protocol if yes then guid me plz
modified on Saturday, October 17, 2009 1:17 AM
First, if you don't want a share exposwed by the other machine, you'll have to use the administrative drive shares (if those haven't been removed!). That would mean you have to use the UNC path to teh machine in the form of \\machineName\C$\someFolder\someOtherFolder\filename.ext . The problem is that your code has to be running under account that is recognized by both your machine and the target machine NAD IS AN ADMIN LEVEL ACCOUNT ON THE TARGET MACHINE.
if i will use this then other systems guest service creats problem
is there any API or method to accessfiles on other sytem by providing administrator username and password
for example
Access(mashinename+filesPath, adminUserName, adminPassword)
Yep. Take a look at this[^].
i can not use domain name system
i want to do it in workgroup enviornment
That's the only method you have. The "domain" would be the name of the target workstation since the admin account your use must be on that workstation. That's IF the workstation is not part of a domain.