The RichTextBox class constructor is not marked internal, so you can derive it.
I would suggest you download a free tool like Anakrino[^] to decompile the IL code to C#, as a help to override the methods.
How low can you go ? (MS rant)
Hi All,
Probably a stupid qustion but...
I've got an object that I'm displaying to the end user via a PropertyGrid control. One of the properties is a Password. I'd like to display this item as "*****" rather than visible text.
Is there anyway of doing this ?
Cheers .. Andy
You have to write a custom UI type editor[^]. (there is a sample).
How low can you go ? (MS rant)
Thanks for the info ... but the link doesn't work for me...
Well i've managed to find the info and i've tried it out.
The examples i can find give me the ability to render a UI component as a drop down or modal control. I've played with this and have been able to get a TextBox with a password mask just fine.
BUT ... the data in the PropertyGrid is still clear text ! Which is not what i want... this is the text that must be hidden.
Ideas anyone ?
I think you need a type convertor , not a UItype editor. Also the password have to be a class of its own (perhaps, maybe not) and not just a string.
Hope this helps
"There are no stupid question's, just stupid people."
Well, in the normal way, the property can be edited in a textbox, right?
So, we can change its default UITypeEditor to a TextBox which PasswordChar is * or any char you like, by setting some attributes like EditorAttribute on the property you have.
Hope helps to you.
I'm amumu, and you?
Hello Everybody,
I am trying to import data from Excel sheets through my application.But its not reding the first row of Excel sheet.
Somebody suggested me to set "HDR=No" property in my connection string.
So now my connection string looks as follows,
string strConn;
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
"Data Source="+fullPath+";" +
"Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;HDR=No;";
but its giving me following exception
"System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException : Could not find
installable ISAM
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.ProcessResults(Int32
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.InitializeProvider()
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open()
To overcome this error i tried doing following things
I went to
location in my windows registery and found following things,
Name Type Data
win32 REG_SZ c:\WINDOWS\System32\msexcl40.dll
then I checked if this "msexcl40.dll" really exist at the path c:\WINDOWS\System32
and it was present there.
Then i uninstalled office2000 from my machine and installed OfficeXP.
Still i am getting the same exception.
Can anybody help me in finding out where i am going wrong or what could be the problem?
Thanks in advance,
There can be many reasons. Reinstalling Office may not be enough, especially when you know that what you are actually using here is the MDAC run-time which is separately available.
I would suggest to install MDAC 2.7[^]
Other than that, msexcl40.dll has two MDAC child dll dependencies : msjet40.dll, mswstr10.dll
How low can you go ? (MS rant)
Where can i download the visual soucesafe 6.0c?Thanks.
i think it only comes with Visual Studio.NET Enterprise Edition, it is the piece that does all the integration work between VS.NET and the VSS database
Soliant | email
"The 'B' in Visual Basic means Beginner" - R. Bischoff
Someone please tell me if this is supposed to work:
(because it compiles and all I'm getting is a runtime invalid cast exception)
Object obj = someAssembly.CreateInstance("MyClass");
MyAbstractClass x = (MyAbstractClass) obj;
More importantly, I don't want to use Invoke() calls. Isn't there a cleaner work-around?
What's the definition of MyClass and MyAbstractClass?
Also, have you tried this without using CreateInstance to see if that works?
"VB.NET ... the STD of choice", Me, interal company memo
MyClass is derived from MyAbstractClass (sorry, should have mentioned that) and implements parent's abstract functions.
What alternatives are there for creating objects at runtime from definitions available only in other .NET DLLs or EXEs?
I'm just a .NET newbie
You might want to look at the Activator class.
Note that if you want to cast to an abstract class you own, the class will have to refer to the same abstract class (ie same assembly and same version)
As Eric allueded to, you've got to watch out when using objects from other assemblies. Unless you're using an interface or class type shared from the same .dll, you'll run into problems. In other words, the assembly creating the object and the assembly trying to downcast the object must both reference a separate assembly that describes the interface or class to which you are downcasting. (Does that make sense?)
It does and you two clinched it. Thanx guys!
Can't imagine why this wouldn't work. Try this:
MyAbstractClass x = obj as MyAbstractClass; as is a lot more flexible than direct casting and if it can't cast then rather than throwing an exception it will set x to null , giving you some room to debug.
I think there're pieces of me you've never seen - Tori Amos, Tear in Your Hand
The following is more safer:
Object obj = someAssembly.CreateInstance("MyClass");<br />
if( obj is MyAbstractClass )<br />
{<br />
MyAbstractClass x = (MyAbstractClass) obj;
and the precondition is you have added reference library, which has a definition of MyAbstractClass.
I'm amumu, and you?
I'm doing the MD5withRSA signature verification with C#.net.
Pls kindly tell me How can I have this job done?
I tested the following code, but can not work.
Thanks in advance.
FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(@"c:\pk"); //pk is the public key file.
RSAParameters RSAKeyInfo = new RSAParameters();
RSAKeyInfo.Exponent = new Byte[3]{1,0,1};
RSAKeyInfo.Modulus = new byte[fs.Length-5];
fs.Seek(5, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
fs.Read(RSAKeyInfo.Modulus, 0, (int)(fs.Length-5));
RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter RSADeformatter = new RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter(RSA);
If RSA.VerifyData(bData, "MD5", bSig)
Console.WriteLine("Verification Ok!");
Console.WriteLine("Verification Failed!");
I have to make a CryptoCom, who:
* Use CAPICOM (Microsoft product)
* Crypting Algorithm: Tryple DES (3DES)
* Language: VB ó C#
How can I do???
Ps: The last one option is only a setting, but I don't know set this in my CryptoCOM.
Language: VB ó C#
Hi I have written an windows app with C# witch is supposed to syncronize 2 folders e.g
FROM: C:\Project\Project
TO: \\server\d$\my.project.com
I have made the entire source witch delete files/folders on TO and copy/create files if they don't exists.
My problem is when it tries to copy/delete files, I get permissions denied, I am running the program when I am logged in as administrator and I have administrations access on target machines.
I can open explorer and edit/delete the files witch it complains about.
What can I do to allow my app to copy/overwrite/delete files on the TO machine ?
Somehow as far as I can see, I can overwrite *.dll and *.pdb, but not *.aspx and *.cs
I have tried almost everything:
int token1;
WindowsIdentity mWI1 = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
token1 = mWI1.Token.ToInt32();
IntPtr token2 = new IntPtr(token1);
And many more, can it maybe be because the IIS is blocking those aspx files, in that case what can I do to overrule?
Because I have one similiar program with the name "InSync" with does overwrite the files when I run it with.
I'm attempting to retrieve an Active Directory attribute that is stored as as type OctetString. I want to convert this value to a string, but the Convert class doesn't seem to be able to do this. Can someone help?
Marc Merritt wrote:
is stored as as type OctetString
Hmmm, ok I had to do a little searching here but if you read MSDN's page on ADS_OCTET_STRING[^] you will see that it is a struct containing a byte array. To convert this you might want to look into the BitConverter.ToString(..) method as it may handle this. You may also need to refer to the Marshal class under System.Runtime.InteropServices . Hope this helps.
Nick Parker
May your glass be ever full.
May the roof over your head be always strong.
And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you’re dead. - Irish Blessing