How much time could you have saved by doing this[^]?
Hi. Not getting you!
Do you have solution ?
Vijay Jadhav.
Vijay Jadhav, India. wrote: Hi. Not getting you!
I gave you a link to some useful information; did you use it?
Yes, but not find any useful details using .Net.
I need to use ASP.NET to implement whole scenario.
Any updates from your side ?
Vijay Jadhav.
Vijay Jadhav, India. wrote: I need to use ASP.NET to implement whole scenario.
Well it looks like you will need to learn ASP.NET also. Perhaps you should review the tasks you have been set and decide whether you have the skills required to complete them.
I am well familiar with ASP.NET.
I am totally new to SCORM concept.
No problem mate, I will handle it and get back to you with details.
Thanks for your time.
Vijay Jadhav.
Hi! I m a learner. A large number of CP article examples & demos are console based, how to simply convert console to windows form app using VS. Thanx.
Well, there is no simple way. I would suggest if you're a beginner, that looking at console apps is the way to go. Learn C# before you learn about events, controls, message pumps, etc.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
Thanx for reply. Actually some learners start "C#" with VS just as a web learner would start with FrontPage instead of learning abc of "HTML" first. Now, how far can VS assist resolve such issues. Thanx again
alrsds wrote: Actually some learners start "C#" with VS just as a web learner would start with FrontPage instead of learning abc of "HTML" first.
Well, you need VS to write apps. But, anyone who cares about being good, is going to learn the language before the frameworks.
I answered you. You can't magically turn a console app into a forms app. You can only do that as a manual process, and how much work it is, depends on the app. But, if you have a console app AND it's better to learn C# before winforms, why would you want to move it to winforms anyhow ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
Thanx. I have replied first part of discussion in another thread above. Regarding why instrested, this far as a learner, to be fair, I think forms more frequent in real world examples so I prefer to work with and also adapted some available here for personal use & community welfare. Regards
alrsds wrote: to be fair, I think forms more frequent in real world examples
Sure, forms are used a lot. Full English sentences are used more often that phrases like 'see spot run', but that doesn't mean that a 6 year old starts to learn to read by reading Shakespeare.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
Christian Graus wrote: Well, you need VS to write apps.
::cough:: No you don't. ::cough::
:: :: Don't you need it? :: ::
and why?
alrsds wrote: Don't you need it?
and why?
Visual Studio is merely an integrated tool that allows you to edit and compile a program without having to learn the individual commands. However, you can create a source file from any editor and compile it with the csc command.
But, using VS makes it much easier.
public static bool UpdateVisitor(string id,string n, string c, decimal p)
drow = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Add();
drow[0] = id;
drow[1] = n;
drow[2] = c;
drow[3] = p;
vda.UpdateCommand = vcb.GetUpdateCommand();
int res = vda.Update(ds.Tables[0]);
if (res > 0)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Visitor Details Updated");
return true;
return false;
i am new. pls tell me what is wrong. i want to update the data ok.......... thanks in advance
modified on Friday, September 25, 2009 1:27 AM
New to the site, or new to C# ? If you're new to C#, then why are you writing this code ? I assume you're writing for learning purposes, there is no way you're writing production quality code. So, choose a simpler task, and learn your way up to what ever task it is you're trying to learn how to do. And, when you ask questions, don't say 'what is wrong'. Tell us what you want the code to do, what it does instead, what your efforts at debugging have told you already, etc.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
Are u getting any error or what? Whats ur problem?
I hav few more Qs.
1) Where r u defining ur dataset "ds"?
2) Why u want ur return type Static?
I love it when they ask dumb questions, and when you try to help, they never answer.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
Its their loss.
He asked the same question a couple of days ago. I can't remember, nor can I be bothered to check, if he got an answer then.
Henry Minute
Do not read medical books! You could die of a misprint. - Mark Twain
Girl: (staring) "Why do you need an icy cucumber?"
“I want to report a fraud. The government is lying to us all.”
Hi all,
is it possible to add many panels to a form dynamically?
one panel contains 4 or 5 controls like txtbox and button.
if anybody has an idea, thanks in advance.
Yes, how else would they get there?
this.Controls.Add ( whatever ) ;
Hi, all,
I am implementing an IE toolbar with buttons to control the flash object. I have toolbar worked but failed to control the flash player in the current IE. Basically the toolbar buttons control the flash movie to play, pause, move to begin and end. It would greatly appreciated if you give the idea on how to make them work.
IHtmlElement element = FindFlashElement();
try {
// The following line failed with InvalidCastException
ShockwaveFlashClass flashclass = (ShockwaveFlashClass)element;
} catch (InvalidCastException ex) {
// failed to cast to ShockwaveFlashClass
IShockwaveFlash flash = (IShockwaveFlash)element;
flash.Play(); // nothing happens, same to Stop(), StopPlay(), etc.
1. I am using the latest flash plugin at c:\windows\system32\Macrodev\flash\flash10c.ocx.
2. There are two interfaces in the OCX: IShockwaveFlash and ShockwaveClass. They have pretty much the same methods. What's their different usage?
3. How to get the length of the current movie played? The IShockwaveFlash.TotalFrame always returns 1.
4. Please let me know where would be the best place to get such answers if you happen to know.
5. Is there any way to play the movie from certain place, such as from 1 minute 52 seconds? And how to know the current playing time?
Than you again for your help.
I have created a time picker as a form in a project, Could anyone please help me in how to create this as a control like for eaxample the open file dialogue, i have tried but keep hitting all sorts of "using" issues when i create it as a dll. I have a lot of experience of c# forms programming but out of that i need some direction
Any help or pointer to forum posts would be gratefully recieved