Remoting might work well for this; the sample chapter for Ingo Rammer's book Advanced .NET Remoting
[^] might just be enough to get you going.
Good luck,
Sig code stolen from David Wulff
I'm developing a firewall log monitoring application in C#
with the .NET framework, and I can't figure out something.
I'm trying to do a reverse lookup on an IP address. I
don't mean reverse lookup to a DNS entry. I'm looking to
find out the computer-name behind the IP address.
The only thing I can find that's remotely related is:
Dns.GetHostByName() and Dns.GetHostByAddress().
However,these methods deal with IPHost objects, which only
contain DNS or IP information -- nothing about computer-
Does anyone have any idea how to get a computer-name from
an IP address in my C#/.NET application? Is there anything
in .NET that will accomplish this? If so, what is it? If
not, what can I call outside of .NET that I can
incorporate into my application?
This is on a windows network? There is the WNet api in the PlatformSDK. You might be able to import functions from the windows networking DLL's to access windows networking information like computer names (wouldn't that be NetBIOS?).
No, this is not specific to a Windows network. I need to be able to get the "computer name" of any in-coming IP address to the firewall.
Basically, I want my app to be able to do what a NSLOOKUP call does. Get what I mean?
Yeah, makes sense. Is there an RFC or public spec for what NSLOOKUP does? I'd search the net for something and see if you can figure out the message format for NSLOOKUP messages.
If it's "across the wire" all you're going to get is the DNS reverse lookup. Machine names are not necessarily the same as the DNS name, and all TCP/IP w/DNS will give you is just that: The DNS name, which may or not be the machine name.
NetWkstaGetInfo() will only work on Windows machines (Pre Windows 2000 or Pre Windows 2000 compatible) where Anonymous access is allowed (a reeeeely reeeeeely reeely bad practice!)
Why do you need to know the actual machine name anyway? If there's suspicious behavior, you can trace the IP back. If it's illegal behavior, you can go deeper and give the authorities your firewall logs for the offense.
Hi All,
I'm trying to move colors for index 27 and beyond from the Colors enumeration to a new string[] array. The following moves them fine into the new array, and writes them out, but when the Databind occurs, it give me the following error.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
KnownColor enumColor = new KnownColor();
Array Colors = Enum.GetValues(enumColor.GetType());
string[] WebColors = new string[150];
for (int i=27; i< Colors.Length;i++)
WebColors[i-27] = Color.FromName(Colors.GetValue(i).ToString()).Name.ToString();
foreach (string s in WebColors)
Response.Write(s + " ");
cboColor.DataSource = WebColors;
I would be VERY thankful for any help.
I'm a CS student, and i need to write a console application which basically writes data packages read with a sniffer to a logfile and then sends data from a different logfile to a remote machine using TNS protocol over TCP. My app also has to communicate with a third party through another unique protocol over TCP.
As i never programmed with C# before, my question is if C# is suited for this kind of project or am i better off with C++ ?
You would be amazed how simple it is. See the System.Net.Sockets namespace, you have TcpClient and TcpServer class stuff waiting for you. As far as I can remember, there are articles on CP about this as well.
Good luck!
How low can you go ? (MS rant)
You can do async sockets on .NET. Several of my projects use the async functionality. Blocking sockets are mostly useless for the sorts of things I do.
.NET async sockets actually use IO completion ports internally, so its far better than CAsyncSocket. Oh, and they use delegates for notification, not windows messages.
want to know some api's for opening and editing pdf file.
in c sharp.(c#).
Although the latest Acrobat 5 SDK[^] does not support explicitely .NET (interop come to the rescue at this point), you can generate PDF files with using C# code with this sourceforge library[^].
If instead of generating PDF files from scratch you intend to update existing PDF files, I would suggest to use interop, that is create a small wrapper around the Adobe SDK. If you are lucky, this wrapper will be automatically created for you (the Adobe SDK must be an explicit COM component).
How low can you go ? (MS rant)
How to extract Mobile Phone number user who is watching WAP site using Mobile Internet Toolkit.
just for it
I have already known solvation. The mobile phone number can be passed in http header. It is necassery to be set such option by cell phone company. (SMS Centrum has to be configured).
pdf is a proprietary format, AFAIK the only products that convert to and from it cost money. There is certainly no api call to do it. Isn't XSL-FO just formatting info, how would you convert a pdf document to *just* XML-FO ?
No offense, but I don't really want to encourage the creation of another VB developer. - Larry Antram 22 Oct 2002
Hey, at least Logo had, at it's inception, a mechanical turtle. VB has always lacked even that... - Shog9 04-09-2002
During last 10 years, with invention of VB and similar programming environments, every ill-educated moron became able to develop software. - Alex E. - 12-Sept-2002
Hmm...a little snappy are we, Christian?
Its entirely possible to convert from PDF to XSL-FO. It should also be possible to convert from XSL-FO to PDF, considering that PDF is a markup language like any other. You can open a PDF in wordpad or another text editor and see its markup. The only problem you would have is embedding images in a PDF. I have no idea how you would do that.
As for the comments about VB. I get really sick of hearing those. I've programmed for 17 years. My first language was Pascal, which at the time could have been considered the VB of languages. It wasn't elegant, it wasn't complicated, it was easy, simple, brainless. Without it I would probably never have learned to program as well as I do now. After a couple years programming in Pascal, I moved on to C++, which I have been using ever since, until the last 4 years. I've used VB, Perl, and Java (among others) along with C++ during those years. In the last year C# has replaced C++ as my primary programming language.
What makes me sick about programmers who think they are god is the way they look down on everyon else, especially newbies. VB aint the greatest language, but it does allow people to start learning. Without simple languages like Pascal and VB, a LOT of great programmers would likely never have even tried. What makes me even more disgusted is when programmers who think they are god move from just putting down VB programmers to putting down everyone. WHO GIVES A F*** IF SOMEONE USES CAPS!!! WHO GIVES A F*** IF SOMEONE USES VB!!! At least they are having fun, learning, doing something with their lives other than snapping at anyone who tries to achieve greater knowedge than they currently have, and possibly become more knowledgable than yourself.
Sorry for the rant, but it makes me sick how some programmers have to act like they know everything, and put every one else around them down to make themselves feel better. My last word on the subject...so flame away.
Jon Rista wrote:
As for the comments about VB. I get really sick of hearing those.
Ah, now the real reason for your reply comes to the fore....
Jon Rista wrote:
I've programmed for 17 years. My first language was Pascal, which at the time could have been considered the VB of languages. It wasn't elegant, it wasn't complicated, it was easy, simple, brainless. Without it I would probably never have learned to program as well as I do now. After a couple years programming in Pascal, I moved on to C++, which I have been using ever since, until the last 4 years. I've used VB, Perl, and Java (among others) along with C++ during those years. In the last year C# has replaced C++ as my primary programming language.
Well, let me just say that
1. Applesoft was my first programming language. Does not mean I think much of it now.
2. You've replaced C++ with C# ? That sounds like a bad/premature decision to me, unless you're doing asp work, in which case one wonders what you were doing with C++. Please tell me you're not writing client applications that exist apart from a browser.
3. I've used VB, vbscript, javascript, C#, etc.
4. I didn't say any of these things, I just quoted them. Why does everyone yell at me ?
Jon Rista wrote:
What makes me sick about programmers who think they are god is the way they look down on everyon else, especially newbies.
Yes, I hate that too.
Jon Rista wrote:
VB aint the greatest language, but it does allow people to start learning.
Yes, learning bad habits and bad design, learning a language that has little use in the real world. C++ is a perfectly good beginners language, if it is taught correctly.
Jon Rista wrote:
What makes me even more disgusted is when programmers who think they are god move from just putting down VB programmers to putting down everyone.
Ah - I see now, the god thing is meant to refer to me, is it ? At what point in your less than a month of being here, writing no articles and 16 posts ( two on this thread ), did you get to know me so well ? I've probably made more posts this week helping people than you have posted at all, ever. You'll find if you become a regular that we get really annoyed when people ask us to do their homework, and when they ask in the lounge. This person asked in the lounge as well as here, and was the last of three people to ask questions that certainly looked like homework requests in quick succession there. So it's possible I was a little cross when I replied, but I was actually doing so with the intention of learning something about XSL-FO myself.
Jon Rista wrote:
Most people on the internet. You're new here completely, are you ? all caps is HARD ON THE EYES AND LEADS TO GREATER FATIGUE THAN PROPERLY FORMATTED TEXT. I thought everyone knew that.
Jon Rista wrote:
Not me. The world needs it's share of idiots. Otherwise, who would pay me outlandish amounts of money to write apps in a more efficient language.
Jon Rista wrote:
At least they are having fun, learning, doing something with their lives other than snapping at anyone who tries to achieve greater knowedge than they currently have, and possibly become more knowledgable than yourself.
The world is full of people with more knowledge than me. When I ask such people for help I do so in the proscribed place, observing simple netiquette ( I do not use ALL CAPS, nor do I top post, or ask in the wrong forums, as examples ), and I generally do so after trying to achieve something myself, and post examples of what I have done, rather than expecting people to give me a complete solution.
Jon Rista wrote:
My last word on the subject...so flame away.
In my opinion, you would do well to research who you are attacking before claiming that I am not helpful to others. I also think that it's amusing how insecure all these VB programmers are when people have a joke about what remains the crappiest language still in current use. I didn't say the things in my sig, I am not an island, anyone who has looked at VB with half a brain comes to the same conclusions. Having said that, there are people here who use VB and who still talk to me, so I presume they get the difference between me hating VB, and me hating VBers. You, on the other hand, are apparently too stupid to figure that out. I'd suggest in future you stop and think before posting this sort of crap, I'm not insulted by what you've said, I am just depressed that once again it is proven to me that the intelligence level required for people to find this place and post to it is far lower than I would like.
No offense, but I don't really want to encourage the creation of another VB developer. - Larry Antram 22 Oct 2002
Hey, at least Logo had, at it's inception, a mechanical turtle. VB has always lacked even that... - Shog9 04-09-2002
During last 10 years, with invention of VB and similar programming environments, every ill-educated moron became able to develop software. - Alex E. - 12-Sept-2002
Wooohooo! Go Christian! Go Christian!
Score one for the home team! Or maybe 5, or 10...
Norm Almond: I seen some GUI's in my life but WTF is this mess
Leppie: I made an app for my sister and she wouldnt use it till it was colorful enough
Norm:good point leppie, from that statement I can only deduce that this GUI must be aimed at children
Leppie:My sister is 25
-Norm on the MailMagic GUI
*grin* I felt I'd gone too far after I posted it, but I was pretty mad at the time.
No offense, but I don't really want to encourage the creation of another VB developer. - Larry Antram 22 Oct 2002
Hey, at least Logo had, at it's inception, a mechanical turtle. VB has always lacked even that... - Shog9 04-09-2002
During last 10 years, with invention of VB and similar programming environments, every ill-educated moron became able to develop software. - Alex E. - 12-Sept-2002