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GeneralRe: Image coordinates within a picturebox Pin
Quake2Player28-Jul-09 7:28
Quake2Player28-Jul-09 7:28 
GeneralRe: Image coordinates within a picturebox Pin
Quake2Player28-Jul-09 7:44
Quake2Player28-Jul-09 7:44 
GeneralRe: Image coordinates within a picturebox Pin
krishy1928-Jul-09 19:37
krishy1928-Jul-09 19:37 
QuestionThe viewable portion of items in a ListBox Pin
GavinSV14-Jul-09 12:59
GavinSV14-Jul-09 12:59 
AnswerRe: The viewable portion of items in a ListBox [modified] Pin
Henry Minute14-Jul-09 13:08
Henry Minute14-Jul-09 13:08 
GeneralRe: The viewable portion of items in a ListBox Pin
GavinSV14-Jul-09 16:24
GavinSV14-Jul-09 16:24 
QuestionWhy is my bitmap file smaller than it should be ? Pin
Paul Carr14-Jul-09 11:47
Paul Carr14-Jul-09 11:47 
AnswerRe: Why is my bitmap file smaller than it should be ? Pin
Christian Graus14-Jul-09 11:58
protectorChristian Graus14-Jul-09 11:58 
GeneralRe: Why is my bitmap file smaller than it should be ? Pin
Paul Carr14-Jul-09 12:11
Paul Carr14-Jul-09 12:11 
GeneralRe: Why is my bitmap file smaller than it should be ? Pin
Paul Carr14-Jul-09 12:13
Paul Carr14-Jul-09 12:13 
GeneralRe: Why is my bitmap file smaller than it should be ? Pin
Paul Carr14-Jul-09 12:17
Paul Carr14-Jul-09 12:17 
GeneralRe: Why is my bitmap file smaller than it should be ? Pin
harold aptroot14-Jul-09 12:20
harold aptroot14-Jul-09 12:20 
GeneralRe: Why is my bitmap file smaller than it should be ? Pin
harold aptroot14-Jul-09 12:19
harold aptroot14-Jul-09 12:19 
GeneralRe: Why is my bitmap file smaller than it should be ? Pin
Christian Graus14-Jul-09 15:17
protectorChristian Graus14-Jul-09 15:17 
Questionusing statements and IDisposable Pin
saxisa14-Jul-09 11:38
saxisa14-Jul-09 11:38 
AnswerRe: using statements and IDisposable Pin
Christian Graus14-Jul-09 11:59
protectorChristian Graus14-Jul-09 11:59 
AnswerRe: using statements and IDisposable Pin
PIEBALDconsult14-Jul-09 17:09
mvePIEBALDconsult14-Jul-09 17:09 
Questionwork with webBrowser properties? Pin
mr.mohsen14-Jul-09 10:16
mr.mohsen14-Jul-09 10:16 
AnswerRe: work with webBrowser properties? Pin
Adam R Harris14-Jul-09 10:26
Adam R Harris14-Jul-09 10:26 
GeneralRe: work with webBrowser properties? Pin
mr.mohsen14-Jul-09 10:39
mr.mohsen14-Jul-09 10:39 
GeneralRe: work with webBrowser properties? Pin
Adam R Harris14-Jul-09 10:51
Adam R Harris14-Jul-09 10:51 
GeneralRe: work with webBrowser properties? Pin
mr.mohsen14-Jul-09 20:19
mr.mohsen14-Jul-09 20:19 
GeneralRe: work with webBrowser properties? Pin
Adam R Harris14-Jul-09 20:28
Adam R Harris14-Jul-09 20:28 
QuestionRegEx not finding matches ... but it should Pin
Adam R Harris14-Jul-09 9:46
Adam R Harris14-Jul-09 9:46 
AnswerRe: RegEx not finding matches ... but it should Pin
dan!sh 14-Jul-09 19:53
professional dan!sh 14-Jul-09 19:53 

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