I know nothing , I know nothing ...
Well, the .NET Framework makes network programming a virtually straight-forward task, not like alot of other programmers would have you believe...
A few months ago I found a link to an article that's very similar to what you're trying to accomplish. If I can find it again I'll post it on here.
I would have people believe differently. If you can manually forward all relevant ports on all computers that will have a listening socket then it's easy enough, but otherwise NAT will get you.
edit: there probably isn't going to be NAT between an USB thing and a computer though, so that's 1 problem less.
If you have drivers that allow you to network two or more machines over USB, then you don't have to do anything in your code. TCP/IP is the carrier for your data, abstracting the underlying hardware and links away. You don't have to account for the link type at all.
After that, pick up a book on Windows Communication Foundation and Sockets Programming.
hi all.
i want to read pieace of data from wave file and play data.
i dont want to write data to other Wave file and play it/
i want to play data in memory or ram not diffrent just without write file
but i dont know how is it?
Read the WAV file into a MemoryStream, and create a SoundPlayer, passing the MemoryStream as an argument. Then, just call Play
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
Hi All
I use C#.Net To Create Windows Application system
I want to save the problems resulting from the system in the Right Click On
My Computer-> Manage -> Event Viewer -> Application Error
How can I do this
modified on Sunday, June 7, 2009 8:15 AM
using System.Diagnostics;
EventLog ApplicationEventLog = new System.Diagnostics.EventLog();
ApplicationEventLog.Source = "My application name here";
ApplicationEventLog.WriteEntry("My message here", EventLogEntryType.Error);
You should have a look at the docs for EventLog , you will see you can specify many more options.
2+2=5 for very large amounts of 2
(always loved that one hehe!)
Hello Experts!!
I am taking linklabel from toolbox and i want to set internet explorer to that link thr' which i can show my organisation site.Dont knw what to do??
Help me!
LinkLabel has a LinkClicked event; use Process.Start(myURL) to launch default browser, or Process.Start("iexporer.exe", myUrl) to launch Internet Explorer. There must be some documentation somewhere that contains all the details...
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Thanx for reply.....but what is MyURL....in my code it gives error->MyURL does not exist in current context
string myUrl = "http://www.mycompanysite.com";
DaveBTW, in software, hope and pray is not a viable strategy. (Luc Pattyn) Visual Basic is not used by normal people so we're not covering it here. (Uncyclopedia) Why are you using VB6? Do you hate yourself? (Christian Graus)
In my examples MyURL is a string holding the URL you want to browse, I thought that was obvious. You can get it from the LinkLabel itself or store it as a string literal in your code.
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
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Is it possible to do some code X times e.g.
Ummm, maybe I'm being dense and not really understanding your question, but what's wrong with a for loop?
There are three kinds of people in the world - those who can count and those who can't...
jammmie999 wrote: Hi
Is it possible to do some code X times e.g.
//10 times
Simply Use Loop.
It's obvious you know nothing about programming, yet. So, buy a book before you ask the most elementary questions here. Knowing what a messagebox is, before knowing about basic constructs, will only create holes in your knowledge that you may never adequately fill. Do a course, or buy a basic book and read all of it.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Please read this[ ^] if you don't like the answer I gave to your question.
"! i don't exactly like or do programming and it only gives me a headache." - spotted in VB forums.
Seriously; look at a for-loop
for(int i = 0; i < UpperBound; i++)
If there's only one action, then you can drop the { and }
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
Uhm, dah, uhm whats UpperBound and why do you have a double ++ after i
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
these are just minor typos; anyway you're better of with an OK-Cancel kind of interface so the user can chose the number of greetings he gets.
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If you have already used MessageBox.Show, then I am quite sure that you have also used the for loop.
Either you love IT or leave IT...
i have a simple Client/Server Application. You know, to read data or Accept TCPClients (in TCPListener) i need some loops which waits for data or for incoming connections.
My Problem now... i have not a lot of Connections now (since now), but i have a CPU Usage of 99% when i start my applications. So i decided to put into the loops a "Thread.Sleep(100)" Command. But that doesn't help very well... And if i let my threads sleep for maybe 300 milliseconds, i get exceptions, because the client couldn't create a connection or i get exceptions because the TCPClient "isn't available"...
So, how do i can here avoid these huge CPU Usage... i mean, other server-applications and client-applications really doesn't need all my CPU Power
Many Thanks
Not sure I quite get what you're doing here. Usually you have one thread which just listens and accepts incoming connections - this thread is asleep until something comes in so doesn't use up any CPU bandwidth.
When a connection does come in, its usually passed to a new thread which handles it. These threads sleep as well when there is no network activity.
Rob Philpott.
Well i don't mean network usage... i mean the CPU usage...
here for example one loop...
all my loops looks like that and so i don't understand, why i have such an CPU usage...
void connectionHolder()
while (cancel == false)
if (connection.GetStream().DataAvailable == true)
int maxBuffer = connection.ReceiveBufferSize;
Byte[] buffer = new Byte[maxBuffer];
int x = connection.GetStream().Read(buffer, 0, maxBuffer);
IMO you are wasting a lot of resources:
- what made you chose 100msec as your sampling period?
- why do you call connection.GetStream() every 100 msec?
- why do you call connection.ReceiveBufferSize every 100 msec?
- why do you allocate a new byte[] every 100 msec? can't you reuse it?
- why don't you use an event-driven mechanism, as provided by BeginRead (ignoring DataAvailable)?
softwarejaeger wrote: all my loops looks like that
and why do you need that many loops?
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