Some tips from Google[^] herself. Don't forget to download the PDF[^].
I are troll
Using a thread and a while(true) is the best way? or is there any method that isn't consuming cpu on the background every iteration?
DateTime nextCheck = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds( t );
while (true)
if (DateTime.Now > nextCheck)
nextCheck.AddSeconds( t );
do the thing...
this is a very bad idea.
Assume nextCheck has not been reached yet, then the while(true) loop is basically empty, and spinning all the time, keeping an entire core occupied. Watch the Task Manager"performance" pane: it will show 100% CPU if your system is single-core, 50% when dual-core, etc. So that is a big waste.
There is an easy fix: make sure some time elapses for free, no matter what path is taken inside the loop; i.e. when the test fails do a Thread.Sleep(x); where larger x values are less expensive, however they may decrease the accuracy of the kick-in moment. So probably 333*t is a good value, it makes you loop three times with typically two fails and one hit.
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
The quality and detail of your question reflects on the effectiveness of the help you are likely to get.
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mhmm Didnt get the 333*t part,
Is this okey?
DateTime nextCheck = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds( t );
while (true)
if (DateTime.Now > nextCheck)
nextCheck.AddSeconds( t );
do the thing...
else { Thread.Sleep( nextCheck - DateTime.Now ); }
Another question,
If it gets to the part of "Thread.Sleep", I'm 100% sure the current thread is itself ? I guess so because if its reading that line... right?
your snippet is acceptable under most circumstances. The one problem with it is this: let us assume we are in the else part, just finished the subtraction, and are going to launch the sleep; suddenly the system decides to switch threads because something higher-priority kicked in; after three seconds, the higher-priority thing is back, and your thread now goes to sleep voluntarily, for a timespan that is of by three seconds. Bad luck.
When you have a fixed sleep as in <thread.sleep(333*t)< code=""> your thread will try and loop once every 333 msec (assuming t=1), or 666 msec (for t=2), etc. so effectively for a repeat of t seconds it will try three times, failing two and succeeding one. The 333 stems from 1000 milliseconds per second, and 3 short sleeps for 1 activation of the "do the thing".
yes Thread.Sleep() is always executed by the thread that executes it, just like "I am myself" and "it now is today". All always true.
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
The quality and detail of your question reflects on the effectiveness of the help you are likely to get.
Show formatted code inside PRE tags, and give clear symptoms when describing a problem.
Quake2Player wrote: while (true)
if (DateTime.Now > nextCheck)
That is really bad code! It just lurks around iterating like crazy asking "HAS THE TIME COME? HAS THE TIME COME?" and does it NON-STOP! That's rude and possibly one of the worst ways to do it.
Can the thread not sleep for t seconds for every iteration instead? Or use a timer?
It is a crappy thing, but it's life -^ Carlo Pallini
What's wrong with a timer ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
"I am new to programming world. I have been learning c# for about past four weeks. I am quite acquainted with the fundamentals of c#. Now I have to work on a project which converts given flat files to XML using the XML serialization method" - SK64 ( but the forums have stuff like this posted every day )
.NET provides 3 different timer classes that can execute a method on regular intervals.
You can look here[^] for a start.
I experienced something really weird today. First, some context: Im trying to retreive list of files from .csproj file (visual studio project). I found that file list is at this path: Project/ItemGroup/Compile. So I loaded the file into xml document and queried nodes by SelectNodes method. Nothing special. But... When I call something like this:
then no nodes are returned. Call like this:
works and returns expected result!
And nothing special in xml, looks like this:
<Compile Include="****" />
Does anybody have an idea whats happening?
IComplexApplication app = Programer.Implement(); // Programing is simple!
hello my friends. here is my questions
i have made an application with a database.
i have made a win application with a database included. i wite the code using datasets,datatables etc... if i want to see the new datas in a table i have to reload the MyDatabase.mdf file in order to see them if i save datas when i run the application, so if i make a setup.exe for this app when i run it and do some sabes in the database will iu be able to see them in the app??
i created an setup.exe
but when i fire tha icon to run it it says something about the database
"An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\WebSites\WebSite1\App_Data\aspnetdb.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be Opened, or it is located on UNC share."
any suggestions???
thank you
Go to the ASP.NET [^] forum and try asking there.
I'm working on a managed MIDI wrapper. Because the only valid devies are those that ae installed, the wrapper exposes a static public property that is an array of devices that are instances of the Input or Output classes (it is not possible for them to create their own instances of these classes).
It's extremely important that any devices used are stopped and closed etc correctly before the program closes.
To do this, I've made the Devices[] property getter return a singleton's static property that is the array, and put the necessary logic in the singleton's destructor.
Is this the best approach?
public class Output
private class Singleton
static Singleton()
Output[] result = new Output[GetNumberOfDevices()];
if (result.Length > 0)
for (UInt32 u = 0; u < result.Length; u++)
result[u] = new Output(u);
Devices = result;
internal static Output[] Devices { get; private set; }
internal Output(UInt32 id)
public static Output[] Devices
get { return Singleton.Devices; }
public new static void CloseAll()
foreach (Output device in Devices)
public override void Close()
internal static UInt32 GetNumberOfDevices()
return InteropFunctions.midiOutGetNumDevs();
internal void SetDeviceCapabilities()
DaveBTW, in software, hope and pray is not a viable strategy. (Luc Pattyn) Visual Basic is not used by normal people so we're not covering it here. (Uncyclopedia) Why are you using VB6? Do you hate yourself? (Christian Graus)
modified on Thursday, May 28, 2009 4:54 PM
This is a good example of where you should use the Dispose pattern. You can find a bit about the Dispose pattern at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b1yfkh5e.aspx[^] on MSDN.
Here's a bit of a template example of the class members I would add to implemented it in your case:
private object syncRoot = new object();
private bool isDisposed = false;
public override void Close()
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
isDisposed = true;
I would also consider having some separate class, like a MIDIDeviceManager to control the life cycle of our Output objects and provide system information like the GetNumberOfDevices() method. In my opinion it would be a bit cleaner than having it all in the Output class. It could also allow you to only create the Output device instances the user needs, rather than an array of all of them.
I was avoiding Dispose as calling my Close automatically frees unmanaged resources - but on reflection, it makes sense.
By the way, the 'real' classes derive from an abstract base class, so I've implemented the Dispose in there.
I've experimented with a 'manager' class, and this is what I have as a basic outline. Opinions welcome!
public static class MIDIDeviceManager
private static List<MIDIOutput> activeOutputs = new List<MIDIOutput>();
private static List<MIDIInput> activeInputs = new List<MIDIInput>();
private static UInt32 availableMidiOutputCount;
private static UInt32 availableMidiInputCount;
public static UInt32 AvailableMIDIOutputCount
if (availableMidiOutputCount == 0)
availableMidiOutputCount = InteropFunctions.midiOutGetNumDevs();
return availableMidiOutputCount;
public static UInt32 AvailableMIDIInputCount
if (availableMidiInputCount == 0)
availableMidiInputCount = InteropFunctions.midiInGetNumDevs();
return availableMidiInputCount;
public static IList<MIDIOutput> ActiveOutputs
get { return activeOutputs.AsReadOnly(); }
public static IList<MIDIInput> ActiveInputs
get { return activeInputs.AsReadOnly(); }
public static MIDIOutput GetMIDIOutput(UInt32 id)
if (id < availableMidiOutputCount)
MIDIOutput result = null;
foreach (MIDIOutput midiOutput in activeOutputs)
if (midiOutput.ID == id)
result = midiOutput;
if (result == null)
result = new MIDIOutput(id);
return result;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"id", "ID out of range. Check MIDIOutputCount for available range.");
public static MIDIInput GetMIDIInput(UInt32 id)
if (id < availableMidiInputCount)
MIDIInput result = null;
foreach (MIDIInput midiInput in activeInputs)
if (midiInput.ID == id)
result = midiInput;
if (result == null)
result = new MIDIInput(id);
return result;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"id", "ID out of range. Check MIDIInputCount for available range.");
internal static void RemoveDevice(MIDIDevice device)
switch (device.DeviceType)
case DeviceTypes.Input:
public abstract class MIDIDevice : IDisposable
private object syncRoot = new object();
private bool isDisposed = false;
public MIDIDevice(UInt32 id)
ID = id;
public UInt32 ID { get; private set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
public abstract DeviceTypes DeviceType { get; }
public void Close()
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
lock (syncRoot)
if (!isDisposed)
if (disposing)
isDisposed = true;
public class MIDIOutput : MIDIDevice
internal MIDIOutput(UInt32 id) : base(id) { }
public override DeviceTypes DeviceType
get { return DeviceTypes.Output; }
public class MIDIInput : MIDIDevice
internal MIDIInput(UInt32 id) : base(id) { }
public override DeviceTypes DeviceType
get { return DeviceTypes.Input; }
public enum DeviceTypes
Output = 0,
Input = 1,
DaveBTW, in software, hope and pray is not a viable strategy. (Luc Pattyn) Visual Basic is not used by normal people so we're not covering it here. (Uncyclopedia) Why are you using VB6? Do you hate yourself? (Christian Graus)
Good people,
Using Windows Installer I am creating a .msi file. How do I make the application run immediately after installation? Also, how do I give the user a choice about whether it should run after install? I know about the dialog boxes but I just wasn't sure how to make it run after-wards.
Thanks for any help or information you can provide.
i want to read bmp image and then save that by RLE(run length encoding) algorithm and return rle file to bmp file.
this is my first project about image. i am inexperienced.
please tell me your recommands for do this project.
First look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Run-length_encoding[^]
But then observe that it will only work well for pictures with many pixels of the same colour in a row.
A better idea (not very advanced, but a nice hobby project perhaps) would be to estimate the colour of every pixel based on only preceding pixels (often predicted as a weighted average of the pixel left, above, left-above and right-above) and then calculate the difference between the expected colour and the actual colour. Then apply RLE to that (now it will also compress gradients) and then Huffman encode it.
It wouldn't really work on photo's, but it's ok for screenshots and diagrams.
edit: note that applying Huffman coding means that you can use a new symbol for the RLE marker thing, instead of having to do crazy hacks with "escape sequences" and such. For extra winnage you can put the length symbols in a different alphabet and Huffman compress them separately (or just output them as raw bytes) - best not encode them in the same way as the actual data since that would mess up the symbol frequencies.
I have used LINQ in the past to call stored procedures, but this is my first time using LINQ to SQL instead of ADO.Net and stored procedures.
So far I really like it. My only issue with it is that if a table changes you have to delete the table from the model and re-add the table. Is there no way to have the dbml class scan the database for changes?
Also, the System.Xml.Linq classes are incredible. I have to process a bunch of XML in this application and I can't believe how easy it is.
I didn't get any requirements for the signature
I just use ADO.net; it's simple, I'm in control, I don't have to worry about what it's doing in the background.
Same as PIEBALDconsult, at the moment. I'm looking into the other two options at the moment (very early stages).
You are absolutely correct about LINQ to XML though. IMNSHO it is the best of the XML access technologies in .NET.
Henry Minute
Do not read medical books! You could die of a misprint. - Mark Twain
Girl: (staring) "Why do you need an icy cucumber?"
“I want to report a fraud. The government is lying to us all.”
I have a windows form that can be moved around by clicking and dragging on any portion of the form. I used the method of overriding WndProc, and setting the result of the NCHITTEST function to be HTCAPTION, in order to fool the form into thinking I clicked the caption - so it enables dragging.
The code for this works great, and is below:
protected override void WndProc(ref Message msg)<br />
{<br />
if (msg.Msg == (int)WinAPI.NCHITTEST)<br />
{<br />
DefWndProc(ref msg);<br />
if ((int)msg.Result == (int)MousePositionCodes.HTCLIENT)<br />
{<br />
msg.Result = (IntPtr)MousePositionCodes.HTCAPTION;<br />
return;<br />
}<br />
}<br />
}<br />
base.WndProc(ref msg);<br />
The problem occurs when I dock a ToolStripPanel into the form (this is acting as a draggable toolbar). I need any portion of the ToolStripPanel that is not covered by a ToolStrip to pass up the messages necessary to cause the whole form to enter drag mode.
I have created my own ToolStripContainer class to override the WndProc function and have tried using the same function as above, but it causes the ToolStripContainer to enter drag mode *within* the form, which is not the desired functionality.
I have also tried passing up NCHITTEST messages to the parent, as well as constructing a new message with the current mouse coordinates and sending it to the parent using the WinAPI and the parent's window handle.
I have to be missing something simple here... Anyone have any ideas?
I use SortedList as follows:
sortedlist sr=new sortedlist();
How can i retrieve the value according the key? I mean if the key is "abc" and the value is "def"?
I mean when i write sr.getkey it can receive only integer , i mean sr.getkey(int) but i need string as key.
Also when i use :
sortedlist<string,string> sr=net sortedlist();
and i do :
string k=sr["abc"];
it says : The given key was not present in the dictionary
Also i tried SortedDictionary but it's the same with it