mkoopman wrote: that searches your entire harddisk and lists all the files
What a freakin horrible thing to do. yuk - You are going to need elevated permissions to see some folders. There are hidden and system folders that are not generally available to your app!
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
I figured that out, but do you know a way (if it is there) to do this?
There is a good reason that these folders are kept secure. Can I suggest you look at a different approach.
What is the reason for indexing the files? Beyond a googlesque search app I cannot see a reason.
Panic, Chaos, Destruction.
My work here is done.
The reason for me wanting this, is because im writing an application that checks your filesystem for harmfull files.
And if i cant access certain folders, it does not work as it should work
mkoopman wrote: Is there a way to get some tep. read rights for that folder?
No, there isn't. Either you already have the permissions to see inside those folders, or you don't. It's that simple. There is no such thing as getting "temporary read permissions" to anything.
So there is no way of reading out those dirs?
Sure there is: having the permission already.
And that's easy.
Okey, how should i do that?
Tell the user to log in as admin and not to use Vista and you'll be fine
Of course that isn't a real solution..
You could abandon C# (partially) and have at least part of the program run as driver
No, there isn't.
You cannot grant yourself more permissions that you already have.
If it's a permissions issue then you can use impersonation[^] to impersonate a user that does have the required permissions. More info here[^].
DaveBTW, in software, hope and pray is not a viable strategy. (Luc Pattyn) Visual Basic is not used by normal people so we're not covering it here. (Uncyclopedia) Why are you using VB6? Do you hate yourself? (Christian Graus)
I am trying to create a round button which spins a spot around the inside at radius-10mm form edge.
Representing where the mouse has moved (A volume Knob on cd player etc).
I have found the center of the circle and the point at which the mouse was clicked.
I know need to draw a spot along the in the position (radius-10) along the line form the center to the mouse position.
Does anyone have an idea as to how i can plot the spot in the correct poistion.
Whats wrong with mouse move event in the container of the button? You may need to handle the event for a number of containers/controls but you have half the problem and now have the other half.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Hi i created dropdown(categories) , checkbox Listview, according to category it will display in listview . after selecting items he wiil close the form then he went to parent form . In parent form before saving record , once again if he opens checklist form , then there should be previous selected items ........ is it good idea to store items in Arraylist . if possible give me some idea
Member 4587679 wrote: is it good idea to store items in Arraylist
Use a generic List instead. Don't post back asking what a generic List is, Look it up.
Henry Minute
Do not read medical books! You could die of a misprint. - Mark Twain
Girl: (staring) "Why do you need an icy cucumber?"
“I want to report a fraud. The government is lying to us all.”
Have a look at my ball simulation using a quad tree.
Hoping to set up multitasking to get more FPS
let me know what you think
I think people are unlikely to download an exe like this. You'd be better writing a blog or article demonstrating your code.
"WPF has many lovers. It's a veritable porn star!" - Josh Smith As Braveheart once said, "You can take our freedom but you'll never take our Hobnobs!" - Martin Hughes.
My blog | My articles | MoXAML PowerToys | Onyx
Good point.
Here is the link for the source.
I wont go into to much detail.
Just have a look at the code.
All the balls are split into there corresponding grid spaces so collision checking can be made faster.
Should be able to run 3000 balls at about 10fps
I want to display a list view that will contain data as follows:
Column 1 will display normal text data, column 2 will contain multiple images and every image will have a click event.
How can I do this?
Use a datagridview - I'm pretty sure you cannot add multiple controls (picturebox) to a cell though. Feels like a custom control requirement to me.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Hi guys!
Does anyone know of a replacement for the FlowLayoutPanel control that supports VirtualMode and selection of items? I guess I could make one myself, but I was hoping someone already did this before. What I am really looking for is a control that has the functionality of a ListView but supports templating controls like FlowLayoutPanel.
i developed a project in c# and the final ouput is generated in crystal reports and created a setup of project and installed in client system and i separately installed crystalreport setup which i downloaded from net.
now my problem is...
my client is to install two setups in each system
1)project setup
2)crystalreport setup
can we combine these two setups and make a new setup which installs my project and crystalreport exe
Did you try adding the Crystal Reports merge module to your deployment project?
Or you could check the prerequisites box for CR if you prefer.
hey i am working in .net application in c#.........i need to delete differnt items from list view with the help of timer on the selectedindexchange event.....the problem is that when i select one item at a time within the elapsing time of the timer there is no problem, but when i select multiple items at a time within the elapsing time of the timer the timer is set only on the last selected item and it gets removed from the previous one............is there any way to set timer on every selected item of the listview.......i need the code in c#......kindly help....
this is what i am doin........
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace timer
public partial class Form2 : Form
System.Windows.Forms.Timer m_Timer;
public Form2()
listView1.SmallImageList = AlertImageList;
m_Timer = new Timer();
m_Timer.Interval = 5000;
m_Timer.Tick += new EventHandler(m_Timer_Tick);
void m_Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
public int y;
private void listView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (listView1.Items.Count > 0)
y = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Index;
catch (Exception ex)
public int i = 0;
private void btnClick_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(i.ToString());
listView1.Items.Insert(0, item);
modified on Thursday, June 4, 2009 6:32 AM
snehanp wrote: ..i need the code in c#......immediate help will be appreciated.......
Wow - that's about the worst thing you can do.
1 - you don't show us any code
2 - you ask us to provide a full solution
3 - you tell us you need it quickly
We don't work for you. We help you for free. We do this despite the fact that increasingly, the people asking here are clueless to the point of not even being able to understand good answers.
If you want each item to have it's own timer, then you need to create a timer for each item. It sounds like you're only creating the one.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Please read this[ ^] if you don't like the answer I gave to your question.
"! i don't exactly like or do programming and it only gives me a headache." - spotted in VB forums.