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Questionwhere it read from a file? Pin
imran_rafique29-Sep-02 16:05
imran_rafique29-Sep-02 16:05 
GeneralI need to get mouse events anywhere on the screen Pin
Anonymous29-Sep-02 13:50
Anonymous29-Sep-02 13:50 
GeneralRe: I need to get mouse events anywhere on the screen Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.29-Sep-02 20:12
Stephane Rodriguez.29-Sep-02 20:12 
GeneralRe: I need to get mouse events anywhere on the screen Pin
Anonymous30-Sep-02 13:45
Anonymous30-Sep-02 13:45 
GeneralRe: I need to get mouse events anywhere on the screen Pin
Li-kai Liu (Angus)30-Sep-02 15:08
Li-kai Liu (Angus)30-Sep-02 15:08 
GeneralRe: I need to get mouse events anywhere on the screen Pin
Li-kai Liu (Angus)30-Sep-02 15:14
Li-kai Liu (Angus)30-Sep-02 15:14 
GeneralRe: I need to get mouse events anywhere on the screen Pin
Anonymous30-Sep-02 15:49
Anonymous30-Sep-02 15:49 
GeneralRe: I need to get mouse events anywhere on the screen Pin
Rüpel1-Oct-02 0:37
Rüpel1-Oct-02 0:37 
GeneralScrolling with the mouse wheel Pin
Nnamdi Onyeyiri29-Sep-02 5:34
Nnamdi Onyeyiri29-Sep-02 5:34 
GeneralRe: Scrolling with the mouse wheel Pin
James T. Johnson29-Sep-02 6:04
James T. Johnson29-Sep-02 6:04 
GeneralRe: Scrolling with the mouse wheel Pin
Nnamdi Onyeyiri29-Sep-02 6:11
Nnamdi Onyeyiri29-Sep-02 6:11 
QuestionHOW to creat FileStream? Pin
imran_rafique28-Sep-02 15:34
imran_rafique28-Sep-02 15:34 
AnswerRe: HOW to creat FileStream? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.28-Sep-02 21:01
Stephane Rodriguez.28-Sep-02 21:01 
GeneralRe: HOW to creat FileStream? Pin
imran_rafique29-Sep-02 15:55
imran_rafique29-Sep-02 15:55 
GeneralRe: HOW to creat FileStream? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.29-Sep-02 19:43
Stephane Rodriguez.29-Sep-02 19:43 
Most probably yes, each call to Serialize appends data at the end.
But in fact you need not care about it, that's internal implementation. You must only make sure that your own serialization/deserialization are dual, ie do exactly the same thing. For instance :

// serialize
formatter.Serialize(s, obj1);
formatter.Serialize(s, obj2);
formatter.Serialize(s, obj3);

// deserialize
formatter.Deserialize(s, obj1);
formatter.Deserialize(s, obj2);
formatter.Deserialize(s, obj3);

if you start putting in too manay features, it no longer remains useful for beginners
quote in a CP article comment, shiraz baig
Questionmatching types for COM server??? Pin
CherezZaboro28-Sep-02 10:41
CherezZaboro28-Sep-02 10:41 
AnswerRe: matching types for COM server??? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.28-Sep-02 21:07
Stephane Rodriguez.28-Sep-02 21:07 
GeneralRe: matching types for COM server??? Pin
CherezZaboro30-Sep-02 6:07
CherezZaboro30-Sep-02 6:07 
GeneralRe: matching types for COM server??? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.30-Sep-02 6:13
Stephane Rodriguez.30-Sep-02 6:13 
QuestionMS-SQL connection (ADO) in C#? Pin
Derek Smigelski28-Sep-02 10:09
Derek Smigelski28-Sep-02 10:09 
AnswerRe: MS-SQL connection (ADO) in C#? Pin
Mazdak28-Sep-02 10:18
Mazdak28-Sep-02 10:18 
GeneralNeed some newbie C# help. Need dock a form to another form. Pin
Derek Smigelski28-Sep-02 9:58
Derek Smigelski28-Sep-02 9:58 
GeneralRe: Need some newbie C# help. Need dock a form to another form. Pin
Gaul28-Sep-02 13:08
Gaul28-Sep-02 13:08 
GeneralRe: Need some newbie C# help. Need dock a form to another form. Pin
Luis Alonso Ramos30-Sep-02 4:16
Luis Alonso Ramos30-Sep-02 4:16 
GeneralControl.Invalidate() Pin
Nnamdi Onyeyiri27-Sep-02 22:52
Nnamdi Onyeyiri27-Sep-02 22:52 

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