A S E L A wrote:
i don't care about your stupid words bcz i got lots of works to do?
So why are you dawdling around on a public messageboard verbally attacking people who pass on information? It isn't his fault that you have no idea about even basic spelling and grammar. It isn't his fault that you can't even work out how to use MSDN or Google
A S E L A wrote: you may cleaver than other
I would personally be rather concerned if somebody posted a message holding a meat cleaver in his hand, cackling as lightning storms roared overhead. I would be equally concerned if somebody stopped kissing the computer screen to post a message to the effect of "I will always love you"
A S E L A wrote: don't think that you are the man
To an extent I agree with you. Overconfidence is the worst thing in the world when coupled with incompetence. However, a healthy knowledge of what you can do will help you to pass job interviews, as well as improve your motivation to push those limits
A S E L A wrote: we all learning things day by day
Good. Tomorrow, learn spelling and grammar. Don't go near a computer until you've learnt how to communicate properly
A S E L A wrote: actually he is the biggest moron in this world
Be honest. Are you really in a position to judge others who, based on their answers to your question, clearly knew more than you in that area?
haha one more...nice to meet u too...
You're very welcome. Don't take it personally, just follow the advice given. It'll make you a better programmer, and quite possibly a better person
How can I install drivers with c# code.I already have the drivers and ini file in a folder and will like to automate the process of adding the drivers to a PC
Shell.Execute will run an exe for you, such as an installer.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
hi all ,i am a newbie here.
recently,i need to creat a real-time responsing comment page.if client sent a comment.it will auto refuse page and display what client post in comment board.
sorry that cos my english is limited,maybe i can't describe it properly
(i have been asked the question in local forum,but there is no answer)
here is the question:<br />
when submited,datas writed into database.<br />
in CS file, it reture latest date "DataTable" to "get_Result_CallBack "
codes here:function get_Result_CallBack(response)
if (response.value != null)
z = 0;
var ds = response.value;
if(ds != null && typeof(ds) == "object" && ds.Rows != null)
arrCellText[0] = ds.Rows[0].Message+" "+ds.Rows[0].UpdateDate ;
arrCellText[1] = ds.Rows[0].Name ;
arrCellText[2] = " <a href='"+ds.Rows[0].ID+"'>REPLY </a>" ;
arrCellText[3] = " <a href='"+ds.Rows[0].ID+"'>DELETE </a>";
var resulttable= "tab"+ds.Rows[0].Img_ID;//this is Table in Datelist.i named Table "tab+meassage ID"
var resulttr= "tr"+ds.Rows[0].Img_ID;
_tab = document.getElementById(resulttable) ;
_tr = document.getElementById(resulttr) ;
createRowCell(_tab, _tr, arrCellText) ;
function createRowCell(tab, tr, arrCellText)
trNew = tab.insertRow(0) ;
for(var i=0; i <tr.cells.length; i++)
//alert(arrCellText[i]);here respones values of every field.
var tdNew = trNew.insertCell() ;
var tnNew = document.createTextNode(arrCellText[i]) ;
tdNew.appendChild(tnNew) ;
but,"Table" and the page have no any responsing.no refusing,if i press F5.result will display.<br />
<br />
if i post in a worry catalog,or there is a better catalog.plx tell me.thanks!!!
I need some help in the following.
I have created a windows application in C# that produces a trackbar on execution. I would like some help in customising my IE to use this trackbar as an embedded toolbar.
Many thanks
To use it for what ? Creating an IE add in is easy enough, just google for instructions. But, what do you want the progress bar to do ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Basically i am trying to make a combobox in 2nd row of gridview...
two issues in below function:
Two things:
1. Now adapter2 is populated in gridview and i do not see any combobox instead i see only columns from adapter2
2. I do not see the adapter1 filled at all???
void fillData()
database = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
OleDbDataAdapter adapter1 = new OleDbDataAdapter("select BillD.ProductName,BillD.ProductID,BillD.Saletype,BillD.InQty,BillD.SBtype,BillD.Dis1,BillD.Type,BillD.InPrice from BillDetails BillD", database);
OleDbDataAdapter adapter2 = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select Products.ProdID,Products.ProductName,Packing.PackingName from Packing INNER JOIN Products ON Packing.PackingID=Products.Packing", database);
DataGridViewComboBoxColumn dgridcolumn = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataTable packDT = new DataTable();
dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;
dataGridView1.DataSource = ds;
dataGridView1.DataMember = ds.Tables[0].TableName;
dgridcolumn.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
dgridcolumn.ValueMember = ds.Tables[0].Columns[1].ColumnName.ToString();
Please help
modified on Friday, March 13, 2009 4:51 AM
I get Oledb Exception:"No value given for one or more required parameters." at line below
adapter2.Fill(packDT); // error here on this line
Basically i am trying to make a combobox in 2nd row of gridview..
Also one more thing i need to add to my above post..that i need to select some columns from one table and then in one of the column of the gridview i need to add combobox in gridview...
OleDbDataAdapter adapter1 = new OleDbDataAdapter("select BillD.ProductName,BillD.ProductID,BillD.Saletype,BillD.InQty,BillD.SBtype,BillD.Dis1,BillD.Type,BillD.InPrice from BillDetails BillD", database);
OleDbDataAdapter adapter2 = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select P.ProductName,P.ProductID,Packing.PackingName from Packing INNER JOIN Products ON Packing.PackingID=Products.Packing", database);
void fillData()
database = new OleDbConnection(connectionS :( :confused:tring);
OleDbDataAdapter adapter1 = new OleDbDataAdapter("select BillD.ProductName,BillD.ProductID,BillD.Saletype,BillD.InQty,BillD.SBtype,BillD.Dis1,BillD.Type,BillD.InPrice from BillDetails BillD", database);
OleDbDataAdapter adapter2 = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select P.ProductName,P.ProductID,Packing.PackingName from Packing INNER JOIN Products ON Packing.PackingID=Products.Packing", database);
DataGridViewComboBoxColumn dgridcolumn = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataTable packDT = new DataTable();
dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;
dataGridView1.DataSource = ds;
dataGridView1.DataMember = ds.Tables[0].TableName;
dgridcolumn.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
dgridcolumn.ValueMember = ds.Tables[0].Columns[1].ColumnName.ToString();
please help
sorry i am not getting exception as i fixed it bec of a pb in sql query...
I am creating a text editor that supports 'word completion'. I already figured how to put the 'word completion list box' at the position (caret position) where the user is currently typing. My question is: how can I make the 'word completion list box' be edited while the user is typing the word?
A much better descriptive question is: How can I make two text-box receive key input at the same time? Meaning that if I press 'A' the word 'A' should appear in bot text-boxes at the same time.
Also, is there a way to exempt a key input from being processed. The thing is that: when the user press enter to select a word from the 'word completion list box', the caret is placed at the next line. Instead of doing that, if the 'word completion list box' is open and the user press enter, the selected word should replace and the caret should not be taken to the next line.
Is there a way to make such thing?
Rephrase your question and you kind of get there:
Is there a way to have two update two controls based on a single key press
You'll find that is the way to think and the answer will become apparent. Go on, have a try!
Panic, Chaos, Destruction.
My work here is done.
Sorry men., But I tried that but it doesn't work.
when I tried this:
public Form1()
private void tectbox_keypress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Return)
string enter = "<enter>";
richTextBox1.Text += enter;
richTextBox1.SelectionStart = richTextBox1.Text.Length - enter.Length;
e.Handled = true;
listBox1.Text += e.KeyChar;
private void listbox_keypress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
The caret of the text-box still goes to the next line and the items of the list-box aren't selected while I type in the text-box... Is there something that i'm missing???
I'm guessing you want the listbox to go to the relevant entry, yesno?
listBox1 does not have the focus and so will not raise a keypress event. This is what I said to start with, they all need to change based on the single event rather then a single event being passed to each control.
You probably need to mimick a bit more, try looking at what happens when the value changes, what is the event you are getting?
[I'll push you in the right direction, but I won't write your code. sorry.]
Panic, Chaos, Destruction.
My work here is done.
Yeah very nice... I like your game... Althought I don't quiet get when you say "they all need to change based on the single event rather then a single event being passed to each control". Yu mean create a single event handler that holds both controls?
Plus I kinda don't know what to respond on "what is the event you are getting?" Maybe keypress? or keyup??? I used keypress but sounds like there is a better event that I should be using?
OK..., make sense to create a single event that holds each control...
But I don't see it clear on how can I make the list-box be selected without being focused...? mmmm... I'll keep trying...
Here's the outline:
private void textBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (!e.KeyChar.Equals(Keys.Enter))
else if (listBox.SelectedIndex != -1)
private void listBox_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Each piece should be in a private method, don't polute the event handlers.
Panic, Chaos, Destruction.
My work here is done.
Make sense to do that. Thanks to the clue that you gave me I figure that it is possible to share a event method with two or more controls. (didn't know that before). I also figured how to select the list-box items by typing in the text-box.
The only thing is, I dunno how to stop a key-command from doing its job. For example: if I press the space bar while typing on the text-box a space will be added to the text-box. Is it possible to cancel that command and when I press the space bar no space will be added?
The C# book that I have doesn't talk about it and my search in Google isn't lucky...
Hi I want to know that how to divide video files into its constituent frames using c#.net
If I understand you correctly, you should check out DirectShow.NET which is managed wrapper, you can then create graph with some frame grabber and "run" it.
First up learn where the shift key is, it will help you.
Secondly you haven't actually asked a question.
I can infer from your message that you can't work out how to do this. But what I am not sure is if this is due to not understanding a nuance of c# that has caused you to go in circles with an implimentation problem or because you are thick.
Please can you let us know!
Panic, Chaos, Destruction.
My work here is done.
For You:
I just want to know how should i move the pixels so tht transparency between the pieces is gone.I have tried shifting the pixels row by row and also column by column but that is not working.... jus tell me any other way to do this....