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GeneralRe: Doubt Pin
harold aptroot11-Mar-09 5:16
harold aptroot11-Mar-09 5:16 
AnswerRe: Doubt Pin
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.11-Mar-09 8:48
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.11-Mar-09 8:48 
Questionhow can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
wwwxyz11-Mar-09 1:32
wwwxyz11-Mar-09 1:32 
AnswerRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
wwwxyz11-Mar-09 2:16
wwwxyz11-Mar-09 2:16 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref [modified] Pin
Rutvik Dave11-Mar-09 4:22
professionalRutvik Dave11-Mar-09 4:22 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
wwwxyz11-Mar-09 5:10
wwwxyz11-Mar-09 5:10 
AnswerRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
musefan11-Mar-09 2:36
musefan11-Mar-09 2:36 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
wwwxyz11-Mar-09 2:44
wwwxyz11-Mar-09 2:44 
RantRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
Nagy Vilmos11-Mar-09 2:55
professionalNagy Vilmos11-Mar-09 2:55 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
musefan11-Mar-09 3:03
musefan11-Mar-09 3:03 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
Nagy Vilmos11-Mar-09 3:08
professionalNagy Vilmos11-Mar-09 3:08 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
musefan11-Mar-09 3:11
musefan11-Mar-09 3:11 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
Dave Kreskowiak11-Mar-09 4:17
mveDave Kreskowiak11-Mar-09 4:17 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
Nagy Vilmos11-Mar-09 4:24
professionalNagy Vilmos11-Mar-09 4:24 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
#realJSOP11-Mar-09 3:19
professional#realJSOP11-Mar-09 3:19 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
wwwxyz11-Mar-09 3:43
wwwxyz11-Mar-09 3:43 
AnswerRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
Nagy Vilmos11-Mar-09 4:23
professionalNagy Vilmos11-Mar-09 4:23 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
wwwxyz11-Mar-09 4:43
wwwxyz11-Mar-09 4:43 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
Nagy Vilmos11-Mar-09 4:46
professionalNagy Vilmos11-Mar-09 4:46 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
#realJSOP11-Mar-09 4:50
professional#realJSOP11-Mar-09 4:50 
GeneralRe: how can I show the noobie the path instead of the knife? Pin
Nagy Vilmos11-Mar-09 5:12
professionalNagy Vilmos11-Mar-09 5:12 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
fly90411-Mar-09 11:29
fly90411-Mar-09 11:29 
AnswerRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
wwwxyz11-Mar-09 5:13
wwwxyz11-Mar-09 5:13 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
#realJSOP11-Mar-09 5:28
professional#realJSOP11-Mar-09 5:28 
GeneralRe: how can I show the file path instead of ref Pin
Nagy Vilmos11-Mar-09 5:30
professionalNagy Vilmos11-Mar-09 5:30 

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