Create a list of a struct you create, which contains all the data you want to store for an object.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Thanks for immediate response. But I think I am not very clear on that. Can you please explain a little bit more? It would be great if you can provide an example.
Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration and inspiration.
Buy a basic C# book and read it, this is 101 stuff.
struct MyStuff
int id;
string name;
List<MyStuff> list = new List<MyStuff>();
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
What you can do is create a class named Project
public class Project
public int projectid;
public string projectname;
public string projecttype;
Ok.. Then in the UI layer , in the class of any form . just create a generic list of Project;
List<project> prj = new List<project>();
Now you can add the value to this list in any bussiness layer and then pass it to the ui
List<project> lst = new List<project>();
foreach(DataRow drow in ds.Tables[0]) //Ds is dataset and your details are in table 0
Project temp = new Project();
temp.projectid = Convert.Toint32(drow["ProjectID"]);
temp.projectname = drow["ProjectNAme"].ToString();
return lst; //This lst will contain the list of products and you can bind it to any datagrid directly. .
i am a MSC computer science student .As a part of our course i have a 6 month projects.I am selected a topics as "SHARE THE CLICKBOARD ON NETWORK USING .NET REMOTING".Is it enough for 6 months?
Only you know how quick you work, but judging by your posts it will take yuo all of that as you don't seem to have a clue.
Ashfield Consultants Ltd
Proud to be a 2009 Code Project MVP
Aight, just because I'm in a good mood, here[^]'s some starting point for projects that can be extended into the six-month period. You'll find 10 databases on that site that can be used as a starting point to develop a new application. It may sound boring to write an application that's "just" a layer on a database, but it will be enough of a challenge.
By the way, what kind of school sends students here to have them verify the feasibility of a project? Can't your teacher give a clue to what would be "enough"? He's the one that should be capable of judging your talents, possibilities and limits.
I are troll
leela antony wrote: i am a MSC computer science student
Nope. You're a spammer, possibly a troll.
If the Lord God Almighty had consulted me before embarking upon the Creation, I would have recommended something simpler.
-- Alfonso the Wise, 13th Century King of Castile.
This is going on my arrogant assumptions. You may have a superb reason why I'm completely wrong.
-- Iain Clarke
[My articles]
i am a MSC computer science student .As a part of our course i have a 6 month projects.I am selected a topics as "FTP CLIENT".Is it enough for 6 months?
Bunnies! I like bunnies and lets face it who doesn't!
You could write an AI bunny, maybe call it a Rabbot (my little joke there). Just start out simple with the Rabbots hoping about. Then you could add in boy bunnies with blue bow ties, and girl bunnies with pink bonnets. A little bit of inheritance never hurt; unless your mom and sister are one and the same.
Once you've got your different bunny rabbots working you could then try and make them interact and see how long it takes for them to tell you to feck off and do something useful instead of creating lots of dirty bunny pron!
Panic, Chaos, Destruction.
My work here is done.
I am an MSC computer science student.As part of our course we have 6 months project.i have selected the topic "folder locker"
.Is this topic sufficient for a 6 months project.please respond.
i am a MSC computer science student .As a part of our course i have a 6 month projects.I am selected a topics as "MONITERING SYSTEM USAGE USING WINDOWS SERVICES".Is it enough for 6 months?
i am a MSC computer science student .As a part of our course i have a 6 month projects.I am selected a topics as "SMTP MAIL SERVER".Is it enough for 6 months?
My apologies for wasting my time posting a real reply to your first question... I didn't realize that you're a moron.
"A Journey of a Thousand Rest Stops Begins with a Single Movement"
I guess you should have read my reply first... :P
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
You didn't post it until one minute after I did; I spent a lot of time on that. Or should I say, wasted a lot of time on that...
Maybe someone else wil get something out of it, though. Nothing is ever entirely wasted in this universe...
You have the conn - I'm going to bed. Nice to see you back on duty, Christian.
"A Journey of a Thousand Rest Stops Begins with a Single Movement"
Listen very carefully. No matter how many times you post, you aren't going to get a better answer. And by spamming this forum with messages which are the same except for one topic name, you will annoy people, therefore making you even less likely to get an answer. Pick a topic and run with it [unless you want me to request half of your degree for suggesting the main topic]
I am an MSC computer science student.As part of our course we have 6 months project.i have selected the topic "windows registry editor"
.Is this topic sufficient for a 6 months project.please respond.
WAY too many questions for a forum post!!
There cannot be a crisis today; my schedule is already full.
You are an ignorant moron. Given how many accounts you created and how often you posted this, I'd say that 6 months is no where near enough for you to write much of anything.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
It would certainly keep me busy for 6 months. With all the other demands on your time in the final months of your Masters program, you should select the simplest project you can get away with. It has to comprise enough of a challenge to demonstrate your mastery of the subject of your degree, but it doesn't have to add anything to the store of human knowledge - that's for PhDs. Only you and your faculty advisor can decide what's adequate to meet the requirements for your degree, so I'd discuss it with him/her. I know from experience that it's very easy to pick a project that is far too hard to complete in the allotted time, and you really don't want to get into that boat.
Keep in mind that, if your school is doing its job properly, you're going to have to submit a project proposal, a schedule, a top level design, a detail design, monthly progress reports, a test plan, test reports, program documentation, and a final report. That's all on top of actually producing a product that works. They all take time that you'd rather spend coding, so please keep that in mind when selecting the scope of the project you propose. The details will kill you. Keep it simple, but make it comprehensive enough to make your advisor happy.
Good luck, and congratulations on making it this far!
"A Journey of a Thousand Rest Stops Begins with a Single Movement"
Any body help me
I am new in wpf windows. I want to know a binding concept.
and advantage of the this concepts with example. Please give
good article URL
Please replay...
Thank you...
There's all sorts of good articles, and excellent books. The big difference in WPF is that you can set up a binding so that if your object changes, the UI is updated, and vice versa, with no plumbing code.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Give some Valid URL and Article Path..
Thank You....