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AnswerRe: How to create a wrapper class in Pin
Christian Graus2-Jun-10 20:30
protectorChristian Graus2-Jun-10 20:30 
QuestionHow can I install a db schema while installing a program? Pin
dejmjin6-Mar-09 22:59
dejmjin6-Mar-09 22:59 
AnswerRe: How can I install a db schema while installing a program? Pin
Calin Tatar6-Mar-09 23:55
Calin Tatar6-Mar-09 23:55 
GeneralRe: How can I install a db schema while installing a program? Pin
dejmjin7-Mar-09 0:04
dejmjin7-Mar-09 0:04 
QuestionConvert a pdf file to picture format with hight quality Pin
abbd6-Mar-09 22:57
abbd6-Mar-09 22:57 
AnswerRe: Convert a pdf file to picture format with hight quality Pin
Xmen Real 7-Mar-09 0:05
professional Xmen Real 7-Mar-09 0:05 
Questioncollect data about visitors from BHO Pin
Maverickcool6-Mar-09 22:24
Maverickcool6-Mar-09 22:24 
AnswerRe: collect data about visitors from BHO Pin
ABitSmart6-Mar-09 23:57
ABitSmart6-Mar-09 23:57 
QuestionAdd folder with classes into solution Pin
_c2h5oh_6-Mar-09 21:57
_c2h5oh_6-Mar-09 21:57 
AnswerRe: Add folder with classes into solution Pin
ABitSmart6-Mar-09 23:41
ABitSmart6-Mar-09 23:41 
QuestionDoubt, which to use Pin
Sajjad Leo6-Mar-09 20:57
Sajjad Leo6-Mar-09 20:57 
Dear All,

i am using these three controls.
1- List Box
2- List View
3- Checked List

i want to show two columns like name column and id column which control is best and which property i must change to get result.

and when i do bind these three controls then their is errors. Please tell me which control is best for my task and how these will bind with dataset.

AnswerRe: Doubt, which to use Pin
dan!sh 6-Mar-09 21:22
professional dan!sh 6-Mar-09 21:22 
Question"hai friends" Pin
fraulin6-Mar-09 20:53
fraulin6-Mar-09 20:53 
AnswerRe: "hai friends" Pin
dan!sh 6-Mar-09 21:06
professional dan!sh 6-Mar-09 21:06 
AnswerRe: "hai friends" Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Mar-09 21:47
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Mar-09 21:47 
GeneralRe: "hai friends" Pin
dan!sh 6-Mar-09 21:48
professional dan!sh 6-Mar-09 21:48 
QuestionRe: "hai friends" Pin
Eytukan7-Mar-09 0:52
Eytukan7-Mar-09 0:52 
AnswerRe: "hai friends" Pin
dental biometrics14-Apr-09 18:37
dental biometrics14-Apr-09 18:37 
Questionhow to convert .doc,image file to pdf in .net c# Pin
vinodkrebc6-Mar-09 20:05
vinodkrebc6-Mar-09 20:05 
AnswerRe: how to convert .doc,image file to pdf in .net c# Pin
dan!sh 6-Mar-09 20:48
professional dan!sh 6-Mar-09 20:48 
JokeRe: how to convert .doc,image file to pdf in .net c# Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Mar-09 21:50
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Mar-09 21:50 
Questionembedding of text file and video Pin
adiseshaiah6-Mar-09 19:57
adiseshaiah6-Mar-09 19:57 
AnswerRe: embedding of text file and video Pin
Xmen Real 7-Mar-09 0:02
professional Xmen Real 7-Mar-09 0:02 
QuestionData Binding error Pin
Sajjad Leo6-Mar-09 19:46
Sajjad Leo6-Mar-09 19:46 
AnswerRe: Data Binding error Pin
K V Sekhar6-Mar-09 20:03
K V Sekhar6-Mar-09 20:03 

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