You're welcome.
"we must lose precision to make significant statements about complex systems."
-deKorvin on uncertainty
I was wondering, is it possible to disable the logon screen when using crystal reports. I would like my app to logon the user automatically. Is this possible and if so how would I go about this?
Kind Regards
I am not sure which Login you are talking about. But see if this[^] helps.
if you are using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument you can set user name and password with the property DataSourceConnections[0] with method SetConnection.
For explample:
rpt.DataSourceConnections[0].SetConnection(server, connection.CatalogName, connection.UserId, connection.Password);
kind regards
[edit]you should do this before you send the ReportDocument to CrystalReportViewer. [/edit]
I want to make my application as a full screen application. I know, if I set Border=None, I can get it.
But if the application is in fullscreen mode, I want also lock for example Window Button, to avoid user
to open another application.
This application is a Data Acquisition application. If user open another application or just move the
window using mouse, the performance is going down in Data Acquisition.
How to solve it ?
1. The user should always be able to control how they want to use their computer when any program is running.
2. If you having performance issue when moving the window etc. then you may want to look at handling the data acquisition better.
3. Have you tried setting the size and location of your application to match that of the screen rather than just maximising it. Then maybe try setting your application to be the top most form? this may give the disired effect of full screen mode
If only MySelf.Visible was more than just a getter...
A person can produce over 5 times there own body weight in excrement each year... please re-read your questions before posting
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
I have an application that combines XNA with Forms
When I move or even hold the mousebutton down (without moving) on a horizontal scrollbar,
it freezes the XNA part (while the forms part still gets updated).
This even happens when all code in the eventhandlers of the scrollbar are commented out!
So far none of the other controls (standard controls and custom controls)
gives me this strange behavior.
Does anyone has an idea what could be causing the problem?
or maybe even a solution?
Apparently It does not run the Update() methods of the xna part...
modified on Friday, March 6, 2009 7:50 AM
are you using TransparentKey of form ?
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
I don't see the link with freezing up the XNA part???
XNA is a managed runtime environment for making games.
And in this gamepart there is a Update() Method that gets "triggered"
60times/sec (XNA does the timing)
But it doesn't get "triggered" when I do these things with a scrollbar.
yes i know, I used OpenGL and it got freeze because of TransparentKey
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
oh okay, but I am not using it (I think )
When you had freeze, was it also only when u used scrollbars?
I only have the problem when I hold the mousebutton down on a scrollbar,
if i release the mousebutton, the XNA just acts like nothing wrong happend.
No it was happening on Minimize and Maximize...
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
No problems when minimizing or maximizing here
I rather think it has something to do with this part in the code
void Application_Idle(object sender, EventArgs e)
while (AppStillIdle())
private bool AppStillIdle()
NativeMethods.Message msg;
return !(NativeMethods.PeekMessage(out msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, 0));
problem solved....
Instead of using Application.idle to
keep the game updating I use a System.Timers.Timer (async event handler)
to do a tick about every 20ms. (higher refresh rates don't make sense)
So the ScrollBars won't keep me from "ticking" )
maybe a little hack... but it works )
Same issue here - solved it by replacing the ScrollBar with a TrackBar.
hi guys
i want to create dynamic textbox according to the excell column values...
for example
i have 2 columns in excell A & B
i want to create textbox for getting values of A & B.
Plz help me is there any idea from urs.
If you are talking about dynamic it means on runtime.
What you want to do is extract data from excel.
What you have to do is this:
1. create an excel reader (search on articles in codeproject or make your own reader with 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel'
2. create a textbox: TextBox tb = new TextBox(); and put the data in there: tb.Text = ExcelReader.getCellItem(1, "A");
hi i got the solution of getting dynamic
textbox at runtime
I did it with the help of javascript.
I have created a server side textbox first
and then i found the count of columns from the excell.
according to the count i made it with the help of javascript for loop.
Thanks for your response.
Please eloberate the question properly..
Are you talking about windows or web application ???
Hello All,
I want to call one method defined in aspx.cs file like filldropdownlist() and i want to call that method in javascript.
Please let me know how it possible in Javascript.
Anish Patel
No, what you are asking for is not possible. You can't call a server side method from Javascript, and even if you could the server side method doesn't have access to the current page.
You can use AJAX to send a request from a Javascript to the server. The Javascript would then recieve the data sent from the server and put it in the select element.
You can use ASP.NET UpdatePanel controls to define parts of the page to update. It uses AJAX to make call to make a postback of the page, and the page would return the parts of the page that would be updated.
Despite everything, the person most likely to be fooling you next is yourself.
When i give Listbox.items[i].tostring i get Syetem.Row.DataRowView.
How can i get the text of the item, or the text of the give index number?