As I said, in my machine your code worked with an XSL, so maybe the problem is related to the document you are using.
Anyway, you can save an XLSX as XLS by using the SaveAs method on the workbook object and specifying XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal as file format.
i make this?
excelWorkBook.ExportAsFixedFormat(paramExportFormat,<br />
paramExportFilePath, paramExportQuality,<br />
paramIncludeDocProps, paramIgnorePrintAreas, paramFromPage,<br />
paramToPage, paramOpenAfterPublish,<br />
but i does not work, help me please, thank you verry mutch.
i have often this error on message box :
Document not saved. The document may be open or an error occurred while recording.
in this code :
<br />
if (excelWorkBook != null)<br />
excelWorkBook.ExportAsFixedFormat(paramExportFormat,<br />
paramExportFilePath, paramExportQuality,<br />
paramIncludeDocProps, paramIgnorePrintAreas, paramFromPage,<br />
paramToPage, paramOpenAfterPublish,<br />
paramMissing);<br />
I am sur that the file was not open,
thank you verry mutch.
thank you verry mutch, so can i apply this code for a word file??
I have console application that contain sub project define as dll,
I would like to add XML to the dll so the when I deliver the dll it already contain the xml without sending dll and xml separately
How can I add it?
Should I just select add item and then select the XML file?
Add it as a linked resource to the dll which you are sending.
In Visual studio you can easily add a linked resource by going to project properties / Resources button. Click on the top first dropsown button to change ti to files and then you can easily add.
Hi All,
I am currently trying to figure out how the [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.0.*")] works. In particular the * part of it. I understand about the Major Number, Minor Number and Build Number. What I don't understand is the Revision Number.
As it is * it automatically increments... however; what determines the revision number. I.e. where does it come from?
If anyone knows, I'd appreciate your thoughts,
It is nothing but the number of Build action. I suppose.
This is also what i expected... however; I dont understand how it is generated.
For example, the application i am currently working on requires it to be displayed.
I ran the appplication and the number that was displayed was, I made a couple of changes and ran it again, then the new version number was I don't understand why it increments so much.
Check how many time you hit F5, Build , Rebuild or Batch Build between the first and second run.
oh.. Great.. Thanks Giorgi
You are welcome
hi everyone;
yesterday, i fond a exciting example about topic sound recording using C#, then i had download that sample. however, when i run that program, C# said something is missing, so it can start.
when i checked, C# just know such code like Microsoft.win32; .internal; .VisualBasic ; .CSharp; .SqlServer; no .DirectX
please help me. Thank you for helping me, or anyway, reading that message
Perhaps you don't have the necessary dll added to references list.
Yea.. it could be a version mismatch too.. try removing and re- adding those referenced directx dll's.
thank you. i added them, and then C# could know about that.
however, my program can run, but it don't work i'm writing a progrma for recording sound using my soundcard by C#. could you give a hand
thank you so much
i'm writing a project in c# similar to task manager , i need to know how to get the username of each process , i tried:
Process p=new Process();
but nothing is returned, what's the problem??
Hope you did't see the answer to your first question.
Which was
"You can use System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess to get the list of process which are running, assign it to the "Process" class one by one and then you can find a whole lot of info about each process"
"Process p=new Process();" create a new... i mean fresh instance of .Net process class which helps you to manage an external process.
and almost all of it's initializers will be empty unless you provide one
System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess get an array of processes which you can use
Process[] p = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess [];
What is your Opinion about Generics in .Net 2.0. The good parts.. bad aspects. and it's actual use in designing a good architecture.
Thats kind of like asking an oppinion of a hammer. If you're banging in nails, a hammer is great - if you're trying to paint your spare room its not quite the tool for the job.
Use generics for what they're for.
Ok.. And that yourself have told that "Use generics for what they're for."
And i am expeing the answer "what they're for". explain your thoughts if you dont mind. rather than a negative answer.
Let others also post their thoughts. we can have a collective set of good things which will defenetive contain some good points that even you were unaware or not thought about till this point of time.
If you picked up a book, or did some online research, you would know exactly what generics do, when to use them, and what they're "for".
This forum is to provide specific answers to coding problems in C#, not to do your research for you.
Please do understand that i dont want to do any research and right now im not of any use on generics.