Using System
Public Class Class1
Public Void Hello()
Public Class Class2:Class1
Public Void Greet()
Public Class Demo
Static Void Main()
Class1 c1= new Class1();
Class c2= new Class2();
Class1 c3=new Class2();
when i am trying to run tis project in command prompt it is showing the followin error
error cs2001:sourcefile inh.cs could not be found
fatalerror cs2008:no inputs specified
you have to compile the cs file before run...
csc inh.cs
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
What language is that?
What command are you using?
put a breakpoint on the first line in the paint event, I doubt splitter dont fire paint event
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
well i checked the code and its working
here is the code
void Panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics Graphics = e.Graphics;
Rectangle Bounds = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, splitContainer1.Panel1.Size);
if (Bounds.Width > 0 && Bounds.Height > 0)
using (Brush GradientBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(Bounds, Color.FromArgb
(183, 214, 183), Color.FromArgb(221, 235, 221),
Graphics.FillRectangle(GradientBrush, Bounds);
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
splitContainer1.Panel1.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(Panel1_Paint);
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
The way you hook up the event looks odd. Try using Splitter.Panel1.Paint += OnPaintPanel1 instead. It may be possible that you're replacing another method hooked up to that event
hi all
i have a question for you guys.
im making a webcam application with screen Capture, i can take a screenshot of the whole webcam but now i want to take a picture from a part of the webcam.
please look at this pciture i made to understand what i mean.
i added a new form (Capture Screen) so i can drag it to a place on the webcam where i want to make a picture with the size of Capture Screen Form
so how can i do that?
i added a picturebox to it and use this code:
pictureBox1.Image.Save("c:\\test.jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
i thought that would mabey work beceaus i see the things behind this Capture Screen form in that picturebox but to bad
i hope you guys can help me out.
I have defined client class namely Client.cs and a server class Server.cs..Both the server and client are able to communicate...
I want the Client.cs to be called and executed with a button click event...I have defined Client.cs in a separate file in the same project..I think that it is not possible to call the class Client.cs....
How should i proceed with this?Please help me with this..
Thanks for any help in advance...
You can't call a class. You can call a static method on a class, or a normal method of an instance of the class.
You probably want to new up the class and call an entry point in it.
Rob Philpott.
I suggest mruthula to go through some basics of OOPs and programming constructs!!!!!!!!
Good idea.
Rob Philpott.
In your form(the one that contains the button), from the button click event handler, you may create an instance of Client , but make sure the Client class has the public modifier, and also include the namespace (if its not the same):
Client client = new Client();
I have used a new file in the same project for the Client.cs..
If i create an object for the Client.cs in the Button click event, which is located
in the form will i be able to access it?
Hello sir/madam
can any one help how to select an image from web randomly and store in another form.
For example:
when i type red rose in textbox i get a list of red roses in the listbox. This images are been retrieved from the web. Now my problem is to select randomly 10 images and store in another listbox.
The answer to this is google. Both for the images, and how to get them.
You may use the Random class to get random numbers. Use these numbers as indexes for your already created list, but make sure the random indexes are lower then images count.
I'm retrieving images from web in a listbox. I have to fillter the images that is been retrieved and store in another form.
If not even Google itlsef managed to determine the content of an image from the internet without the description, why do you think it should easy enough for you to do?
The best is to use Google mage search with the passed phrase (in this case "red rose"), then temporarily save a number of the pictures. (I don't know how to connect to google and retrieve images programmatically).
Next you calculate the random number and pick the 10 (or whatever number) images accordingly and throw the rest away.
Finally, you use PictureBox es to display the kept images on your form.
I am using one c# dll.I want to use it or say register it.
But when I run my site thru iis ,it is not reading my dll functionality.
I think i have register my dll.
I followed following step :
1. Made rdkey.snk in my bin folder
2.Registered my dll through gacutil .In commmand prompt it say successfully registered though dll do not get copied in assembly folder.
where I am wrong ?
Can someone repeat the steps involve to register dll?
Member 3669889 wrote: where I am wrong ?
I have no idea, as I really don't know what you are actually trying to achieve.
What is it that you are trying to do? And I mean at a higher level because you have obviously got your self stuck thinking at too low a level.