The answer to this is google. Both for the images, and how to get them.
You may use the Random class to get random numbers. Use these numbers as indexes for your already created list, but make sure the random indexes are lower then images count.
I'm retrieving images from web in a listbox. I have to fillter the images that is been retrieved and store in another form.
If not even Google itlsef managed to determine the content of an image from the internet without the description, why do you think it should easy enough for you to do?
The best is to use Google mage search with the passed phrase (in this case "red rose"), then temporarily save a number of the pictures. (I don't know how to connect to google and retrieve images programmatically).
Next you calculate the random number and pick the 10 (or whatever number) images accordingly and throw the rest away.
Finally, you use PictureBox es to display the kept images on your form.
I am using one c# dll.I want to use it or say register it.
But when I run my site thru iis ,it is not reading my dll functionality.
I think i have register my dll.
I followed following step :
1. Made rdkey.snk in my bin folder
2.Registered my dll through gacutil .In commmand prompt it say successfully registered though dll do not get copied in assembly folder.
where I am wrong ?
Can someone repeat the steps involve to register dll?
Member 3669889 wrote: where I am wrong ?
I have no idea, as I really don't know what you are actually trying to achieve.
What is it that you are trying to do? And I mean at a higher level because you have obviously got your self stuck thinking at too low a level.
See,I have a dll that I am using in my web application(asp.net 2.0).
It is working ok in localhost but its not function in iis server.
I want it to function from iis server too.
What should i do ?
Can someone repeat all those step involve?
I have tried following steps:
1.my working folder is in d:\web1
2. i am publishng my project in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\test.
3.my iis\Home Directory\ is directed to this test folder.
Before this:
i) made rdkey.snk in d:\web1\bin
ii) through property page ,selecting rdkey.snk
but still its not working.
What should I do ?
Member 3669889 wrote: It is working ok in localhost but its not function in iis server.
Do you mean you added a reference to an assembly in your project and it works okay through the Visual Studio web server, but not when you upload the site to IIS?
Also, how exactly does it "not function in [the] IIS server"? Does it give an error message?
Member 3669889 wrote: my iis\Home Directory\ is directed to this test folder.
What does that mean?
Yes it throw error."Woking access to the dll is denied",something like this.My IIS pick the publish folder.hope I am clear.
Member 3669889 wrote: something like this
If you get the exact error message you can do a search for it. As it is, "Woking" is a place in the south east of England near London.
Anyway, it sounds like a permissions problem. You have to ensure that all the files are accessible from the user account that your web application is running as. This will often be IUSR_.... But you can check that in IIS.
Hi All,
In MS SQL 2000, How can I check any row of database has updated or not through update query. My basic problem is that, same user has logged on two different system when they login at same time. I want to restrict the second user for login with same name.
The better option is to maintain a user session table and put an entry in it when user loggs in.. Then while logging in you can check whether that particular user id is already made an entry in the table and restrict accordingly. Remember to delete this entry on a session end or logoff
Thanks for reply,
I have already done thats a way which you are suggested. It works perfectally in normal situation but when I login same user in two different system at same time, then the problem occurs. Both the system executes query at same time and retrives the same result from database. Thats the area where problem occurs.
You can use the database transactions properly to lock and allow only one user/transaction at a time. So the first user who get the access could login and the later will not. Since already one entry is there.
Few questions:
- Are you using a single database (all connections go to the same database)?
- is the connection alive all the time the user is logged into the system?
- Yes, I am using a single database.
- No, Connection is open before the query execution and closes after query execution.
I don't know much about it, as I never used it myself, but maybe you could use a trigger that stores the db and row name somewhere when it's being updated and check that later.
I am working in WindowsXP SP2. when am trying to connect through WBemTest its giving an error RPC server unavailable. I have checked RPC is running and firewall in my system and remote system are turned off. The 2 systems are under workgroup named 'WORKGROUP'. I have changed 'Control Panel>Administrative tools>Local Security Policy>Security Options>Network Access : sharing and security model for local accounts' to 'Classic - local users authenticate as themselves'. And again in Computer management's WMI control's property - CIMV2's security for 'everyone' Remote Enabled'.
Still am getting an error access denied when trying to access remote machine through my C#.net code. and getting RPC server unavailable in WBemTest.
Can any one help me for this...
I am trying to display a list of reports from SSRS in a WebBrowser control in C# windows application.
I have added "http://localhost/reportserver/reportservice.asmx?wsdl" as the Web service reference.
The following code works perfectly with the above
ReportService.ReportingService rs = new ReportService.ReportingService();
rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
rs.Url = "http://localhost/reportserver/reportservice.asmx";
ReportService.CatalogItem[] items = rs.ListChildren("/BaxterReports", true);
for (cnt = 0; cnt <= items.Length - 1; cnt++)
When I try to do the same thing by adding the web service as a service reference, The code does not work.
For this statement:
ReportService.ReportingService rs = new ReportService.ReportingService();
I get error like "The type or namespace ReportingService does not exist"
I need to use a service reference only as i need to develop the app in 3.5
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In other words, you are trying to consume the SSRS web service as a WCF?
Yes... But how do i make the above code work when i am using WCF?
Hello all
I am facing a strange problem, i am writing an application to download
web page content into a excel file. The code snapshot is below
//WebClient dwSolClient = new WebClient();
//dwSolClient.DownloadFile("http://sunsolve.sun.com/ search/document.do?assetkey=1-66-201341-1", "C:\PatchGenarator\Solaris\Suppdata.xls");
//MessageBox.Show("Data downloaded succesfully.
Formatting of data and report generation will start.It may take
several minutes to complete based on the density of data.");
while with some other links it is working properly, i am unable to
find reason why this link cannot be downloaded.
Kindly help!!!!
WebClient dwSolClient = new WebClient();
dwSolClient.DownloadFile("http://sunsolve.sun.com/search/document.do?assetkey=1-66-201341-1", DwnSuppFile);
MessageBox.Show("Data downloaded succesfully. Formatting of data and report generation will start.It may take several minutes to complete based on the density of data.");
i hope there was some copy paste problem. I am again posting the link