Hey, I didn't say it was perfect - just that it could be done.
Bill F
I Need a macro to collapse .NET Solution Explorer Tree. Does any one know how to do that, or have code that will do that?
Just in how many places are you going to ask this?
It is hard to release a dll at runtime.
Any body know the solution?
my question at:
lost my way
You can't release an individual dll, you can only release a whole appdomain.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dncscol/html/csharp05162002.asp
for more information
helped me.
Reflection is a very powerful namespace,but hard to use.
lost my way
GREAT! So when can we expect an article? I would love to see some more examples.
just see the two articles by Eric,and it is clear enough.
lost my way
i want to execute that line
SetWindowsHookEx(WH_JOURNALRECORD, JournalRecorderFunc,AfxGetInstanceHandle(), 0);
in csharp.
I know that SetWindowsHookEx is defiend in "user32".but the problem herer is that
I don't know where AfxGetInstanceHandle() is defiend so that i can use ijw or
pinvoke to solve my problem.
if i use it in csharp may i have to Initialized the MFC or not if yes please tell
how will i Initialized it.
how will i Initialized MFC IN MANAGED CODE?
how to use mfc dll in c# and how to access class and function in it?
related link if u could provide?
imran_rafique wrote:
how will i Initialized MFC IN MANAGED CODE?
No no no no no!!
Don't even think about it!
imran_rafique wrote:
I don't know where AfxGetInstanceHandle()
But I don't know how to use it!
Rickard Andersson@Suza Computing
C# and C++ programmer from SWEDEN!
UIN: 50302279
E-Mail: nikado@pc.nu
Speciality: I love C#, ASP.NET and C++!
I would like ot install on my computer (128RAM, 450MHz) Windows 2000, because I hope I'll get a better performance with VS .NET, than I get under WIndowsXP. (I do not plan an upgrade until January '03)
Do I make a right guess??
Here my prob is how to install Windows 2000 without do destroy WinXP? Any ideas are appreciated!
Thank you!
Shaggi wrote:
I would like ot install on my computer (128RAM, 450MHz) Windows 2000, because I hope I'll get a better performance with VS .NET, than I get under WIndowsXP. (I do not plan an upgrade until January '03)
Do I make a right guess??
Yes, because Windows XP will eat a larger part of that 128Mb RAM than Win2K will, but I'm not sure you'll get quite the benefit you're hoping for.
Shaggi wrote:
Here my prob is how to install Windows 2000 without do destroy WinXP? Any ideas are appreciated!
You need a completely spare partition, usually the primary partition of a secondary drive (not even sure if it's possible otherwise). Reboot from the CD and follow the instructions, being very careful not to format or install on the wrong drive. You should end up with a machine that asks you on startup which version of Windows you want to load.
Just as a bit of free advice - don't try to hook the software from XP into 2K, it's much safer to have two copies of everything.
Dual boot machines, as you may have guessed by now, can be very heavy on disk space; you might find it a lot cheaper just to buy a couple of 256Mb RAM chips. RAM is surprisingly cheap nowadays.
thanks to you and leppie
I have too much free space on my HDD, so its going to be cheaper than another peace of RAM I also would like to be able to use Win2000 too, so installing Win2000 isn't that bad.
BTW. What about if I want to install win from HDD (I remember the first time when I did it from the CD, it took me about 2hrs Should this make a difference?
Shaggi wrote:
What about if I want to install win from HDD (I remember the first time when I did it from the CD, it took me about 2hrs Should this make a difference?
I find that if u install from HDD, WIn2k copy the files to a temp location, however installing from a booted win2k cd wont copy the files, it will just read straight from the CD.
Shaggi wrote:
I have too much free space on my HDD, so its going to be cheaper than another peace of RAM I also would like to be able to use Win2000 too, so installing Win2000 isn't that bad.
That's fair enough. If you work it properly, you can do all sorts of cool things like being able to link your Outlook files to the same place, etc. Useful if you're going to be doing this long-term. I ran 2K/ME dual-boot for over a year.
Haven't found a reason yet to have XP and 2K dual boot but I'm running 738Mb of memory, so XP is fine. If I only had 128 I'd be doing the same thing you are
Shaggi wrote:
BTW. What about if I want to install win from HDD (I remember the first time when I did it from the CD, it took me about 2hrs Should this make a difference?
As leppie said, this isn't always a good idea and to be honest it probably wouldn't save you that much time unless you're running a slow CD ROM drive (8x or less).
Installing an OS is never a quick job.
One other piece of advice... make sure you have Win2K versions of all your hardware drivers before you start
thank you people I'm about to start installing all the stuff... hm, perhaps I should go to the nearest church first
good luck
I already replied to this earlier !!!
You need to install WIn2000 on a diferent partition, as a fresh install, hopefully it wont overwrite the XP loader (it is practically the same). If it does, just start the install of XP again, till the 1st reboot, then the loader will be restored, then quit the install, iow select old XP menu item.
Finally, remove the XP setup entry from the boot.ini file.
Hope this help
Hey all - I was asked an interesting question today which stumped me. I was using the ASP.NET Custom Validation control to do custom validation. You use the EventArgs (I forget the name of the derived class) to specify an Isvalid property for whether your custom validation is successful or not successful.
But how is this information returned to the caller, I was asked, since the EventArgs object is passed Byval? It's a copy that is local to the procedure, correct?
*->>Always working on my game, teach me
*->>something new.
cout << "dav1d\n";
a reference type passed "ByVal" as opposed to "ByRef" or "ref" in c#, simply means that you cannot change the reference, not that the object is copied.
I really would like to know more about aspect oriented programming. The only refernce to it at msdn is an article that touches too much on com and atl.
Does anyone have some material on this subject that is not so much into com?
- Tariq
a friend of mine writes his diploma-thesis about C# and aspect-oriented programming. seems to be a very fresh field
he hasn't finished but i can ask him, if you like.
my friend and his professor put some slides in the web
(although my mozilla doesn't display this correctyl - you better use ms internet explorer) - maybe something on these slide helps you
most types such as int have a Parse method but Guid does not.
currently I do this
<br />
static public Guid Parse(string input)<br />
{<br />
Guid guid = new Guid();<br />
guid = (Guid)TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(guid).ConvertFromString(input);<br />
return guid;<br />
}<br />
but it seems very long winded.
Stupidity dies.
The end of future offspring.
Evolution wins.
- A Darwin Awards Haiku