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AnswerRe: Windows Service - Access is denied. Pin
mark_w_23-Jul-08 5:46
mark_w_23-Jul-08 5:46 
GeneralRe: Windows Service - Access is denied. Pin
dataminers23-Jul-08 8:22
dataminers23-Jul-08 8:22 
AnswerRe: Windows Service - Access is denied. Pin
Frank Horn23-Jul-08 6:52
Frank Horn23-Jul-08 6:52 
Probably your service is running under the system account which usually has no network rights. Either you give the system account the access rights needed (not recommended because then any other service or virus running under the system account will be able to fiddle with the network), or you use impersonation as Marc suggested, or you create a user account with exactly the rights needed and install your service to run under this very user account. I seem to recall that when deploying your service with msi you can create this user on the target machine as well.
AnswerRe: Windows Service - Access is denied. Pin
dataminers24-Jul-08 7:22
dataminers24-Jul-08 7:22 
Questionuse the loudspeakers with C# Pin
amityo23-Jul-08 5:08
amityo23-Jul-08 5:08 
AnswerRe: use the loudspeakers with C# Pin
mark_w_23-Jul-08 5:24
mark_w_23-Jul-08 5:24 
GeneralRe: use the loudspeakers with C# Pin
amityo23-Jul-08 5:28
amityo23-Jul-08 5:28 
GeneralRe: use the loudspeakers with C# Pin
mark_w_23-Jul-08 5:32
mark_w_23-Jul-08 5:32 
GeneralRe: use the loudspeakers with C# Pin
Luc Pattyn23-Jul-08 7:01
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn23-Jul-08 7:01 
GeneralRe: use the loudspeakers with C# Pin
amityo23-Jul-08 13:23
amityo23-Jul-08 13:23 
GeneralRe: use the loudspeakers with C# Pin
Luc Pattyn23-Jul-08 13:44
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn23-Jul-08 13:44 
GeneralRe: use the loudspeakers with C# Pin
amityo23-Jul-08 13:29
amityo23-Jul-08 13:29 
AnswerRe: use the loudspeakers with C#-one more question Pin
amityo23-Jul-08 13:41
amityo23-Jul-08 13:41 
QuestionDLLImport problem Pin
teejayem23-Jul-08 4:35
teejayem23-Jul-08 4:35 
AnswerRe: DLLImport problem Pin
Luc Pattyn23-Jul-08 4:43
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn23-Jul-08 4:43 
GeneralRe: DLLImport problem Pin
teejayem23-Jul-08 5:01
teejayem23-Jul-08 5:01 
GeneralRe: DLLImport problem Pin
Luc Pattyn23-Jul-08 5:17
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn23-Jul-08 5:17 
GeneralRe: DLLImport problem Pin
teejayem23-Jul-08 6:07
teejayem23-Jul-08 6:07 
AnswerRe: DLLImport problem Pin
led mike23-Jul-08 5:05
led mike23-Jul-08 5:05 
GeneralRe: DLLImport problem Pin
teejayem23-Jul-08 5:17
teejayem23-Jul-08 5:17 
GeneralRe: DLLImport problem Pin
led mike23-Jul-08 6:01
led mike23-Jul-08 6:01 
GeneralRe: DLLImport problem [modified] Pin
teejayem23-Jul-08 6:27
teejayem23-Jul-08 6:27 
GeneralRe: DLLImport problem Pin
led mike23-Jul-08 8:48
led mike23-Jul-08 8:48 
Questionadd data in datarow and fit max length columns Pin
JoZ CaVaLLo23-Jul-08 4:32
JoZ CaVaLLo23-Jul-08 4:32 
AnswerRe: add data in datarow and fit max length columns Pin
JoZ CaVaLLo23-Jul-08 4:46
JoZ CaVaLLo23-Jul-08 4:46 

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