I would like to create a sidebar type application that sits on the right side of the client area. This application will always be executing, and I want it to always be visible.
Is there any way of controlling _other_ windows so that the won't maximise or be resized over/under that application? Optimally I would like another window to maximize to the full screen _except_ for the right X pixels where my sidebar application is residing.
Always on top will fix the "always visible" parameter, but using this other windows will be hidden behind it..
Preferrably I would like to set a registry value or such setting max size, but the next best case is to do this programmatically in my app.
Would really appreciate an answer!
Best regards
// T
That hit the spot!
Thanks for the help!
Really appreciate it!
// T
I have an issue that hopefully has a quick answer (dont we always...)
I have some code that uses this as an identifying tag:
[:: ::]
So i would mark something as [::Text_In_Here::], and I would identify that there was a tag with this expression:
\[:: (.|\n)+?::\]
this works fantastically. But, in some cases, i need to be able to identify the tag, and replace the outer portion with another tag. SO what I need is to able to find [::Text_In_Here::] and turn it into <input type='hidden' value= 'Text_In_Here'/>
any ideas? i am using Regex.Replace in other areas, but it doesnt appear to have an overload that will do what I need.
Mr Griffin, eleventy billion is not a number...
You would need to modify your regex so that it captures the entire inner portion of the tag. Then when replacing you can reference the inner portion using $1.
Note: I added "?:" to the inner parenthesis so that the character matched by it is not captured. Instead, the entire inner portion is captured.
Regex regex = new Regex(@"\[: ?:.|\n)+?)::\]");
String output = regex.Replace("[::Testing::]",
"<intput type='hidden' value='$1'/>");
Take care,
Check out my blog at http://tjoe.wordpress.com
row adding (after adding + saving, reloading the form) is OK to 1 of my table but delete is not... Here's what I've done:
since DeleteCommand didn't exist to that table I defined a simple one (at dataset designer mode to the tableadapter):
DELETE FROM Felhaszn_Egyeb
WHERE (TetelArId = @TetelArId) AND (EgyebId = @EgyebId) AND (Mennyiseg = @Mennyiseg)
similarly UpdateCommand is defined as follows:
UPDATE Felhaszn_Egyeb
SET TetelArId = @TetelArId, EgyebId = @EgyebId, Mennyiseg = @Mennyiseg
WHERE (TetelArId = @Original_TetelArId) AND (EgyebId = @Original_EgyebId)
upon the user clicks the delete button, the bindingsource.removecurrent() & bindinsource.endedit()
& [dataset].acceptchanges() are invoked row is deleted from the datagridview
upon user clicks save the well known invoked (thistableadapter.update(thisdataset.thisdatatable)
upon reloading the form it still fills the table with 1 row, which shouldn't be there
thx for your thread...g
I like the way menus can be slid in and out of view in Visual Studio (such as solution explorer and the properties window) and would like to use something similar for a project I am working on.
I assume this is a control you can drag onto a form in visual studio that when the mouse moves over shows panels in a specific position. Does any one know which control I should use?
Also If i want to make the menus slightly transparent is it a case of inheriting from say a panel then overriding its draw command using GDI? I may be way off the mark with this one as I have not done this before (only made my own items using GDI)
I don't think it's built in, but there is a free control (I haven't used it, but many folks here have): http://sourceforge.net/projects/dockpanelsuite[^]
Me: Can you see the "up" arrow?
Me: Can you see an arrow that points upwards?
User: Oh yes, I see it now!
-Excerpt from a support call taken by me, 08/31/2007
I am new to C#the problem is this that i m making an employee database for a firm the informATION will be filled in three forms serial vise for example
1 Employee personal
2 Service history
3 Expertise
when i fill the first form then when i click next i want to fill the second service history form in the same window so how it could be possible i dont want a separate window to be opened as many softwares do the same procedure by pressing next and going on filling the information in same window in different criterias
One easy way to do this is to build your different views as controls and show/hide them on the form.
However, my overall advice would be that if you're new to C#, you should not be writing code that anyone is going to use for anything, unless you have a strong background in another language.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
The above suggestion is best but what about if i use MDI will it solve the problem and how to displaydifferentforms ibn window
Doesn't make any difference. You don't display different forms in a window, you display different controls. A form is a window.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
Please give me an idea how to change the layout of an excel file through c# coding.If i am opening the printer dialogue box the then change the layout, the printing layout is working fine but it doesnt the layout of the excel
Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
Ok, I have a datagrid, the user can input data. I want something which will prevent them to edit
previously created rows.
Can someone give me some suggestions.
Thanx in advance
Ok I figured out something which works, could someone let me know of any other ways??
<br />
private void table_RowChanged(object sender, DataRowChangeEventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
lastRow++;<br />
}<br />
private void datagrid_CurrentCellChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
if( datagrid.CurrentCell.RowNumber != lastRow )<br />
{<br />
datagrid.CurrentRowIndex = lastRow;<br />
}<br />
}<br />
Is there a way how to disable selecting mechanism of a DataGridView at all? It brings me a lot of workaround... Simply I don't want user to select anything, neither rows, columns or cells.
thank you
That would solve your problem. You can still see the data, but you can't select. Isn't that what you want?
I need to disable selecting anything, however I still need to use all controls (button's, checkboxes,etc...)
Buttons and checkboxes inside the grid, you mean?
Perhaps another possibility, is listen for selection changed event, and when it happens, ensure that 0 rows are selected.
I'm writing text in a richTextBox and I want to find the position of the cursor, not the mouse cursor.
Can you help me.
int pos = richTextBox.SelectionStart;