I want to modify/update xml, but i don't know which node or element going to be modify. So there should display whole xml file and it should be editable and then there should be save option.
please help me on this.
praveenkumar palla
Do you want do to this in a GUI or just console?
One easy way to handle an XML File is the XMLDocument Class.
Another way is to try the XMLReader class.
Just see what you need.
This is a GUI application(C#.net windows)
I tried in many ways but it is giving validation error
praveenkumar Palla
Is the xml file valid for it selfe?
If so the XMLDocument Class is a little bit tricky, but it manage itselfs. With nodes oben close and the primitiv stuff. Another thing is that in runntime ther might occure symbols like "&" or other special symbols. For example you must wirite & in your xml file.
If this all is correct, and it doesn´t work please post the error message and the xml File or even the code.
I'm developping using VS.NET/.NET 2.0 and my listView does not have the effects available on Vista listView.
Please help me with this.
I want to filter the productID that starts with "MDF", so I use
bindingsource1.filter = "productID like 'MDF%'" (look like sql query), but it's not working.
Somebody could correct the code will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
It seem to be a solution or an answer.
Do you want a sql query for this?
if so then here it is
select fieldNames
This would select all/several fields from the table name where the productID begins with MDF%
You can use connection/command/dataReader accordingly depending upon the database you are using.
Keshav Kamat
It will be OK if I use sql query to filter the productID begins with MDF.
But, what I need is bindingsource1.filter = "productID like 'MDF%'" is correct or not ? I mean that "productID like 'MDF%'" string is correct or not. If not, How must I make it correct ?
It seem to be a solution or an answer.
It is working on my system. Hope that u r resetting the datasource of DataGridView after applying the filter on bindingsource1.
can I with CreateInstance create instance of form that requires parameters?
frmShopGood frmTemp = new frmShopGood(new DSBasis());
I tried this, but what can I do with parameter "new DSBasis()"
Form myForm = (Form)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(formName));
Thanks, Jure
Tavbi wrote: can I with CreateInstance create instance of form that requires parameters?
Have you read the documentation for CreateInstance[^]?
Perhaps this[^] will help.
I read, but I still have problem.
Can you give me solution for my example, please?
Something like this:
Type type = Type.GetType("MyNamespace.MyFormName");
object[] args = new object[1];
args[0] = new DSBasis();
Activator.CreateInstance(type, args);
Thank you Colin, it works.
Hi all,
After converting application from C#.net 2003 to C#.net 2005 the following error comes.
ActiveX control '6bf52a52-394a-11d3-b153-00c04f79faa6' cannot be instantiated because the current thread is not in a single-threaded apartment.
pls. suggest solution
i have Setup of Project. i want to make a licence key after installing the Setup project. After giving the right licence key, then project or exe file should Start. I have no idea about that. please give me some ideas.
I Have a problem of memory leakage.
and i m using COM objects in the page which will not free memory.
so How To Free Memeory of COM object?
Best Regards,
Chetan Patel
Release it.
Make the object NULL.
I have already try that but still i found problem of memory leak.
please give me another solution.
maybe a bit of a hardcore solution, but you could instantiate your COM object in a separate application domain and when you don't need the COM object anymore drop the application domain, that should take care of the memory issue I think...
Have you tried this:
before you set your COM object to null?
I'm working with RichTextBox.
How can i make that if i push right button, the text (or only 1 position), that is under my cursor became Selected ? (as if i press left button ?).
One nation - underground
check the key event.
Keshav Kamat
this might be happenin because of the location of mouse.
you can use datagrid paint method and in that you have to write
MaskedTextBox Ma=new MaskedTextBox("");