Thanks for your reply.
I am in charge of designing a full-text searching tool, a windows application, and the ComboBox is used for user to select file types for searching. I think it would be better if the user can select more than one file types. For the selected file types, if more than one item, they should be displayed, either comma or semicolon separated. Or is there another tool instead of ComboBox that I can use?
Does anyone have any suggestions to solve this issue?
You should either be using a group of check box controls or a CheckedListBox. What you're wanting to do, goes against the standard design for that control.
Thanks for the information.
I have a program which has a bunch of user controls. (Talking in the hundreds here) You can basically consider these controls as a bunch of buttons, with 2 images taken from the hard drive as Up and Pressed states. (The images are stored in memory when the control is first created, so there isn't any delay getting them from the hard drive.)
My problem is that when the program is minimized and then maximized, all the user controls redraw themselves. Is there any way to stop this?
Now, bearing in mind that RAM is not an issue, (well as long as it doesn't use more than 300MB or so of it anyway :P ) so if the only way to fix this is to use lots of memory, I don't mind.
Any suggestions?
PS. I'm assuming that the Windows GUI is discarding the conrol graphics as soon as they're off screen to improve performance. If this is true, then a way to stop this would be appreciated. (Also making it all get painted at the same time on startup would be appreciated. A slight delay while loading up the program would not matter)
Note: Using UserPaint, AllPaintingInWmPaint and DoubleBuffer doesnt help.
- Munty
When you minimize the window and maximize it back the controls have to redraw themselves because there was no part of them visible before for windows to perform local invalidation and restore data from internal cache...
If you want the maximum speed try caching the images into variables and render them to the form with unmanaged code (the BitBlt function[^] if I am not wrong).
Hope it helps ....
protected internal static readonly ... and I wish the list could continue ...
I have a Windows service, which should be installed using MSI.
The installation goes well.
When i run the MSI again to uninstall the service i have no errors occurred, but the service is still there and also the installation files.
Does anyone has any idea?
Vadim G.
Did ya stop the service first? and if so, did the service actually STOP?
If you attempt to uninstall a running service, that won't work.
"That's an idea."
Thank you for reply.
But unfortunately i've already tried it -> unsuccessfully.
(It does succeed when i run InstallUtil)
How can I bind list with datagrid and textbox?
Perhaps you could explain better, maybe tell us the problems you are having.
only two letters away from being an asset
I am trying to display a moneyfield in a gridview but it displays as 14.9500 instead of 14.95$
Can anyone help please , I have tried editing as {0:c} and {0 .00} which works for a datalist but not for the display in gridview.
Create a template column and then in the label set the text to:
Text='<%# Convert.ToDouble(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"moneyfield")).ToString("C") %>'
Hope that helps.
Set the DefaultCellStyle.Format property of the column to c
Hayder Marzouk
Thanks for your prompt reply but
when I edit Gridview columns I can't find this property.
My response works in a .Net 2.0 Windows Forms application not is an ASP.NET Project.
- Edit the gridview columns
- Select ure column
- Select the property DefaultCellStyle and click the button in the right.
- You will find the Format property in a new opened property form
- Set the property to c
Hayder Marzouk
Thanks a lot for your help
I am using an ASP.NET web site.
I have developed an application (i.e. a rss news reader) it reads news from any rss source.
Now the problem is that i have selected its position just over the taskbar and always on TOP ; issue is that my news reader overlaps all the applictions.
I want my RSS News Reader to appear as task bar appears (i.e. all application launched should be above as in the case of windows task bar)
Thank you!
"Mess with the Best, Die like the rest"
Always on top means your application will always be on top :P the only applications that can appear over it are others that have set always on top
Thx for the reply,
But clearly it seems like you haven't read the complete question.
Let me clarify it in simple words "I have developed an application, now i want my application behave in the exact manner as windows taskbar"
Thank you!
"Mess with the Best, Die like the rest"
Ok, well the taskbar has a range of functionality that is modifyable. With this in mind I have to reply to the information you provided.
"I want my RSS News Reader to appear as task bar appears (i.e. all application launched should be above as in the case of windows task bar)"
It seems you had missunderstood what AlwaysOnTop does. Since your asking for your application to not be on top and you have set AlwaysOnTop the answer is to turn this off. By giving an explination of what AlwaysOnTop does I was hoping you'd take the hint that you might want to turn it off.
So I'll clarify this in simple words, set AlwaysOnTop to false and other applications will be able to appear over the top of it.
If this isn't the answer you want maybe you should ask a better question.
Well still missing the point, the war isn't about AlwaysOnTop = true|false, wht ever it is dosen't matter.
I am pretty surprised that even being a window user you are having difficulty understating the very scenario that I am in.
Let me again describe you in more easier words
1-Lets say I want to develop an appliction that will run just above windows taskbar ( i have achived this)
2- When my application loads it works fine and is AlwaysOnTop when i set it true and not always on top when i set it false,
3- I wish my application to always be visible to users (like windows task bar)
4- When i do so by using the AlwaysOnTop property it work but with one problem
(i.e.) As you may have noticed that many of the app. give status on the bottom of their respective screens, problem is that if my application runs in that area people aren't able to view that status bar.
5- Now i have seen many software that run exactly over the task bar and when applications are launched they launch above them (just like task bar i.e. no application runs on or below task bar)
Thank you!
"Mess with the Best, Die like the rest"
I think you're both on different wavelengths here, or on a different axis.
Allow me to try and assist.
The word 'above' and 'on top' are very ambiguous in this context. One of you is talking about the Z-position of windows, while the other is talking about the Y-position.
So what he wants to achieve is his program acting like f.e. the task-bar does (as he specified in his post).
When you have the taskbar on your screen, you can set the AlwaysOnTop property, and it behaves accordingly, this is not the issue. What also happens is that when you fullscreen an application, it counts screensize MINUS size of taskbar. So the window doesn't overlap with the taskbar.
What he wants is a way to make his program have this behavior too, thus allowing him to place and his program to the sides of the screen, and make other windows not over- or underlap with this when they are maximized.
I hope I got it right :p
Visual Studio can't evaluate this, can you?
public object moo<br />
{<br />
__get { return moo; }<br />
__set { moo = value; }<br />
That is certainly my interpretation
Mine too. I've seen this done in a c++ app before, but it was a 3rd party product so I can't look at code to see how it worked.
CleaKO The sad part about this instance is that none of the users ever said anything [about the problem].
Pete O`Hanlon Doesn't that just tell you everything you need to know about users?
Yup I think your spot on