hi guys,
i hav created an windows forms application using c# 2.0 using visual studio 2005.but the problem is when i click my controlbox in the top corner in the application it does hide the form but it doesnt exit the application...i can see the application running in the task manager?? is there any options to solve this issue..
Have you coded a Form Closing event handler? If so, what's in it?
well i didnt code FormClosing event..but now i tried that but still same?? why is that ?
here is the formclosing code i did now
private void frmMain_FormClosing(Object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) {<br />
Application.ExitThread();<br />
Application.Exit();<br />
<br />
any solutions please
Well, the default behavior for that control box, is to close the form, so you must have code somewhere that's preventing this from happening.
What's in the Program.cs ? Do you have anything following the Application.Run() ?
You're best bet is going to be to step through your code in the debugger and find out where your form is being hidden and why your application is not terminating.
Is is possible to create a user interface control in C# .NET 2002 or 2003 that can be used by a Visual Studio 6.0 C++ dialog. I must substitute old J++ ActiveX user interface controls and rewrite then in C#. I have been doing research and have seen that it is possible to access .NET managed assemblies from unmanaged COM components, but these technical articles don't appear to address my problem. Is there some way I can convert a .NET control to an ActiveX component so that it will be accepted by the Visual Studio 6 C++ dialog builder? Any help, tips, assistance will be greatly appreaciated.
Steve J B
I'm building a MDI application which will have a project enviorment.
I have never built such kind of complex application.
I have several datastructures which i need to store in order to keep a state.
I would like to ask how should i record all this into a file.
Well now, that's up to you. You could:
- Serialize the data to an Xml file(s)
- Store it in a database (e.g., SQLite, Firebird, MySQL, MSDE, etc...)
- Save it off in your own structured file
There is no 'one way' that is set in stone, and each has it's own pros/cons.
These are all design decisions that you need to make yourself.
Yes, of course.
But tell me, assuming that i want to use the saving to file in a own structure.
How should i save several types of classes in a unified way? Do you understand my question?
I have Lists, variables, etc.
How should i do it?
The only time i done that was some years ago in C, using a fwrite to store many strucutres of determined type.
How should i do it here?
Have a look at the System.IO classes for StreamReader, StreamWriter, etc...
MSDN Link[^]
It was missing the allow drop property set to true in the target control.
Post in wrong thread!
I'm trying to implemenent some drag and drop functionality.
Basicly i have two controls:
- A listbox, the source of drag
- A tabcontrol, the destiny of drag
Well, i have wrote the following events:
<br />
void layoutPanelOnMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs me)<br />
{<br />
Layout temp = null;<br />
ListBox lb = (ListBox)sender;<br />
int index = lb.IndexFromPoint(me.X, me.Y);<br />
if (index >= 0)<br />
{<br />
lb.DoDragDrop((string) lb.Items[index], DragDropEffects.Copy);<br />
}<br />
}<br />
<br />
void displayEditorOnDragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs de)<br />
{<br />
if (de.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text))<br />
{<br />
de.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy;<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{<br />
de.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;<br />
}<br />
<br />
}<br />
<br />
void displayEditorOnDragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs de)<br />
{<br />
string layoutName = (string)de.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Text);<br />
}<br />
I have 3 tabs in the tabcontrol and i want to apply this to the first tab.
When i try to do something with this, i can drag, but i cant drop.
This is in a MDI application where the listbox is in the main form and the tabcontrol is in the child form.
Any tips?
It was missing the allow drop property set to true in the target control.
But now i have another problem:
I want to pass thru the drag and drop a class made by me.
As i can see the allowed formats for drag and drop have a specific set of types.
What type should i use to pass a custom class?
My other option is pass text and then get it based on the text, but using that form i then need to access the MDI parent to have access to the structure that holds the item i need.
Any tips?
i have a unicode string in arabic language. i want to convert it to its integer value. but when i use Convert.Int32(unicodestring). it raises exception that the input is in invalid format. please guide me how to convert unicode string to int.
Omar Lodhi
Posting the relevant code sample would be helpful. Also, you can try Int32.Parse().
The cold will freeze our stares
We won't care...
How many characters in the string? Maybe thats the problem?
Perhaps you need to ittereate through each character of the string in turn, something like:
foreach( char character in unicodeString )
int charValue = Convert.ToInt32( character );
Just an idea.
If your still stuck, you should post some of your code.
Wayne Phipps
Time is the greatest teacher... unfortunately, it kills all of its students
View my Blog
i have to convert a unicode string to its hex equilent. i have converted this from a VB6 code that uses AscW() method to convert unicode to a integer value and then to Hex value.
Here is code
String strSrc="جمل هندسة في الدنيا أن تبني جسرا من الأمل على بحر من اليأس..";
strResult = "";
for (int i = 0; i < strSrc.Length; i++)
//tried this one get exception
//nVal = Int32.Parse(strSrc.Substring(i, 4));
//tried also statement below also get exception
nVal = Convert.ToInt32(strSrc.Substring(i, 4));
strHex = Convert.ToString(nVal, 16);
strResult += strHex;
catch (FormatException e)
Exceptoin error string is "Input was not in correct format"
Thanks and Regards,
Sorry, mate; I don't know any Arabic, so I have no idea if the string you have is a valid numeric string. If what you have is indeed a VALID numeric string in Arabic, perhaps the problem is the locale/culture settings.
Int32.Parse() and Convert.ToInt32() both have various overloads - why don't you check them out? Pay special attention to the ones that take a CultureInfo parameter. Also, given Arabic is an RTL language, are you sure Substring() is returning the correct substring?
The cold will freeze our stares
We won't care...
i think RTL is only for displaying data. in case of string storage it is stored just same as normal string. this code is working in VBA that reads unicode converts unicode string to hex format. do you know any method equivalent to VB method AscW for getting code of any unicode character.
hi all,
i've developed a small software [windows application]and i wanna make a privilage/provision that,
user will have a button[update] in my appliation where in which i will provide current version
whenevr user click on update buttton,
i need to compare that current version with the version that is available on my website.
thnx in advance,
i am using C#.Net and VS2005
I can't get regasm.exe to load my .dll it says it is not a valid .NET assembly. Why not in built just fine.
I can't figure out which way to go. The .dll is for extending the ESRI engine.
God Bless,
Programmer: A biological machine designed to convert caffeine into code. Developer: A person who develops working systems by writing and using software.
[ ^]
Which version of .NET are you using? .NET 1.x tools cannot use .NET 2.0 assemblies.
I knew that, but wasted 10 minutes of my life because the PATH settings were not correct.
The cold will freeze our stares
We won't care...
Its building and reg-ing correctly now. But now my classes wont show up in Arc.
I will get it sooner or later.
God Bless,
Programmer: A biological machine designed to convert caffeine into code. Developer: A person who develops working systems by writing and using software.
[ ^]