you just have to keep tracks of the position of the writing process and limit yourself to not read beyond where the last write position was.
sounds like just what i need! however i already tried something like that but couldn't get it to work. do you have any suggestion (maybe an article link or code snippet) how i could accomplish that? many thanks for your reply, i now have an idea in what direction to search!
Does the C# Express Edition include the ability to deploy the application? I have seen that VS2005 has ClickOnce, but I cannot determine if it is available in Express Edition.
Also, are there any other options besides InstallShield to deploy VS2005 applications?
econner wrote: Does the C# Express Edition include the ability to deploy the application? I have seen that VS2005 has ClickOnce, but I cannot determine if it is available in Express Edition.
Does this answer your question.
econner wrote: Also, are there any other options besides InstallShield to deploy VS2005 applications?
NSIS, InnoSetup. I personally don't bother with InstallShield, MSI or ClickOnce. It's just this feeling of being in complete and utter control of NSIS that gives me a warm feeling
I suggest you take a look at the installer script for Sharpdevelop if you want a good example of installing .NET applications using NSIS. The #develop script performs checks for frameworks, registers file associations, custom bitmaps etc etc.
You've probably guessed this by now but I'd strongly recommend NSIS, the things you can do with it are endless. I even wrote scripts which would install mods into GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas with it .
You know you're a Land Rover owner when the best route from point A to point B is through the mud.
I will take a look at NSIS.
Good man
I might warn you that although you have complete control overall, sometimes you do want a quick drag & drop solution, there are multiple NSIS editors out there (look on the Wiki) and some even have wizards. But if you use it regularly then there's nothing stopping you (hopefully).
You know you're a Land Rover owner when the best route from point A to point B is through the mud.
I have taken a "quick" look already this evening. Looks very good. I believe I seen where it does also support the installation of the .NET framework if needed. I will take a closer look in the next day or so.
Thanks again.
Hi,i'm trying to make a round edjed form with gdi+, it works pretty good when you do it in a normal form, but has a midiparent(a form inside the mdicontainer) the colorthat is drawn is the one that is suposed to be the transparencykey.
in the code that criates the round edjed form i pus:
childform.allowtransparency = true;
does anyone have an idea of how to draw something tranparent?
thanks for everything :P
"There is no great genius without some touch of madness." - Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD)
i am developing a project on outgoing call. i want to play an audio file when the phone is connected. i have used the following code:
ITTerminalSupport ts = (TAPI3Lib.ITTerminalSupport)ia[0];
string str=TAPI3Lib.TapiConstants.CLSID_String_FilePlaybackTerminal;
ITTerminal fpbt =
ITMediaPlayback mp =(TAPI3Lib.ITMediaPlayback)fpbt;
object[] audiofile=new object[1];
audiofile[0]=@"C:\Documents and Settings\Ankita\Desktop\project\tapi3_dev\tapi3_dev\my 3rd file.wav";
mp.PlayList=audiofile;//because it requires objet array.
/*If you have already selected terminal by bcc.SelectTerminalOnCall(terminal)
then please unselect it by bcc.UnselectTerminalOnCall(terminal)*/
mc.Start();//will start playing the audiofile.
catch(Exception exp)
the code runs successfully but without playing an audio file even though the file is in correct format.
can anyone help me. i am using a voice modem.
I want to make my application receives events from the system that a specific process has been started or ended
how to do this
Thx all
I'm using a third party COM dll, which I've referenced in my C# project. However, when I call a certain function in it, it throws an error message saying "The instruction at 0x10153c89 referenced memory at 0x0751629c. The memory could not be 'read'" and then the application terminates.
Is this most likely to be an error in the COM dll, or does anyone else have any other ideas on what the problem may be?
When Visual Studio generates the interop assembly for the COM dll and places it in your build output directory, how does it 'route' the function calls to the actual COM dll it wraps, or is this information contained within the interop assembly itself?
Thanks for your time and help
cheeze103 wrote: When Visual Studio generates the interop assembly for the COM dll and places it in your build output directory, how does it 'route' the function calls to the actual COM dll it wraps, or is this information contained within the interop assembly itself?
The COM interop assembly contains the globally unique identifier (GUID) of COM object it's calling. The CLR will marshal the data between managed and unmanaged appropriately (sometimes with hints from code, such as the MarshalAsAttribute).
As far as the error, there's no way that we can know. Can you show us the function signature (both native COM and .NET wrapper) for that function that's causing the error?
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Judah Himango
blockquote class="FQ"> Judah Himango wrote: As far as the error, there's no way that we can know. Can you show us the function signature (both native COM and .NET wrapper) for that function that's causing the error?
in 'original COM dll' (shown in VB6):
<br />
Public Sub ConnectProjectEx(_ByVal DomainName As String,_ByVal ProjectName As String,_ByVal UserName As String,_ByVal UserName As String,_Optional ByVal Password As String = " "_)<br />
and in the interop wrapper (using ildasm):
<br />
.method public hidebysig newslot virtual <br />
instance void ConnectProjectEx([in] string marshal( bstr) DomainName,<br />
[in] string marshal( bstr) ProjectName,<br />
[in] string marshal( bstr) UserName,<br />
[in][opt] string marshal( bstr) Password) runtime managed internalcall<br />
When I pass to this function an invalid username or password, it actually throws an exception, saying 'The user so and so does not exist'. However, when I give it a correct user, it throws the application error I mentioned before - it seems that it gets further in the dll function, and then fails, and since I can't see the actual code in the COM dll (since it's third party), I don't know what to do!
Thanks for your help.
I have developped no more Winforms applications since quite long.
I can't see how to create "global variables or objects" that would be shared among all the winforms?
In the webforms I was used to Session variables, but with winforms..? Any clue to do the same? Or in message driven way?
Any help is welcome.
Thanks a lot.
You could make your "global" variables members of a singleton Globals class that's accessible by all the forms in your application.
My new year's resolution: 2048 x 1536
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I accidentally deleted your email before reading it. You're better off posting a reply to a note instead of emailing the author.
My new year's resolution: 2048 x 1536
Home | Music | Articles | Freeware | Trips
You can create a static class with static instance variables, or consts, whichever works for you.
public static class MyGlobals{
public static int MAX = 10;
public static string HW = "Hello World";
Hello All,
I have a Bound DataGridView.
If I sort the Grid by any column, then Add a row programmatically....
....the Row is 'added' to the top of the DataGridView - not the bottom, which I want.
Has anybody come across this before? Any suggestions?
Hi there!
Is it possible to retieve user nt name from the web request? This question
arose while thinking about authentication system implementation in the
my code --- string UserID = User.Identity.Name;
which returns Domainname\Userid
I want to make authentication process transparent for the user. E.g. if the
user is logged on the domain or is a member of the domain then perform
authentication autimatically - as a result user won't experience any login
windows, otherwise web-app will provide the form similar the IIS one for
Can this be done from the web application?
Thanks in Advance
hi all,
this seemingly simple problem is driving me nuts, can someone please tell me why the code below does not display any items in the combo box, and how i get them to show?
IDictionary<string, Keys> keys = Program.KeyboardKeys;
string[] collKeys = new string[keys.Count];
keys.Keys.CopyTo(collKeys, 0);
foreach (CaptureHotkey hotkey in hotkeys)
DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow();
row.Cells[0].Value = hotkey.CaptureType;
DataGridViewComboBoxCell cell = (DataGridViewComboBoxCell)row.Cells[1];
row.Cells[2].Value = hotkey.HotkeyCtrl;
row.Cells[3].Value = hotkey.HotkeyAlt;
row.Cells[4].Value = hotkey.HotkeyShift;
basically what this is doing is providing a datagrid so users can edit hotkeys for particular operations, the IDictionary provides a subset of the System.Windows.Forms.Keys enum.
-- modified at 10:15 Wednesday 26th April, 2006
forgot to mention everything but the combo items are displayed properly for each row
Hi Everyone,
I am wondering what the best method is in order to continuously execute code while the user is pressing a button. For example, I am just making a dummy/test application right now, it only has a progress bar, and an UP and DOWN button. In the UP button code, I have it set to ProcessStep() to increment the progress bar. What I would like to do is somehow execute code over and over while the user is pressing down on the UP button (so they press and hold and it keeps ramping up until it gets to the top, instead of making them click 100 times). Also, is there an easy way to make the progress bar be verticle instead of horizontal? I've seen a lot of classes on this website that do this and make fancy ones, but I wouldn't mind using the built-in progress bar control to do it if possible. Any help would be appreciated!
Hello everyone.I am new at c# and a have a project about customer follow-up programme.How can i write the codes.i dont know anything about database.please help me.if u have the codes send me please.i have 2 weeks for my project.thanks for ur helps.
dude you really shouldnt take on that kind of thing without knowledge. check the articles on this site , that is your best starting point. I doubt you will get anything out of the box.