hi all,
i have an application that i am trying to 'port' to be more usable by accessing properties via the prop grid in VS IDE.
i have a function in my component that needs two callback functions (which the component provides delegates for) which it calls in the owning application to get/set a string in that application, how can i allow the programmer to select these functions through the property grid?
if i set the type of the property to the delegate, the propertygrid makes it readonly.
i have provided sample bare code to illustrate the calling applications functions
i would like to move the delegate declarations into designer generated code.
public Form1()
this.updater1.GetProductVersionFunction = new AutoUpdate.UpdateClient.GetVersionString(GetApplicationVersion);
this.updater1.SetProductVersionFunction = new AutoUpdate.UpdateClient.GetVersionString(SetApplicationVersion);
public static string GetApplicationVersion()
return "version";
public static void SetApplicationVersion()
any help please would be awesome.
kind regards,
i would like to enumerate functions in the owning form, when the component is dropped into it and populate a ddl for each property with those functions in the form that match the delegate.
... or ...
when i type a name into the prop box the code is generate to create the function that matches the delegate.
i am googling but am coming up short.
kind regards,
UITypeEditor is the answer. For every type you can define an editor which should be shown when it is edited in the property grid. Normally the property grid resolves one of the inbuilt ones which can edit the type but in case of a delegate it just doesn't find one. So you have to built one on your own. In general you 'just' have to inherit from UITypeEditor and mark the delegate with this class (Editor attribute)). This can become very tricky. I would recommend to use Reflector to look at one of the inbuild editors (DockStyle and DockEditor are probably a good one to start). You could also look into this[^] because it deals with this topic.
Edit: To be honest I never tried this with a delegate. I hope there are no limitations in regard to this. If yes you would have to provide a wrapper class for the delegate.
Not to sure, but I think the property grid relies on the existance of a System.ComponentModel.Design.IEventBindingService service. To do that u need to:
1. Implement the interface yourself.
2. Add it to the IServiceProvider
NOTE: if u doing this at runtime, then you will likely need to provide all the design time services yourself.
Hi every body
I want to get component Toolbox "Docking Panel (with Auto-hide)" of viusal Studio (2003 or 2005)
some body help me
you want to access the toolbox in the IDE or you want something like this?
if its the latter try the links at the bottom of that article or the article itself or google 'docking panel + c#'
I want to make a program that can create and unpack a encoded '.rar' or '.zip' document.
I have found a dll to download from rarlab.com, but it will not allow to unrar files with password.
Does anyone know where an good article about using the encoded '.rar' and '.zip' documents, or does anyone know where to get a freeware dll which already contain the functions with pack and unpack files with password.
zip lib for .NET - SharpZipLib
And I never heard about free fullfunctional rar lib...
By the way, UnRar.dll supports extraction from password protected files. At least, my password protected rar archive was successfully extracted using sample solution, coming with unrar.dll...
Robin Panther http://www.robinland.com
-- modified at 6:43 Friday 21st April, 2006
I am using Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeView control in my application.
I am able to add new nodes and child nodes to it, but the problem i am facing is that i always get the selected node id as 0, i.e the id of the first Node.
All events have been written for it, autopostback property set to true, but am not able to access the selected node id. Even the event for the selectedindexcgange does not fire.
Due to this i am able to add child nodes only to the first parent node.
I am using a right context menu, and on right click on a particular Parent or child node, different operations like Add child node, rename and delete can be performed on it.
All this can be accomplished once i get the selected node id.
Can anyone please tell me as to how to proceed with this?
Good afternoon.
How to send e-mail that there was no window Outlook Security?
public bool Send( string sub, string txt )
lastMsg = new MapiMessage();
lastMsg.subject = sub;
lastMsg.noteText = txt;
// set pointers
lastMsg.originator = AllocOrigin();
lastMsg.recips = AllocRecips( out lastMsg.recipCount );
lastMsg.files = AllocAttachs( out lastMsg.fileCount );
error = MAPISendMail( session, winhandle, lastMsg, 0, 0 ); // WARNING Outlook SecurityOutlook Security
return error == 0;
[DllImport( "MAPI32.DLL")]
private static extern int MAPISendMail( IntPtr sess, IntPtr hwnd,
MapiMessage message,
int flg, int rsv );
private MapiRecipDesc origin = new MapiRecipDesc();
private ArrayList recpts = new ArrayList();
private ArrayList attachs = new ArrayList();
oSession = new MAPI.Session();
oSession.Logon(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, true, true, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);
MAPI.Folder oFolder = (MAPI.Folder)oSession.Outbox;
MAPI.Messages oMessages = (MAPI.Messages)oFolder.Messages;
MAPI.Message oMsg = (MAPI.Message)oMessages.Add(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);
MAPI.Recipients oRcpt = (MAPI.Recipients)oMsg.Recipients;
oRcpt.Add("SMTP:xxx@xxx.xxx", "SMTP:xxx@xxx.xxx", MAPI.CdoRecipientType.CdoTo, Missing.Value);
oRcpt.Resolve(Missing.Value); // WARNING Outlook Security
oMsg.Subject = "Test Message";
oMsg.Text = "This is a test message...";
oMsg.Send(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);
I have a progressbar showing the progress of background operation , when i browse through other application and return to mine , the form takes time to redraw itself infact it is redrawn only when the progress is completed.
I went through various sites and found that this problem in delphi can be solved by using..Application.ProcessMessages...Any ideas do it in c#.
not sure how you are going about it, is it threaded ?
are you looking for Application.DoEvents() ?
need more information about your implmentation.
there is another post (recently) about how to achieve this with a backgroundworker thread
yeh with backgroundworker everything is fine....
wat I m trying is just a "for" loop whose value goes to progressbar.value using thread..then thru invoke function of threads...showing the progress in progressbar but while progressbar is working and u browse other application the windows form of mine take time redraw it self (it does not response from user)..want to make form responsive even if progressbar is functioning
If the operation is really done in a separate thread and the GUI thread isn't blocked otherwise this shouldn't occur. You should first check if you are really using your threads correctly and if the main thread is working on something.
Other than that (as already suggested) you can use Application.DoEvents() to make your form redraw. But be careful not to call this too often (with 'often' I mean many times per second) as it might reduce performance.
Thanks Robert and goofyman...Application.DoEvent()..works.
I have requirement of reading a remote file using ASP.Net (C#)
This is what I m doing
StreamReader sr=File.OpenText(<filepath>);
It give bad username and password error....
Can anyone help pls
Check file access rights
Best regards, Alexey.
hi i m able to access this file outside .net.....i myself have created tht file....its only not accessing thro .net
Can anyone pls luk into this
ASP.NET code is not run using your user acount (why would it), but a special account. The name of the accound depends on the version of IIS, but it's normally ASPNET or IIS_WPG. You have to grant permission to the file for this account.
b { font-weight: normal; }
Ya Guffa , this makes sense....but how do I grant these permissions to the file...Can u pls help
Open the properties for the file and go to the security tab. If the user account is not listed, add it. Set read permission for the account.
b { font-weight: normal; }
Hi all,
Thanks all of you for the replies. Thought to post the solution if anyone needs it. Access a remote file through Asp.Net is different from doing it thro a console or win appl as Guffa rightly pointed out. So to do this there is a class WebClient which can be used
Here's the code snippet
WebClient myclient= new WebClient();
Stream st=mycl.OpenRead(@"http://machine-name/filepath");
StreamReader sr=new StreamReader(st)
Then startreading the file using the streamReader.
Happy Coding
That method is fetching the file using the HTTP protocol via IIS, instead of using the file system. That means that the file has to be publicly available (which is not always good), it adds a lot of overhead, and it increases the traffic through IIS.
b { font-weight: normal; }
hi can anyone tell me that when we provide a url and port number in object of TcpClient class what happens. I have defined the url as
string url="127.0.01"
and then i have passed this way
TcpClient socketfor=new TcpClient(url,port);
can anyone please let me know the meaning of it.