I'm not directly getting what you are trying to achieve but if the only problem is that you can pass only one parameter to your thread function you could just pack more info into that one object parameter:
public void StartMyThread()
int param1 = 0;
bool param2 = false;
string param3 = "Hello World!";
t2.Start(new object[] { param1, param2, param3 } );
public static void MyThreadFunction(object paramAll)
object[] paramArray = (object[])paramAll;
int param1 = (int)paramArray[0];
int param2 = (bool)paramArray[1];
int param3 = (string)paramArray[2];
This works because an object array is also an objectand thus you can stuff as many parameters as you want into the call.
A bit more typesafe variant would be:
public struct ThreadFuncParameters
public int Param1;
public bool Param2;
public string Param3;
public void StartMyThread()
ThreadFuncParameters params = new ThreadFuncParameters();
params.Param1 = 0;
params.Param2 = false;
params.Param3 = "Hello World!";
public static void MyThreadFunction(object paramAll)
ThreadFuncParameters params = (ThreadFuncParameters)paramAll;
int param1 = params.Param1;
int param2 = params.Param2;
int param3 = params.Param3;
I would prefer that way because you wouldn't cast so often as in the first example and casts are always a source for runtime exceptions.
Thanks so much Robert
I'm doing now
I've got a problem.
How can I pass variables from ReadInput function to ReadOutput function via struct?
Please help.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace ConsoleApplication9
class Program
static string m1 = "\nType a string of text then press Enter. " +
"Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:\n";
static string m2 = "Character '{0}'";
static string m3 = "Character ";
public struct ThreadFuncParameters
public static char ch;
public static int x;
public static bool isM1 ;
public static bool isM2 ;
public static bool isM3 ;
static void Main(string[] args)
ThreadFuncParameters pas = new ThreadFuncParameters();
pas.ch = 'a' ;
pas.x = 0;
pas.isM1 = false;
pas.isM2 = false;
pas.isM3 = false;
Thread t1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Program.ReadInput));
Thread t2 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Program.ReadOutput));
Console.WriteLine("Thread 1 starting...");
Console.WriteLine("Thread 2 starting...");
public static void ReadInput(object paramALL)
ThreadFuncParameters par = (ThreadFuncParameters)paramALL;
char p1 = par.ch;
int p2 = par.x;
bool p3 = par.isM1;
bool p4 = par.isM2;
bool p5 = par.isM3;
p2 = Console.Read();
p1 = Convert.ToChar(p2);
if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(p1))
p5 = true;
if (p1== 0x0a)
p3= true;
p4 = true;
catch (OverflowException e)
Console.WriteLine("{0} Value read = {1}.", e.Message, p2);
p1 = Char.MinValue;
} while (p1!= '+');
ch = p1;
x = p2;
isM1 = p3;
isM2 = p4;
isM3 = p5;
public static void ReadOutput(object paramALL)
ThreadFuncParameters par = (ThreadFuncParameters)paramALL;
char p1 = par.ch;
int p2 = par.x;
bool p3 = par.isM1;
bool p4 = par.isM2;
bool p5 = par.isM3;
if (p5)
Console.WriteLine(m3, p2);
if (p3)
if (p4)
Console.WriteLine(m2, p1, p2);
How to pass parameters between threads greatly depends on what exactly you want to do. As far as I see you are starting both thread paralell where the ReadOutput thread just writes some lines to the console and ReadInput waits for user input. In this scenario ReadOutput will probably be finished before the user can input anything.
Please try to explain what you are actually trying to achieve with your code. Than I will try to give you a good way to achieve your goal.
Does anyone have experience creating an ebXML message in a soap envelope using a c# client application?
I have a windows app that needs to create, format, and post an ebXML message.
I've looked at a lot of sites (including ebxml.org) and EVERYTHING is java java java.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Paul Brower
hi all,
I have a treeview that I load from a dataset(baiscly files in a dir). I want to use the checkbox option in the treeview, when I uncheck a node it must be disabled. other app. can ask for the exsting nodes, I read this from the dataset not from the treeview.
beqause I load the treeview from a dataset I can not use the on_select method.
is there any way to put the treeview checkbox option in the dataset, and wacht if it change?
so that I can give the correct answer.
I don't think there is a direct way to solve this problem. But you could add a boolean column to your DataSet tables and when the check state changes in the tree you could change the values in this column. This way other components using the DataSet would just need to react on the RowChanged event.
but the problem is that the treeview get it's nodes from the dataset.
on startup I can have several nodes selected and other not.
how can I catch this.
hi to all,
i'm trying to select all the text in a textbox control (winform) on the enter event.
textBox1.SelectionStart = 0;
textBox1.SelectionLength = textBox1.TextLength;
when the enter event of the textbox si fired with the tab, the text is selected correctly.
but when the enter event of the textbox si fired with the mouse click, no text will be selected in textbox
does any body knows why ? if yes can you tell me what the solution is ?
best regards and thanks in advance
fady sayegh
That's by design I think. I'll let you know if I think of a work-a-round.
The MouseClick event happens after the Enter event. This is so that the user can click where they want the cursor to be positioned. Try placing your code in the MouseClick event.
There go my people. I must find out where they are going so I can lead them.
- Alexander Ledru-Rollin
You can postpone the text selection until after the mouse event processing occurs, which ensures that clicking into the TextBox will have the same effect as tabbing into it.
private void textBox1_Enter(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
this.textBox1.BeginInvoke( new MethodInvoker( this.textBox1.SelectAll ) );
lots of frustration and angst!!!
I have the answer for you...just solved it in my game I'm writing. Unfortunately my machine died last night (and is now on the curb for trash pickup) and the answer is sitting on my couch in the drive cage!!!
I had to tinker with things a bit but I did get it to work.
Ahhh I remember now....
private void myTextbox_Enter( object sender, MouseEventArgs args )
That should do it for you. Darn inconsistant behaviour!!
I'm working with Crystal reports and c# windows application. my report is bind using stored procedure to database that accepts 3 parameters. Now I want to add one more stored procedure with same 3 parameters to this report. but crystal report gives following error :
Description: One of the parameter is not supplied
SQL State: 42000
Native Error: 201 [Database Vendor Code: 201]
Can anybody know how to solve this issue?
Warm Regards
Abhijeet B.
I'm starting a process with ProcessStartInfo, setting the 'Arguments' property to a filepath to the file I want to start the process with. However, the process I start is complaining about the filepath - since the filepath has spaces in it, it only seems to pass to the process the filepath upto the first space, and then ignores the rest. The process I'm trying to start is regsvr32.exe and the argument is a filepath to a dll I want to register. Could anyone please help me?
Thanks a lot,
Use quotes:
regsvr32 "C:\My folder\myLib.dll"
In parameters "\"C:\\My folder\\myLib.dll\"";
Best regards, Alexey.
-- modified at 7:18 Tuesday 18th April, 2006
Maybe it works if the Arguments string includes quotation marks:
startInfo.Arguments = "\"c:\My File.txt\"";
You skipped extra slash:
startInfo.Arguments = "\"c:\\My File.txt\"";
Best regards, Alexey.
Thanks for the addition. Hopefully my silly fault didn't cost the questioner some valuable time.
Thanks a lot for your help guys, your advice seems to have done the trick!!
Thank you!
Hey everybody!
I wrote the simplest member I could for a string:
<br />
public string title<br />
{<br />
get<br />
{<br />
return title;<br />
}<br />
set<br />
{<br />
title = value;<br />
}<br />
}<br />
the problem is that when I am trying to set this string with a value, I'm getting a StackOverFlow!
I debugged it, and the value contains the string, but for some reason it keeps on calling itself over and over till the stack is full.
any idea why it happens?!
Thanks in advance!
your setter is calling the setter...that is until it reaches the maximum stack size - hence the stack overflow.
Your private variable needs to have a different name (or casing) to the setter itself.
-- modified at 6:18 Tuesday 18th April, 2006
wow, what a silly mistake!
Howzit people,
I sit with a very interesting problem and I have the feeling that there is an easier way to do what I want to do. In short, I want to loop through the folders on my machine and build a treeview. Here is the code that I use to do it but it is really slow (Windows form with 2 treeviews named tvwSource and tvwDestination):
<br />
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {<br />
string path = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().Location;<br />
if (tvwSource.Nodes.Count == 0) {<br />
FillTree(ref tvwSource, path);<br />
}<br />
try {<br />
if (tvwDestination.Nodes.Count == 0) {<br />
foreach (TreeNode treeNode in tvwSource.Nodes) {<br />
tvwDestination.Nodes.Add((TreeNode)treeNode.Clone());<br />
}<br />
}<br />
} catch (Exception) {<br />
}<br />
}<br />
<br />
private void FillTree(ref TreeView bindingTree, string path) {<br />
TreeNode rootNode = bindingTree.Nodes.Add("", "My Computer", "mycomputer");<br />
foreach (DriveInfo driveInfo in DriveInfo.GetDrives()) {<br />
if (driveInfo.DriveType == DriveType.Fixed) {<br />
LoopFolders(driveInfo.RootDirectory, ref rootNode);<br />
}<br />
}<br />
try {<br />
bindingTree.SelectedNode = bindingTree.Nodes.Find(path, true)[0];<br />
} catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) {<br />
if (bindingTree.Nodes.Count > 0) {<br />
bindingTree.SelectedNode = bindingTree.Nodes[0];<br />
}<br />
}<br />
}<br />
<br />
private void LoopFolders(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo, ref TreeNode parentNode) {<br />
try {<br />
TreeNode subNode = parentNode.Nodes.Add(directoryInfo.Name);<br />
DirectoryInfo[] subDirectoryInfoArray = directoryInfo.GetDirectories();<br />
foreach (DirectoryInfo subDirectoryInfo in subDirectoryInfoArray) {<br />
if (0 == (subDirectoryInfo.Attributes & (FileAttributes.System | FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.Temporary))) {<br />
if (0 < (subDirectoryInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.Directory)) {<br />
LoopFolders(subDirectoryInfo, ref subNode);<br />
}<br />
}<br />
}<br />
subDirectoryInfoArray = null;<br />
} catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) {<br />
} catch (IOException) {<br />
} finally {<br />
}<br />
}<br />
Does anyone know of a quicker way to loop through all the directories on the filesystem?
I used to be vain.... BUT now I'm perfect!
-- modified at 6:11 Tuesday 18th April, 2006