t4urean wrote: BOOL __stdcall CodecStart
(int hRadio,void __stdcall (*CallbackFunc)(void *),void *CallbackTarget);
CodecStart() takes a pointer to a callback function, the C# equivalent is a delegate . However, since the other DLL is a Win32 DLL, I don't know if it's going to work if you pass it the address of a managed code function.
Visual C++ MVP
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I a calling an API method which requires passing the reference to an array as parameter. The problem is with that parameter
The actual function is
BOOL __stdcall G3BlockScan(int hRadio,DWORD *Freqs, int Count,int StopSquelchRaw, DWORD FeedbackTime,HWND WinHandle,DWORD Msg);
Here Freqs is an array whose contents are mofied by the The API function call.
I have wrapped this function in C# as follows..
[DllImport("wrg303api.dll")] <br />
public static extern bool G3BlockScan(int hRadio, <big>uint [] Freqs</big>, int Count,int StopSquelchRaw,uint FeedbackTime,IntPtr WinHandle,uint Msg); and the function call is like this .....
..... some code.....<br />
uint[] Freqs = new uint[1001];
..... some code....<br />
if (!clsApiWrapper.G3BlockScan(radioHandle, <big>Freqs</big>, 1001, 256, 100000, pointer,Msg))<br />
MessageBox.Show("The block scanning failed to start", "WiNRADiO - Error Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); <br />
..... some code .... But now when I run the app it doesn't change the contents of the array. so I believe I need to pass the reference of the array to the function. And if I change the code like this to pass the reference of the array
[DllImport("wrg303api.dll")] <br />
public static extern bool G3BlockScan(int hRadio, <big>ref uint [] Freqs</big>, int Count,int StopSquelchRaw,uint FeedbackTime,IntPtr WinHandle,uint Msg);<br />
<br />
..... some code.....<br />
uint[] Freqs = new uint[1001];
..... some code....<br />
if (!clsApiWrapper.G3BlockScan(radioHandle,<big>ref Freqs</big>, 1001, 256, 100000, pointer,Msg))<br />
MessageBox.Show("The block scanning failed to start", "WiNRADiO - Error Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Now when I access the Freqs array after the method call I encounter a strange behaviour.. The size of Freqs array is reduced from 1000 to 1.
I can't figure out what is going wrong.
Can any1 plz suggest what to do.
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Hello all...
I want a method to embed an executable file (exe) in my application which is written in c# .. And I want a method to launch this executable after compiling my application without saving the embedded exe in a file.
And if it's possible I want a sample source code for an exe password protection program that is wrapping the exe directly.
Thanks in advance.
zorro.tmh wrote: And I want a method to launch this executable after compiling my application without saving the embedded exe in a file.
Is this embedded exe a .NET executable? If so, you can use System.Reflection.Assembly.Load method and pass it the byte[] of the assembly, IIRC.
If this .exe is not a .NET assembly, I don't think you'll be able to launch it without writing it to disk first.
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I'm currently blogging about: I luv teh choco
The apostle Paul, modernly speaking: Epistles of Paul
Judah Himango
Thank you very much for your quick response. But unfortunately the .exe file isn't a .NET assembly.
I made objects By 3D Max and I want to use these objects in Open GL...
I'm useing C#
I Appreciate any help
Well, firstly, you're going to need to render a scene in OpenGL using C#. Since OpenGL is native code rather than .NET, you'll need some bindings/wrapper to use OpenGL in C#. One such binding is the Tao OpenGL bindings[^]. You can use that to program OpenGL in your C# code.
In order to load files from 3dsMax, you'll need some library that loads files exported from Max. You can code one yourself or more preferrably, find an existing one. 3dsMax can save to .max files which are proprietary and closed. .3ds files can be exported from Max, and there are many well known .3ds file parsers which can parse out a .3ds file, read in the vertices, faces, and textures, then throw those together into a DirectX or OpenGL scene. One such .3ds importer for OpenGL is available here[^].
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I'm currently blogging about: I luv teh choco
The apostle Paul, modernly speaking: Epistles of Paul
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I'm allready use openGL with c#
I have visited this link before, but it deals with VC++ and there is no comments in the code source.
if there is onther tutorial which deals with C# plz inform us
The RealmForge project[^] uses C#, OpenGL and includes a 3ds importer. You might want to look into the source packages to see how its done.
Also, I believe the Axiom project includes a similar 3ds importer. You might want to check that out as well.
Tech, life, family, faith: Give me a visit.
I'm currently blogging about: I luv teh choco
The apostle Paul, modernly speaking: Epistles of Paul
Judah Himango
suroor, if you require more information, please post in the forums so that it can benefit others as well.
This is my first question in this board. So please be gentle with your comments
I just wanted a List<t> class that provides events when the list is about to change or has already changed.
I briefly looked in the framework documentation and searched the internet but I haven't found anything useful.
I would greatly appreciate any comments or information on best practise solutions
for this requirement.
Thanks in advance!
My implementation:
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">class</SPAN> ObservedList<T> : List<T>
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> ObservedList()
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> ObservedList(IEnumerable<T> collection)
: <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>(collection)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> ObservedList(<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">int</SPAN> capacity)
: <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>(capacity)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">#region</SPAN> EventArgs
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">enum</SPAN> ChangeAction
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">class</SPAN> ObservedListChangingEventArgs : ObservedListChangedEventArgs
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> ObservedListChangingEventArgs(ChangeAction action, List<T> item)
: <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>(action, item)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">private</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">bool</SPAN> _cancel;
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">bool</SPAN> Cancel
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">get</SPAN> { <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">return</SPAN> _cancel; }
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">set</SPAN> { _cancel = value; }
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">private</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">bool</SPAN> _handled;
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">bool</SPAN> Handled
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">get</SPAN> { <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">return</SPAN> _handled; }
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">set</SPAN> { _handled = value; }
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">class</SPAN> ObservedListChangedEventArgs : System.EventArgs
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> ObservedListChangedEventArgs(ChangeAction action, List<T> list)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>._items = list;
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>._action = action;
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">private</SPAN> List<T> _items;
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> List<T> Items
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">get</SPAN> { <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">return</SPAN> _items; }
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">set</SPAN> { _items = value; }
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">private</SPAN> ChangeAction _action;
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> ChangeAction Action
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">get</SPAN> { <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">return</SPAN> _action; }
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">set</SPAN> { _action = value; }
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">#endregion</SPAN>
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">#region</SPAN> events
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">event</SPAN> EventHandler<ObservedListChangingEventArgs> OnListChanging;
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">event</SPAN> EventHandler<ObservedListChangedEventArgs> OnListChanged;
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">private</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">void</SPAN> FireOnListChangedEvent(ChangeAction action)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (OnListChanged != <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">null</SPAN>)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">try</SPAN>
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.OnListChanged(<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>, <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> ObservedListChangedEventArgs(action, <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>));
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">catch</SPAN> (System.Exception) { }
<SPAN style="COLOR: gray"> <SPAN style="COLOR: gray"> <SPAN style="COLOR: gray"> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">private</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">bool</SPAN> HandleOnListChangingEvents(ChangeAction action, T item)
List<T> items = <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> List<T>();
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">return</SPAN> HandleOnListChangingEvents(action, items);
<SPAN style="COLOR: gray"> <SPAN style="COLOR: gray"> <SPAN style="COLOR: gray"> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">private</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">bool</SPAN> HandleOnListChangingEvents(ChangeAction action, List<T> items)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (OnListChanging != <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">null</SPAN>)
ObservedListChangingEventArgs e = <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> ObservedListChangingEventArgs(action,
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">foreach</SPAN> (Delegate subscriber <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">in</SPAN> OnListChanging.GetInvocationList())
EventHandler<ObservedListChangingEventArgs> target = (EventHandler<ObservedListChangingEventArgs>)subscriber;
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">try</SPAN>
target(<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>, e);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">catch</SPAN> (System.Exception)
{<SPAN style="COLOR: green"></SPAN> }
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (e.Handled)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">break</SPAN>;
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">return</SPAN> !e.Cancel;
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">return</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: maroon">true</SPAN>;
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">#endregion</SPAN>
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">#region</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> implementation of the list methods (those changing the list)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">#region</SPAN> Add / AddRange
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">void</SPAN> Add(T item)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (HandleOnListChangingEvents(ChangeAction.Add, item))
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>.Add(item);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.FireOnListChangedEvent(ChangeAction.Add);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">void</SPAN> AddRange(IEnumerable<T> collection)
List<T> items = <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> List<T>(collection);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (HandleOnListChangingEvents(ChangeAction.Add,items ))
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>.AddRange(collection);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.FireOnListChangedEvent(ChangeAction.Add);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">#endregion</SPAN>
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">#region</SPAN> Remove / Clear
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">void</SPAN> Clear()
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (HandleOnListChangingEvents(ChangeAction.Clear, <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>))
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>.Clear();
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.FireOnListChangedEvent(ChangeAction.Clear);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">bool</SPAN> Remove(T item)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (HandleOnListChangingEvents(ChangeAction.Remove, item))
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">return</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>.Remove(item);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.FireOnListChangedEvent(ChangeAction.Remove);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">return</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: maroon">false</SPAN>;
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">void</SPAN> RemoveAt(<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">int</SPAN> index)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>.Count > index)
T item = <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>[index];
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (HandleOnListChangingEvents(ChangeAction.Remove, item))
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>.RemoveAt(index);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.FireOnListChangedEvent(ChangeAction.Remove);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">int</SPAN> RemoveAll(Predicate<T> predicate)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (HandleOnListChangingEvents(ChangeAction.Remove, <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.Find(predicate)))
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">int</SPAN> removedItems = <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>.RemoveAll(predicate);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.FireOnListChangedEvent(ChangeAction.Remove);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">return</SPAN> removedItems;
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">return</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: maroon">0</SPAN>;
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">void</SPAN> RemoveRange(<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">int</SPAN> index, <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">int</SPAN> count)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (index+count<<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.Count)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (HandleOnListChangingEvents(ChangeAction.Remove,<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.GetRange(index,count)))
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>.RemoveRange(index,count);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.FireOnListChangedEvent(ChangeAction.Remove);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">#endregion</SPAN>
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">#region</SPAN> Reverse / Sort
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">void</SPAN> Reverse()
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (HandleOnListChangingEvents(ChangeAction.Sort, <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>))
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>.Reverse();
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.FireOnListChangedEvent(ChangeAction.Sort);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">void</SPAN> Reverse(<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">int</SPAN> index, <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">int</SPAN> count)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (index+count<<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.Count)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (HandleOnListChangingEvents(ChangeAction.Sort,<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.GetRange(index,count)))
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>.Reverse();
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.FireOnListChangedEvent(ChangeAction.Sort);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">void</SPAN> Sort()
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (HandleOnListChangingEvents(ChangeAction.Sort, <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>))
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>.Sort();
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.FireOnListChangedEvent(ChangeAction.Sort);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">void</SPAN> Sort(Comparison<T> comparison)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (HandleOnListChangingEvents(ChangeAction.Sort, <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>))
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>.Sort(comparison);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.FireOnListChangedEvent(ChangeAction.Sort);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">void</SPAN> Sort(IComparer<T> comparer)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (HandleOnListChangingEvents(ChangeAction.Sort, <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>))
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>.Sort(comparer);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">public</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">new</SPAN> <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">void</SPAN> Sort(<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">int</SPAN> index,<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">int</SPAN> count,IComparer<T> comparer)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (index + count < <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.Count)
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">if</SPAN> (HandleOnListChangingEvents(ChangeAction.Sort, <SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.GetRange(index,count)))
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">base</SPAN>.Sort(index,count,comparer);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">this</SPAN>.FireOnListChangedEvent(ChangeAction.Sort);
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">#endregion</SPAN>
<SPAN style="COLOR: blue">#endregion</SPAN>
-- modified at 8:21 Sunday 16th April, 2006
At a first glance:
You are both inheriting the List<t> class and declaring another internal list as _items. That means that you are using two different lists, one for the base methods that use the list itself, and one for the methods overriding the base methods and using the _items list instead.
b { font-weight: normal; }
Okay, I must admit this looks a bit strange but I've encapsulated the EventArg classes into the main class so the _items object is in fact not in the main class but in a EventArg class.
Maybe I should extract those subclasses
Hi i've try to write a tree using webcontrols, but i don't know the equivalent
of TreeNode.Tag which i use in windows forms . Please help. 10x.
I'm not a web developer, but I can say at least that it should be as simple as deriving from the TreeNode class you use to populate the web tree, and add a new object variable with a get/set property named Tag.
Alternately, you could just maintain a dictionary of tree node keys and object tag values.
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I'm currently blogging about: I luv teh choco
The apostle Paul, modernly speaking: Epistles of Paul
Judah Himango
i want to set pass on my access db and use it in .net but when i import it to vs.net, the following message has shown :
Microsoft Data Link Error
Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Cannot start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user.
my access was closed,and username is : Admin but i don't know why this message has been shown.
please help hat how to imort it to my vs.net and solve my problem.
Follow up on the replies you already got instead of posting the same question again.
b { font-weight: normal; }
and sorry for question again
but my problem was not solved . Please give me a full description because i am beginer.
Good afternoon.
1. In my program i send the letter through MS Outlook 2003. And so how to make so that it (Outlook) return in my program result of sending of the letter or I can not so I send:
<br />
Outlook.Application = new Outlook.Application();<br />
<br />
Outlook.MailItem oMsg = (Outlook.MailItem)oApp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem);<br />
<br />
Outlook.Recipient oRecip = (Outlook.Recipient)oMsg.Recipients.Add(CBTo.SelectedItem.ToString());<br />
oRecip.Resolve();<br />
<br />
oMsg.Subject = "Letter";<br />
oMsg.Body = "";<br />
<br />
string sSource = currentPATH + @"\Attachment.zip";<br />
String sDisplayName = "MyFirstAttachment";<br />
int iPosition = (int)oMsg.Body.Length + 1;<br />
int iAttachType = (int)Outlook.OlAttachmentType.olByValue; <br />
Outlook.Attachment oAttach = oMsg.Attachments.Add(sSource,iAttachType,iPosition,sDisplayName);<br />
<br />
oMsg.Save();<br />
oMsg.Send();<br />
And so method Send simply sends the letter and if that show warning window Outlook, that the letter is not sent, and the program easy at this time works further... And it is necessary that it reacted to result! Method Send returns void. Can be other method?
2. How it is possible define a default box in MS Outlook through which letters by default send? Thanks.
hi all,
i need to read file contents from a zip file.
i believe there are two classes in System.IO.Compression namespace:
1) DeflateStream
2) GZipStream
Is is possible, using these classes, to know:
1. exact number of files in the zip file
2. read each file individually without extracting the content anywhere.
Please help me out. Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
*** Who said nothing is impossible? I have been doing it for a long time ***
Found ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll
Hi there everybody!
I was using XmlDocument.SelectSingleNode in .Net quite fine but I just ported a portion of my code to compact framwork and it says there is no such damn function!!Is there any shortcut or other way to do the same work or ?
when i open my access db exclusively and set password and when i add oledbdataadapter to my form and in configuration window set neccessary properties and enter my pass and click test connection button,the follow message shown for me :
Microsoft Data Link Error
Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Cannot start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user.
user : Admin
Pass : 123
How to solve my problem and add my db in c# ?
When you have the database open in Access, you can't also open it from C#. Close Access.
b { font-weight: normal; }