I have an issue where the majority of our applications that we have built are ms access 2003 based applications however several of the applications have went thru MS Office 2007. When this happened the MODI active x control changed from version 11 to version 12. Now the applications all crash on machines where ms office 2007 is not installed on. Is there any way of installing the active x component with the application on the 2003 machines with out reinstalling ms office 2007?
I get an error 438 that the object does not allow for the property if the machine has only ms office 2003 installed. But when ms office 2007 is installed (Only the document image (MDI) Application) it will work just fine). What can I do to resolve this issue for us and our customers who do not have ms office 2007. I have tried removing all references and controls from the application, then putting the references back on a machine that has only 2003 installed on it but the problem stays intact. Some how it is still referencing the MODI Version 12 ocx active x control not the v11.
Hello everybody,
I am in the following situation. I have a website which runs in a secure environment.
I use an object with the CLSID: 0002E510-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 to show a excel workbook in the html page.
Since a Microsoft security update from July, this doesn't work anymore.
Now I am searching for a solution to get this working again. I found the I can change the registry key:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{0002E510-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]
FROM: "Compatibility Flags"=dword:00000400
TO: "Compatibility Flags"=dword:00000000
After this change everything works fine, but when I restart the computer the security update is installed again.
Is there any other solution to get this component working again, than changing the registry?
Or is there a registry value to change which suppresses the Micorosoft Update to run again?
Any other ideas?
Thanks in advance.
hello ,
I create Toolbar button using TBBUTTON. To set tootip i set SendMessage(m_hWnd, TB_SETMAXTEXTROWS, 0, 0L), by doing this iString member of TBBUTTON is set as ToolTip, but i want both, ToolTip and Caption to Toolbar button.So how can i set this.
I refer http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb760446(VS.85).aspx#Displaying_Tooltips_for_Buttons link.
After more than 8 hours trying to fix up a memory leak I need some help :/
I have a ATL COM component, with the following interface:
Inside the method I do the following:
VariantClear( p );
VariantInit( p );
p->vt = VT_BSTR | VT_BYREF;
*pBSTR = SysAllocString( L"abc" );
p->pbstrVal = pBSTR;
And my client in VB is like this:
For i = 1 To 1000
Dim myInt As Integer
myInt = 3
ret = client.CallService(myInt)
As far as I know the COM engine is creating a VARIANT from my integer (which is received as VT_BYREF | VT_I2), and I change it to VT_BSTR.
The VB loop causes a huge memory leak.
Am I doing something wrong ? How the COM engine handles the new VARIANT/BSTR deallocation ?
Thanks for any help.
It seem's you might not correctly release the BSTR accociated with the VARIANT *p1 variable.
You might have manually to release variant accoiated with myInt variable.
It was my first guess, but I don't think so...each time I receive a call (from the loop) I receive the same integer VT_BYREF | VT_I2 (which is deallocated by VariantClear).
It seems that this BSTR is lost between calls, causing the leak (obviously myInt is an integer and can't reflect changes).
If the BSTR is lost why don't you use BSTR* as variable type instead of VARIANT.
Which version of VB are you using?
I can't change that interface, the real code is far more complicated, basically I need to receive a VARIANT* and change their value, and the new value comes from a c++ string.
I'm testing using VB 6.
I suspect that rather than 'new BSTR', you should use CoTaskMemAlloc[^] to allocate memory in a COM server:
BSTR *pBSTR = (BSTR*)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(BSTR));
However - one other thing strikes me - why pass the BSTR back by reference? Why not use this?
VariantClear( p );
VariantInit( p );
p->vt = VT_BSTR;
p->pbstrVal = SysAllocString( L"abc" );
One less allocation, one less place to leak memory!
Java, Basic, who cares - it's all a bunch of tree-hugging hippy cr*p
The same happens with CoTaskMemAlloc, and using VT_BSTR instead of VT_BSTR | VT_BYREF.
Thanks anyway.
How CallService is defined in IDL file? If it's "CallService([in] VARIANT *p1)", then you cannot change the parameter. If it's "CallService([in,out] VARIANT *p1), then you cannot receive the parameter in Integer.
IAC, VB passes myInt variable as VT_BYREF | VT_I2 to be possible to change the myInt value. It's made only during call some method. Inside VB don't store variant by this manner.
VariantClear( p );
p->vt = VT_BSTR;
p->bstrVal = SysAllocString( L"abc" );
return S_OK;
If you desire to pass BSTR by reference, you should keep out this address and make sure to free this BSTR after using.
BSTR g_pBSTR = NULL; // global scope, so somewhere should be "if (!g_pBSTR) SysFreeString(g_pBSTR);"
VariantClear( p );
p->vt = VT_BSTR | VT_BYREF;
if (!g_pBSTR) g_pBSTR = SysAllocString( L"abc" );
p->pbstrVal = &g_pBSTR;
return S_OK;
With best wishes,
The parameter is defined as [in,out,optional].
And yes, now I understand, as I suspected, I can't reallocate the VT_BYREF | VT_I2 inside my ATL code.
The only thing still not 100% clear which confused me is that I can define a VB procedure receiving a byref variant, do the same thing receiving my int, and changing it to String and no leak happens. That was my first test.
But the difference is: there's no COM in this scenario, and the pure VB allocation\dellocation mechanisms are not the same.
Thanks a lot !
if (V_VT(p) == (VT_VARIANT | VT_BYREF))
p2->vt = VT_BSTR;
p2->bstrVal = SysAllocString( L"abc" );
return S_OK;
Dim v As Variant
v = 1
Debug.Print TypeName(v) & " " & v
Call obj.CallService(v)
Debug.Print TypeName(v) & " " & v
With best wishes,
About memory leaks. VB allocation\dellocation mechanisms are the same with COM.
p->vt = VT_BSTR | VT_BYREF;
*pBSTR = SysAllocString( L"abc" );
p->pbstrVal = pBSTR;
There are 2 memory allocations in statements "= new BSTR" and "= SysAllocString".
The VARIANT with VT_BYREF|VT_BSTR isn't an owner of its values, so freeing of the VARIANT doesn't free neither pbstrVal nor *pbstrVal. And finally you have memory leaks.
The VARIANT with VT_BSTR (without VT_BYREF) is an owner of its values, so freeing of the VARIANT frees bstrVal.
p->vt = VT_BSTR;
p->bstrVal = SysAllocString( L"abc" );
And there are no memory leaks.
With best wishes,
I am trying to call the Win 32 API messagebox function from c#.
However, i finding my code not working:
could you please help me correct it:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ConsoleApplication5
class Program
public const String UserReference = "user32.dll";
[DllImport(UserReference, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern Int32 MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, String pText,
String pCaption, Int32 uType);
static void Main(string[] args)
IntPtr ProblemCauser = (IntPtr)(-100);
MessageBox(ProblemCauser, "hello", "check", 0);
Int32 ErrorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + ErrorCode.ToString());
Your arguments are invalid!
nicetohaveyou wrote: IntPtr ProblemCauser = (IntPtr)(-100) .
-100 is a number not pointer to valid window.
Call it like that
MessageBox(this.Handle,"hello", "check", 0)
into Form body or
MessageBox(IntPtr.Zero,"hello", "check", 0)
On one side I have a C# application (WPF) from which I want to call an Office Add-In class. On my Office Add-In project I've exposed a class and an interface to COM. I'm able to call functions from my exposed Add-In object, but I'm not able to register an event, which should by fired by the exposed Add-In project.
My C# code:
officeAddIn = excel.COMAddIns.Item(ref addinName);
object obj = officeAddIn.Object;
IAddInUtilities m_excelFIMAddInUtils = (IAddInUtilities)obj;
AddInEnablingEventHandler addInEnablingEventHandler = new AddInEnablingEventHandler(m_excelFIMAddInUtils_AddInEnablingEvent);
m_excelFIMAddInUtils.AddInEnablingEvent += addInEnablingEventHandler
My AddIn Project:
public delegate void AddInEnablingEventHandler();
public partial class ExcelFIMAddIn
private AddInFIMUtilities m_utilities;
private Office.IRibbonExtensibility m_ribbon;
protected override object RequestComAddInAutomationService()
if (m_utilities == null)
m_utilities = new AddInFIMUtilities();
return m_utilities;
protected override Office.IRibbonExtensibility CreateRibbonExtensibilityObject()
RibbonExcelFIM ribbon = new RibbonExcelFIM();
ribbon.FIMSaveEvent += new FIMSaveEventHandler(ribbon_FIMSaveEvent);
return ribbon;
public interface IAddInUtilities
void EnableAddIn(bool isAddInEnabled);
event AddInEnablingEventHandler AddInEnablingEvent;
public class AddInFIMUtilities : StandardOleMarshalObject, IAddInUtilities
public event AddInEnablingEventHandler AddInEnablingEvent;
public void EnableAddIn(bool isAddInEnabled)
m_isAddInEnabled = isAddInEnabled;
if (isAddInEnabled)
if (AddInEnablingEvent != null)
What I'm doing wrong? Is there a solution which someone can provide me?
Thanks in advance
I found out a solution that works. If someone has a better working solution, please post it
The code snippet of my new code in C#:
m_excelAddInUtils = (IAddInUtilities)obj;
IpcChannel serverChannel = new IpcChannel("localhost:0");
AddInFIMUtilities addInUtilClass = new AddInFIMUtilities();
addInUtilClass.AddInSaveEvent += new AddInSaveEventHandler(addInUtilClass_OnFIMSaved);
The new delegate in Add-In class:
public delegate void AddInSaveEventHandler();
On the Add-In class I created a new IDispatch Interface:
public interface IAddInEvents
void AddInSaveEventHandler();
And extended the Main method interface:
public interface IAddInUtilities
void AddToSaveObserverList(IAddInUtilities addInUtils);
void FireSaveEvent();
The new methods in the Utility class:
public void AddToSaveObserverList(IAddInUtilities addInUtils)
public void FireSaveEvent()
On the Add-In class itself, these extensions are required:
<pre>private List<IAddInUtilities> m_saveObserverList = new List<IAddInUtilities>();
public List<IAddInUtilities> SaveObserverList
get { return m_saveObserverList; }
And eventually firing the event:
foreach (IAddInUtilities addInFIMUtil in this.SaveObserverList)
modified on Monday, August 10, 2009 6:52 AM
I am new to COM Component development. I dont have that much idea. So plz give me sample code or sample program. Thanks in Advance..
Hi David...
Thanks for responding..i will go through ....
When I try to play an .avi file in a Windows Media Player component, it is like 1 second black between each new play. It says 'Media has been found' (a translation of myswlf of the Dutch version). Is this solvable? The avi file is a copy of the Vista copy file dialog which musn't be black between every loop.
Sorry for asking this question too fast - I found out that this component can play without any black pause in between!
How to set output parameter value to javascript use invoke function's pDispParams.
in javascript
<script type="text/javascript"><br />
var fVal;
external.GetFloat(fVal);<br />
How do it in Invoke function???
STDMETHODIMP CImpIDispatch::Invoke(<br />
DISPID dispIdMember,<br />
REFIID ,<br />
LCID ,<br />
WORD wFlags,<br />
DISPPARAMS* pDispParams,<br />
VARIANT* pVarResult,<br />
EXCEPINFO* ,<br />
UINT* puArgErr)<br />
{<br />
return S_OK;<br />
Hongjun Ge
You have no chance to transmit any value to javascript by parameter in parameter's list of GetFloat function. Only by [out,retval] parameter of one. I.e. by syntax "fVal = external.GetFloat();". For this action, you should assign right value to pVarResult parameter of CImpIDispatch::Invoke.
With best wishes,